Jonathan Rohenaz
🇺🇸 Comedian, Foodie,paranamasia regurgitating, muckraker lover, Dr bronners bantering about Mia missing in action my 🧈 struggling follower of the way ❤️
Joined July 2024
Considering Jesus is the truth denying Jesus would be denying the truth and he expressed the reward for such Behavior would be him denying you before his father he didn't say before himself "But whoever denies and disowns Me before men, I also will deny and disown him before My Father Who is in heaven." To me this is obvious the truth is he is the son of God not God and if he is also the truth to deny him being the son of God would be to deny him before man and he would deny me before his father remembering that the most believable lies are 99% true this subtle difference could be detrimental to studying to show yourself approved unto God it's not about being approved by others for salvation that's what people are worried about in this world not the coming Kingdom
"Broken cisterns that cannot hold water" is a phrase from the Bible, Jeremiah 2:13. It refers to the Israelites' spiritual state and their choice to turn away from God and instead trust in broken cisterns. Explanation In Jeremiah's time, cisterns were large wells or pools carved into rock that held water essential for life. In the verse, God is saying that the Israelites have forsaken him, the source of living water, and instead have dug their own broken cisterns. The verse is a warning that drinking from broken cisterns will not satisfy people's thirst. The verse is also a reminder that people should trust in God, who is a stable and powerful source of satisfaction, rather than in the unstable things of the world. Related Bible verses John 4:10, which says that if people knew the gift of God, they would ask him for living water John 7:38, which says that those who believe in Jesus will have rivers of living water flowing from their hearts
Considering the last few posts are you an original traditional follower of the way or a follower of men's redefinition men's traditions 2 Timothy 4:3-4 essentially warns that a time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine and will instead seek out teachers who cater to their own desires, choosing to hear what they want to hear rather than the truth, described as "itching ears" - meaning they will actively look for teachings that tickle their ears and avoid challenging messages; essentially prioritizing personal comfort over the true teachings of the Bible. Key points: "Itching ears": This phrase is a metaphor for people who want to hear pleasant, easy-to-accept messages rather than the sometimes difficult truths of the Gospel. "According to their own desires": People will actively choose teachers who reinforce their existing beliefs and lifestyles, even if those beliefs are not aligned with scripture. Warning to Timothy: Paul is writing to Timothy, urging him to stay firm in teaching the true Gospel despite this potential future trend of people seeking out false teachings.
AI Overview +2 The term "Christian" was originally used as a derogatory term by non-believers to describe followers of Jesus. The term was first used in the city of Antioch by non-Jewish inhabitants. Explanation The term "Christian" comes from the Greek word Khrīstiānós, which means "followers of Christ". The term was likely used as an insult to discredit followers of Christ. The term was used to stigmatize followers of Christ who did not acknowledge the emperor of Rome. The term was later adopted by Christians to describe themselves. Before the term "Christian" Before the term "Christian", followers of Jesus were called "disciples" or "students" of Jesus of Nazareth. They were also called "the Nazarenes" by other Jews. The term "Christian" in the Bible The term "Christian" is not used in the New Testament by believers. Instead, believers used terms like "brethren", "disciples", and "saints". Thanks gemeni
The most believable lies 99% true You can willingly ignore the Lord you're still going to meet up I asked myself did God make a mistake when he inspired men to write the Bible the first time and needed Rich influential power ful men convened by the Roman emperor Constantine to reTranslate and what is the significance of making the messiah Son of God God making a man a god makes it easier to believe a man should be controlling people "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."-Mathew 24:36 sound like God to you? A broken cistern and cannot hold water
Considdering 2Timothy 4:3 The most believable lies are 99% true the elite usually have an agenda The rich powerful influential rewrote the Bible from the original inspired text to one inspired by man powerful and influential men one of the first changes was that they took the three separate God Messiah Holy Spirit confused the original translation with a new translation calling them all one 325 ad and every conference after conference at nicea one can argue the context of "Study to shew thyself approved" is a phrase from the King James Version of the Bible, specifically from 2 Timothy 2:15, which means to diligently study and apply the word of God so that you can present yourself as someone who is approved by God, without shame, and capable of rightly handling the truth. Key points about this verse: Context: This verse encourages Christians to actively engage with scripture, not just passively read it. Meaning of "approved": To be considered acceptable or worthy by God. Application: This verse is often used to emphasize the importance of personal Bible study and understanding the word of God deeply. Use a Bible app with a Concordance or use a physical hard copy Concordance which gives the original Greek or Hebrew and definition as well as other useful information pertaining specifically to the Bible what the same word has been translated to in other cases and more...