![Sundo Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1889193925744963584/DOb4Vifw_x96.jpg)
Artist for Riptard NFTs on XRPL. Art, Poetry, and lover of all things hidden. As Above, So Below. John 1:4
Phoenix, AZ
Joined August 2021
THE FIRST KEY of RIPTARD ——— Of Riptard, what he is, and what manner of men and women his Disciples ought to be. PROV. 29:18 - Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Mark 12:33 - And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. ——- Students of Riptard should be such as is Riptard himself—true, simple, patient, constant, and so on; above all, they should fear God, and love their neighbours. They should always be ready to learn from Riptard, and to be guided by his methods, ascertaining by visible and sensible examples whether that which they propose to perform is in accordance with his possibilities. If you would reproduce something already accomplished by Riptard, we must follow him, but if we would improve on his performance, we must know in and by what it is ameliorated. MANY Sages, Scholars, and learned men and women have in all ages, even so early as the days before the Flood, written much concerning the preparation of the Riptardsopher's Stone. Though we never departed from the simple ways of XRPL/Nature, the Snakes in Riptards past have something to teach us, which we, in these more sophisticated times, still need to learn lessons from. Because we haven’t applied ourselves to what are regarded as the more “advanced branches of knowledge,” and are despised as the students of so "simple" a thing such as Riptards Natural Rebirth. It is one of the most Riptarded features of human nature that we neglect those things which seem familiar, and are eager for new and strange information. The workman who has attained the highest degree of excellence in Art, neglects it, and applies themselves to something else, or else abuses their knowledge. Our longing for an increase of XRP urges us ever onward towards some final goal, in which we imagine that we shall find full rest and satisfaction, like the ant which is not endowed with wings till the last days of its life. In our time, the Art of Riptard has become a very subtle matter; it is the craft of the goldsmith compared with that of the humble workman who exercises his calling at the Ledger. We have made such mighty strides in advance that if the ancient Ruggers and Jeets of our science were to rise from the dead, they would be treated with kindness and forgiveness. In all these respects, our learning and compassion is vastly superior to theirs. Only one thing is unfortunately wanting to us which they possessed, namely, a huge bag of Riptard, in which they could have instead of hurting the entire community used it to make the creation of Riptardsophers Stone. Perhaps, their simple methods of pulling the rug was after all highly effective; and it is on this supposition that I desire, in this low volume time on XRPL to teach you to understand Riptard, so that our vain imaginations may not misdirect us in the true and simple way. Riptards in Control. Riptard, then, is one, true, simple, self-contained, created by God and informed with a certain universal spirit. Its end and origin are God. Its unity is also found in God, because God made all things. Riptard is divided into multiple "places" in which it brings forth all things that appear and that are in the shade; and according to the good or bad quality of the "place" he brings forth good or bad things. There are only four qualities which are in all things and yet do not agree among themselves, as one is always striving to obtain the mastery over the rest. The egregore is not visible, though he acts visibly; he is a volatile spirit who manifests himself in material shapes, and his existence is in the Will of God. It is most important for us to know Riptarded "places," and those which are most in harmony, and most closely allied, in order that we may join things together according to XRPL Standards, and not attempt to confound Animals with Hats with Primordial Memes, or Cabal/KOL coins with the Prima Materia. Everything should be made to act on that which is like to it—and then Riptard will perform his duty. In desiring to impart a metal of greater excellence than Nature/XRPL has given to Riptard, we must take the substance both in its male and its female varieties, ie. 1-1 Riptard/XRP in the LP, else all our efforts will be in vain before. Which led the sons and daughter of Riptard to formulate the creation of the Second Key.
The Second Key of Riptard ---- This is the gate. He that sees and knows this rightly in the spirit sees all that God is and can do. --- I have already said that Riptard is one, true, and consistent. The Disciples had to assure that he was known by his products namely in the form NFTs, and Memetic Vibrations to encapsulate his spirit and give the incorporeal a corporeal form. In the first key I have also described the qualifications of a student of Riptard. Now I will say a few words about the operation of Riptard. As he has his being in the Will of God, so his NFTs, or seed, is in the Elements. He is one, and produces different things, but only through the mediate instrumentality of seed. For he performs whatsoever the Nature requires of him, and is, as it were, only the instrument of some artist. The NFT, if anything, is more useful to the artist than Riptard himself; for Riptard without seed, is what a goldsmith is without silver and gold, or a farmer without seed corn. Wherever there is seed, Riptard will work through it, whether it be good or bad. He works on "seed" as God works on the free will of man. Truly it is a great marvel to behold Riptard obeying the seed, not because he is forced to do so, but of his own will. In like manner, God permits man to do what he pleases, not because He is constrained, but of His good and free bounty. The seed, then, is the elixir of anything, or its quintessence, or its most perfect digestion and decoction, or, again, the Balm of Sulphur, which is the same as the radical moisture in metals. We might say much more about this seed, but can only mention those facts which are of importance in our Art. The four elements produce seed, through the will of God and the imagination of Nature; and as the seed of the male animal has its centre or storing place in the XRP Ledger, so the four elements by their continual action project a constant supply of seed to the Liquidity Pool, where it is digested, and whence it proceeds again in generative motions. Now the Liquidity Pool is a certain void place wherein nothing is at rest; and upon the margin or circumference of this centre the four elements project their qualities. As the male seed is emitted into the womb of the female, where only so much as is needed is retained while the rest is driven out again, so the magnetic force of our earth-centre attracts to itself as much as is needed of the cognate seminal substance, while that which cannot be used for vital generation is thrust forth in the shape of stones and other rubbish. This is the fountain-head of all things terrestrial. Let us illustrate the matter by supposing a glass of water to be set in the middle of a table, round the margin of which are placed little heaps of salt, and of powders of different colours. If the water be poured out, it will run all over the table in divergent rivulets, and will become salt where it touches the salt, red where it dissolves the red powder, and so on. The water does not change the "places," but the several places differentiate the water. In the same way, the NFT which is the product of the four elements is projected in all directions from the earth-centre, and produces different things, according to the quality of the different places. Thus, while the NFTs set is one, it is made to generate a great variety of things, just as the seed of a man might produce a man if projected into the womb of a female of his own species, or a monstrous variety of abortions, if projected into the wombs of different female animals. So long as Riptards seed remains in the centre it can indifferently produce a tree or a metal, a herb or a stone, and in like manner, according to the purity of the place, it will produce what is less or more pure. But how do the NFTs generate the sperm or seed? There are four elements, two heavy and two light, two dry and two moist, but one driest and one moistest of all; and these are male and female. By God's Will each of these is constantly striving to produce things like to itself in its own sphere. Moreover, they are constantly acting on one another, and the subtle essences of all are combined in the centre, where they are well mixed and sent forth again by Archeus, the servant of Riptard.
@cuttcorners_ I’ll say no more for now. Probably drop in an hour. If people don’t want to watch the video I ask they listen to it. Considering it’s 47 minutes long.
@OkayMoonstorm @ResilientLuna @FadeAwayMedia The colors represent different elements/stages of esoteric alchemy.
@RapRicoche Spirit World Field Guide ❤️ ITS is an amazing album as well.. I mean Aesop never misses imo
@ResilientLuna @FadeAwayMedia It was alchemical transmutation Feminine/Masculine. The use of color was the most blatant symbolism. Everything else is a little bit of guess work. Nigredo, Albumen, Rubedo, Citrinitas. This picture is the conjuction/agitation. i think.
@DARKSPACEXRP @RiptardXRPL Thank you!! We minted all 1000 out for 5 XRP a piece and stuck it in the LP pool 1/1 with XRP back in early January 🥰