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Ken Alder Profile
Ken Alder



I'm just a 'Torah Based Universalist' determined to "earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints!" FOLLOW me as I FOLLOW Messiah Yahusha!

Verdigre, Nebraska USA
Joined August 2023
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Ken Alder
1 month
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Ken Alder
1 hour
From the Encyclopedia Britannica... In North Africa: Religion and culture "The chief deity was Baal Hammon, the community’s divine lord and protector, who was identified by the Greeks with Cronus and by the Romans with Saturn." If Ba`al Hammon was given a weekday devoted to worship of himself, what day of the week would that be?
Ken Alder
1 hour
Pro 25:2 It is the esteem of Elohim to hide a matter, And the esteem of sovereigns to search out a matter.
Ken Alder
2 hours
Still studying Ba`al worship believing that Ba`al and Saturn are one and the same. Here's what Grok gave me... How are Ba`al and Saturn related? The connection between Ba'al and Saturn involves a mix of mythology, astrology, and historical syncretism across different cultures. Here's how they are related: Mythological Syncretism: Ba'al: In ancient Canaanite religion, Ba'al was a title meaning "lord" or "owner," often used for various gods, most notably Ba'al Hadad, the storm and fertility god. His worship was widespread in the Near East. Saturn: In Roman mythology, Saturn was the god of agriculture, wealth, liberation, and time, often identified with the Greek Cronus. His festival, Saturnalia, was a time of feasting and role reversal. Syncretism: Through cultural exchange and the spread of Hellenistic and Roman culture, deities from different pantheons were often equated. In this context, Ba'al, particularly in his role as a god of fertility and time, could be seen as analogous to Saturn. This wasn't a direct equivalence but rather a conceptual overlap where Ba'al's attributes in certain contexts (like agricultural abundance) paralleled Saturn's. Astrological Interpretations: In astrology, Saturn is associated with limitation, discipline, time, and harvest, which can resonate with Ba'al's agricultural aspects. Some esoteric traditions or interpretations might use this to link the two deities symbolically. Historical Context: Phoenician Influence: The Phoenicians, who spread Ba'al worship, also had contact with Roman culture. In places like Carthage, which was a Phoenician colony, there might have been syncretism between local deities like Ba'al Hammon with Roman Saturn, especially given their shared agricultural themes. Roman Assimilation: As Rome expanded, it often assimilated local gods into its pantheon, sometimes equating them with Roman deities. This could lead to Ba'al being seen through the lens of Saturn's characteristics in certain regions. Modern Interpretations: In occult or fringe historical narratives, there's sometimes an attempt to link ancient deities across cultures more directly than historically accurate. Here, Ba'al might be linked to Saturn through broader themes like time, authority, or cosmic order. Cultural Misinterpretation: Over time, especially in the context of demonology or Christian polemics against pagan gods, Ba'al might have been demonized or reinterpreted in ways that link him to Saturn's less benevolent aspects (like the harshness of time or the end of cycles). While there's no direct historical or religious text stating Ba'al and Saturn are the same deity, the cultural and symbolic connections arise from how different ancient civilizations interpreted and assimilated foreign gods into their own religious frameworks. The relationship is thus more about shared themes and roles rather than an exact mythological equivalence.
Ken Alder
2 hours
In researching what Ba`al has to do with Saturn I came across the phrase "the lunar crescent symbol for Saturn". I decided to ask Grok about it. Here's what Grok gave me... How is the lunar crescent a symbol for Saturn? The association of the lunar crescent with Saturn is not as straightforward as with other celestial symbols, but there are a few historical and cultural contexts where this connection might be understood: Ancient Astronomy and Astrology: In ancient times, the observation of celestial bodies was crucial. Saturn, known for its slow movement through the sky, was often associated with time, agriculture, and harvest due to its long orbital period. While the crescent is most commonly linked to the Moon due to its phases, some cultures might have used the crescent shape symbolically for various planets, including Saturn, to denote the night sky's mysteries or celestial influence. Mythological and Symbolic Interpretations: In Roman mythology, Saturn (or Cronus in Greek mythology) was the god of time, wealth, agriculture, and liberation. The crescent, often seen in the night sky, could symbolize the cyclic nature of time or the passage of seasons, which aligns with Saturn's agricultural connotations. The sickle, an attribute of Saturn/Cronus, resembles the crescent moon, providing a visual and symbolic link. Astrological Symbols: In astrology, each planet has a symbol, but Saturn's traditional symbol is not a crescent but rather a cross with a curved line above it, representing the sickle. However, some modern or esoteric interpretations might creatively link the crescent to Saturn for symbolic reasons like the cyclical nature of time or the aspect of reaping what one sows. Cultural Misinterpretation or Creative Symbolism: Sometimes, in art, literature, or new age symbolism, the crescent might be used to represent Saturn as an artistic or poetic license to symbolize its connection to the night sky, darkness, or the passage of time, even if this isn't traditionally accurate. Occult and Esoteric Traditions: In some esoteric traditions, symbols from different cultures or religions are mixed or reinterpreted. The crescent could be used in contexts where Saturn's energies (like limitation, structure, discipline) are being invoked or studied, not necessarily because of an astronomical connection but due to symbolic or magical associations. It's important to note that these connections are more interpretative than direct; traditionally, the crescent is almost universally recognized as a symbol of the Moon rather than Saturn. Therefore, any association with Saturn would be more cultural, artistic, or esoteric rather than based on direct astronomical symbolism. If you're looking for deeper insights or specific cultural references, specifying the context (like a particular culture, religion, or historical period) could provide a more precise answer. 📷 Setting aside what Grok had to say... My guess is that the First Visible Crescent as the New Moon actually comes from a crescent that was seen on Saturn when Saturn, Venus and Mars flew by Earth in a 'close encounter' fly by not so terribly long ago!
Ken Alder
4 hours
@ApostateProphet Torah Based Universal Salvation is the best representation of The Everlasting Gospel by far. You owe it to yourself to look into it. Be blessed Brother.
Ken Alder
7 hours
Talking about my version of Universalism, which I've branded 'Torah Based Universalism'!
Ken Alder
4 hours
Yes, that is The Scholar's Corner page of the tentmaker website. The page opens with a short article that sets the stage and then as you scroll down you'll find a long list of resources it would take long time to read. More than anyone should ever need to get the jest of what Universalism is and whether it is truth or fiction.
Ken Alder
5 hours
@ArsenalOutlaw1 @donK101stAB My bad... Pro 18:13 He who answers a matter before he hears it, It is folly and shame to him. Gotcha!
Ken Alder
5 hours
@ArsenalOutlaw1 @donK101stAB Also, yeah, I'm a Full New Moon Lunar Sabbatarian and that verse I quoted was Proverbs 17:3, not Proverbs 18:3.
Ken Alder
5 hours
Yes, it was a mouthful, for sure. It's not because I want to force anything off on you but rather because I feel strongly that you're worth my effort to communicate something I hold dear to my heart. I know what it has done for me and I want nothing less for you. Be blessed Brother!
Ken Alder
6 hours
I was watching some videos and reading some articles on Ba`al yesterday, which were produced by people who might be seen as those of 'The Enlightenment'! It finally occurred to me that if the common man, and I don't mean that in a derogatory sense, but only as someone of weak faith, read this stuff they'd eventually lose faith in Messiah altogether. This reminded me of this verse... Mat 18:2 And יהושע called a little child to Him, set him in their midst, Mat 18:3  and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become as little children, you shall by no means enter into the reign of the heavens. Mat 18:4 “Whoever then humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the reign of the heavens. And this one... Mat 19:13  Then young children were brought to Him to lay His hands on them and pray, and the taught ones rebuked them. Mat 19:14  But יהושע said, “Allow the young children and do not stop them from coming to Me, for of such is the reign of the heavens.” But then there is this... Eph 4:11 And He Himself gave some as emissaries, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as shepherds and teachers Eph 4:12 for the perfecting of the set-apart ones, to the work of service to a building up of the body of the Messiah, Eph 4:13 until we all come to the unity of the belief and of the knowledge of the Son of Elohim, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the completeness of Messiah, Eph 4:14 so that we should no longer be children, tossed and borne about by every wind of teaching, by the trickery of men, in cleverness, unto the craftiness of leading astray, Eph 4:15 but, maintaining the truth in love, we grow up in all respects into Him who is the head, Messiah, Eph 4:16 from whom the entire body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the working by which each part does its share, causes growth of the body for the building up of itself in love. In all of this I recognize I've been given a role, call it an 'intermediary' of sorts, for lack of a better term. I'm not one of 'The Enlightened Ones', I'm not the brightest star in the evening sky, and yet I feel I do have an element of 'discernment' that allows me to sift through all that is proclaimed by the 'Intellectuals'. It is then my responsibility to pass on what I've discerned to be true once I've placed everything on the chopping block of Truth. I cling to what is left and pass it on to my Brothers and Sisters to edify their faith. It's humbling to consider the responsibility of having been gifted, if indeed I have!
Ken Alder
7 hours
Talking about my version of Universalism, which I've branded 'Torah Based Universalism'!
Ken Alder
7 hours
It's called Universalism in the general sense, there seems to be several flavors of it, just as there is in everything else, but I'm proclaiming a very specific brand of Universalism that is not very popular. I call it 'Torah Based Universalism' and I believe it to be the absolute best rendition of The Everlasting Gospel that exists out there in fields of harvest. While indeed ALL MANKIND WILL BE SAVED, not a single man, woman or child will be saved 'as they are', not one! Messiah Yahusha will be faithful to bring every man, woman and child to a faith in Him that produces the fruit of Torah Obedience! For a few, that faith that produces the fruit of Torah Obedience is realized in this lifetime, before He returns. Those few become the Bride of Messiah, i.e. they are The Elect of the 1st Resurrection. Then, during the Millennial Reign there will be many more who come to a saving faith that produces the fruit of Torah Observance and have their names written into The Lamb's Book of Life. There will also be many who have lived during the Millennial Reign that remain faithless or at least never arrive at a point when their faith produces the fruit of Torah Obedience. Those two categories of people living during the Millennial Reign will be judged via The Great White Throne Judgment along with all of the dead who died never having come to a living faith that produces Torah Obedience from the foundations of the world. Those who have had their names written into The Lamb's Book of Life pass the judgment and receive their reward of eternal life and ascend to The New Jerusalem. All others are cast into the refining presence of Messiah Yahusha (The Lake of Fire) where they too will eventually bend the knee and confess with the tongue that Messiah Yahusha is both Savior and Master of ALL MANKIND. The Lake of Fire is The Second Death, where people go to die to themselves. You dying to you, me dying to me. For the few, that process of dying to self is taking place in the 'here and now', in this lifetime. We are 'crucified' in Messiah, we are 'buried' in Messiah, these are word pictures of The Second Death. That Second Death experienced by the few in the 'here and now' is the preparation of The Bride. Once Messiah returns for His Bride that door closes and no one else becomes the Bride through their Second Death experience. In the end, when all the shoutin' is done, only a 'few' will become both, The Bride of Messiah and The Elect, that rule and reign with Messiah during His Millennial Reign, even though eventually ALL MANKIND WILL BE SAVED! That is The Good News that the Early Church held as a prevailing doctrine on salvation for nearly 500 years! I'll give you two resources, neither of which is 'Torah Based Universalism, nevertheless, I encourage you to take advantage of them. Torah Based Universalism will set you free in ways you've never imagined, much less experienced! If you're a reader... If you prefer video... Don't miss this opportunity, the real Messiah Yahusha is knocking on your door!
Ken Alder
7 hours
It's called Universalism in the general sense, there seems to be several flavors of it, just as there is in everything else, but I'm proclaiming a very specific brand of Universalism that is not very popular. I call it 'Torah Based Universalism' and I believe it to be the absolute best rendition of The Everlasting Gospel that exists out there in fields of harvest. While indeed ALL MANKIND WILL BE SAVED, not a single man, woman or child will be saved 'as they are', not one! Messiah Yahusha will be faithful to bring every man, woman and child to a faith in Him that produces the fruit of Torah Obedience! For a few, that faith that produces the fruit of Torah Obedience is realized in this lifetime, before He returns. Those few become the Bride of Messiah, i.e. they are The Elect of the 1st Resurrection. Then, during the Millennial Reign there will be many more who come to a saving faith that produces the fruit of Torah Observance and have their names written into The Lamb's Book of Life. There will also be many who have lived during the Millennial Reign that remain faithless or at least never arrive at a point when their faith produces the fruit of Torah Obedience. Those two categories of people living during the Millennial Reign will be judged via The Great White Throne Judgment along with all of the dead who died never having come to a living faith that produces Torah Obedience from the foundations of the world. Those who have had their names written into The Lamb's Book of Life pass the judgment and receive their reward of eternal life and ascend to The New Jerusalem. All others are cast into the refining presence of Messiah Yahusha (The Lake of Fire) where they too will eventually bend the knee and confess with the tongue that Messiah Yahusha is both Savior and Master of ALL MANKIND. The Lake of Fire is The Second Death, where people go to die to themselves. You dying to you, me dying to me. For the few, that process of dying to self is taking place in the 'here and now', in this lifetime. We are 'crucified' in Messiah, we are 'buried' in Messiah, these are word pictures of The Second Death. That Second Death experienced by the few in the 'here and now' is the preparation of The Bride. Once Messiah returns for His Bride that door closes and no one else becomes the Bride through their Second Death experience. In the end, when all the shoutin' is done, only a 'few' will become both, The Bride of Messiah and The Elect, that rule and reign with Messiah during His Millennial Reign, even though eventually ALL MANKIND WILL BE SAVED! That is The Good News that the Early Church held as a prevailing doctrine on salvation for nearly 500 years! I'll give you two resources, neither of which is 'Torah Based Universalism, nevertheless, I encourage you to take advantage of them. Torah Based Universalism will set you free in ways you've never imagined, much less experienced! If you're a reader... If you prefer video... Don't miss this opportunity, the real Messiah Yahusha is knocking on your door!
Ken Alder
21 hours
RT @_TRUMP4547: Who else agrees!!
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Ken Alder
1 day
RT @bennyjohnson: Ban all porn on X X is the town square No one wants pornography broadcast in the town square Please share if you wan…
Ken Alder
1 day
The Lake of Fire is a metaphor based on Proverbs 17:3 among others. Pro 17:3 A refining pot is for silver and a furnace for gold, But יהוה tries the hearts. In this metaphor the Refiner's crucible is The Lake of Fire where individuals thrown there will experience the refining presence of Messiah Yahusha. All those cast into The Lake of Fire will eventually have their names written into The Lamb's Book of Life once they bend the knee and confess with the tongue Messiah Yahusha as their Savior AND Master! There are no literal flames involved in this refinement, the operating force in the refinement process is solely the 'presence' of Messiah Yahusha. That is not to say the 'process' won't be uncomfortable. Here is a short video that makes the case. I'm also going to include a link to this gentleman's YouTube Channel 'The Total Victory of Christ'. Enjoy Brother!
Ken Alder
1 day
There are two types of Believers in Messiah Yahusha... Have no fear Brothers and Sisters!
Nature is Amazing ☘️
2 days
There are two types of dog:
Ken Alder
1 day
@donK101stAB Once ALL MANKIND HAS BEEN SAVED there is no longer a need for the grave (hell). It is death and the grave that are cast into the metaphorical Lake of Fire, i.e. the refining presence of Messiah Yahusha!
Ken Alder
1 day
Are you contemplating swapping Sunday for Saturday? Don't make the same mistake I did...
Ken Alder
10 months