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Benjamin YH Loh Profile
Benjamin YH Loh



Digital media ethnographer | Malaysian Studies | Media Literacy Advocate | He/Him | Cat-dad 🐱

Kuala Lumpur
Joined April 2018
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Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
After 3 years, the book that @jameschin110 and I have been working on is finally out in digital form (Official launch on March 23): New Media in the Margins: Lived Realities and Experiences from the Malaysian Peripheries under Palgrave Macmillan
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Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
If you're wondering what the fuss is all about with public universities banning @kuasasiswa from giving his absolutely fundamental #KelasDemokrasi, it has to do with path dependency and the nature of political machinery in this country. Here's my take on the situation:.
Benjamin YH Loh
5 months
We DID NOT cyberbully the government. We engaged in rational, good faith public debate over a major policy issue. This is NORMAL and ETHICAL behaviour that EVERY Malaysian should engage in REGULARLY and not only when it looks like we can embarrass the government.
Effi The Source Saharudin
5 months
We cyber bullied KKOM and SKMM to cancel the stupid plan within 48 hours.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
I can understand PH feeling traumatized of losing control of political narratives (again) due to cytro manipulation, most notably the ICERD issue. The answer is not the use of cytros as its not really addressing the main issue with PH comm: Having a comprehensive comm strategy.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
Msian PhD holders have been receiving flack for the last month over their bad takes on social issues in the country (PrEP and recently on systemic racism). Having a PhD doesn't automatically mean they will be able to think critically about structural societal issues. Here's why:.
Benjamin YH Loh
1 year
It's very simple: The Indian community just wants you, the Prime Minister, to not say the word, in whatever setting because it is rooted in colonial trauma and remains a tool for present day marginalisation and oppression. If you say it, then it means others can too.
Anwar Ibrahim
1 year
Saya bukanlah individu yang suka bermain sentimen menghina kaum dan agama sehingga mencetuskan salah faham melibatkan mana-mana pihak. Sewaktu “Sesi Dialog Perdana Menteri bersama Ketua Pengarang serta Pengarang-Pengarang Kanan Media Elektronik, Media Cetak dan Dalam Talian”
Benjamin YH Loh
5 months
For those of you wondering why has the gov suddenly decided to use a highly invasive method to censor the Internet with this DNS Redirection, its probably because its a natural extension of old practices, that were innocuous before but escalates exponentially at this level.
Benjamin YH Loh
5 months
The government is making some very aggressive moves at restricting internet freedoms, faster than any of it's predecessors. The justification is often linked to protecting the public safety without acknowledging it's effects on political dissent.
5 months
ISPs required to implement DNS redirection by Sept 30
Benjamin YH Loh
2 months
No shade on KA or OP, but M'sians believe that running a country is like running a company so a CEO is the same as a PM. So when they see weak leadership in politics, they seek good leaders from anywhere regardless of whether those skills can translate. It often can't and won't.
Echoes Of Thoughts
2 months
Why do some ppl want Khairul Aming to become a politician? Why drag someone so widely admired n non-partisan into politics? He’s already creating real change with his business n charities. Let him keep helping communities thru initiatives tht stay free of political ties.
Benjamin YH Loh
6 months
Make no mistake, public healthcare in this country is under siege, but not, as this doctor asserts, from poor people who are assumed to be abusing healthcare for frivolous reasons. This has been happening for awhile like its part of a campaign to downgrade public healthcare. 🧵.
Benjamin YH Loh
3 months
The @straits_times dropped this article early this morning and I don't think Twitterjaya has picked up on it yet. There's quite a bit of problems with it and here's my take on it:
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
Sexual harassment isn't restricted to just physical or verbal references to sexual acts. It also includes advances or compliments based on physical attractiveness in professional or formal settings. It is never worth pointing out someone is attractive in these settings.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
Jika anda tertanya2 tentang kecohan dengan IPTA2 yang melarang @kuasasiswa menjalankan #KelasDemokrasi yang boleh dikatakan sangat fundamental, ia adalah berhubungkait dengan pergantungan laluan dan unsur jentera politik di negara ini. Inilah pendapat saya tentang isu ini:.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
And @kuasasiswa's classes are disrupting this traditional mindset. If you teach your youth to think critically about politics, how to evaluate policies and ideologies, and the the true value of their vote, this empowers a new generation of voters to think beyond party machineries.
Benjamin YH Loh
4 months
No offence to OP but this is a horrible way to govern: you waste resources, only respond wtih public backlash and make the public feel on edge constantly to fight Draconian policies. The best way would be to engage in open consultation BEFORE committing to these policies.
hazim 🇲🇾
4 months
unpopular opinion (kot): I'm okay with government that U-turns. At least ada la nampak hasil kita bising dekat socmed. compared gov dulu-dulu, bising la banyak mana pun sampai turun jalan sekalipun, bukan nak dengar.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
Amidst the media frenzy over Mahathir's ridiculous remarks today, I'd like to give kudos to @malaymail as the only one that bothered to fact check the statement and dared to use the term "falsely" in its first sentence.
Malay Mail
2 years
Dr Mahathir accuses Anwar govt of opposing Constitution by promoting multi-ethnic Malaysia
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
Happy to get this out during Pride month. Here's my oped with @LyanaKhairuddin on how the LGBT+ community of Msia is attacked with western right wing rhetoric when they have little to no support from major political parties here. Stop the discrimination.
Benjamin YH Loh
5 months
If I ran a child daycare chain with thousands of families as clients, and I acknowledge that CSA happens with kids under my care with such callousness (almost like it's inevitable) my business would cease immediately. Can't believe he felt this was an appropriate response.
Buletin TV3
5 months
Memang liwat itu ada satu, dua – Pemimpin GISBH
Benjamin YH Loh
5 months
Truly dissappointing and a good reminder that just because you that did something good before, doesn't mean that goodwill is eternal. The mask can drop at any time and we as the public need to be ready to drop them like a rotten durian. CSOs and activists aren't always right.
5 months
FPP is a good step. 1. Specialist more income. Stay and serve in KKM. 2. Patient get better access to specialist level of care, fraction of cost at private. Win-win solution. Yg ckp pasal tak mampu ni cont lah treatment RM1 tu kan takde siapa cakap nak stop that service.
Benjamin YH Loh
4 months
It didn't just "happen under my watch", you have literally been charged and found guilty of being involved. What a disingenuous apology since you're still not accepting the court's verdict nor admitting any wrongdoing.
4 months
“It pains me every day that 1MDB happened when I was prime minister and finance minister, and I would like to apologise unreservedly.” . Najib said in a statement read by his eldest son Datuk Nizar Najib in a press conference at the KL High Court today. 📹 Arjun Mohanakrishnan
Benjamin YH Loh
4 months
Aside from the unnecessary snark, the Minister presents these "limitations" as incontrovertible features of gov, impossible to be overturned or not part of a government's ability to govern rather than just being policy decisions the gov chooses not to do. Let's take a look:🧵.
Rafizi Ramli
4 months
“Dude, you’re the PM. you have the power”. Bila kerajaan umum kenaikan gaji kakitangan awam, ada yang mencemuh. Kata mereka, kerajaan tidak menggunakan kuasanya untuk menaikkan gaji kakitangan swasta juga. Mereka kata:. “Dude, you’re the PM. you have the power”. Sebenarnya,
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
Our country is infamous for having poor political education at all levels. Aside from just a brief introduction to the basic governing structure, Malaysian students are left in the dark about how politics actually work (i.e. what are ideologies, policies and who to vote for).
Benjamin YH Loh
3 months
No other country in the world uses these terms to separate income classes for policy, so yes you literally make the rules. This all sounds like you are all just shooting in the dark and randomly throwing numbers behind the T and seeing which upsets people the least.
BFM News
3 months
Anwar says the threshold may be narrowed to the T10 group or raised within T15 to include those earning RM15,000 or RM18,000 monthly. "Ini tidak! Dipertahankan pula T15 itu, sedangkan ada daripada mereka berpendapatan RM100,000 malah ada yang RM1 juta sebulan.". 🧵2.
Benjamin YH Loh
7 months
My apologies for the QT, but I think we need to move away from using cyberbullying to describe "online citizen activism" that is directed at government apparatus. I know its more fun to think about it this way but this also means they can outlaw this kind of activity later.
💀 Adinda Gasolina ❤️‍🔥
7 months
Cyber bullying the government is saluran betul confirmed.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 months
I know I was duped by this excellent Onion level parody from @kuasasiswa. I could delete this and hide my shame as a media scholar and media literacy advocate. But I won't because is important recognise that mistakes happen and also the importance of satire mimicking reality.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 months
MCMC: Post warning to ask the public to stop sharing an "insulting image". Also MCMC: Features image and ends with "Please share".
Benjamin YH Loh
6 months
This right here is a perfect example of (partially) successful online activism or "ethical cyberbullying" and why the new social media licensing regulation could potentially ban this type of citizen activism. Let's take a look: 🧵.
6 months
OCM chief defends family from online attacks, to leave BAM earlier
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
This is a prime example of majority privilege and why the current gov is seen as derelict, in spite of the Madani slogan, and looks to perpetuate minority stereotypes and reinforce marginalisation. Let's take a look at the history of the "Estate Indian" and why this is so harmful.
Najwan Halimi
2 years
Saya ambil maklum tentang penularan di media sosial satu tangkap layar dari aplikasi WhatsApp yang memaparkan mesej dari saya terkait keputusan @partisosialis (PSM) yang mengumumkan calon untuk bertanding di kerusi DUN Meru dalam pilihan raya negeri akan datang beserta ayat yang.
Benjamin YH Loh
5 months
I'm trying to empathise with doctors who are struggling here but it seems they can't think beyond their neoliberal frames, so let me reframe the argument to see whether it makes sense in that context as to why they are assigning blame to the wrong people.
Benjamin YH Loh
5 months
This raises so many issues. copyright infringement is usually a civil matter, unless its related to mass distribution (piracy), which again, the enforcement should be legal charges rather than just blocking access to the site. Where is the due process for any of this?.
Fahmi Fadzil 🇲🇾
5 months
I checked with @MCMC_RASMI - there was a request by @KPDN_HQ made directly to ISPs in June and copied to MCMC, for copyright violation. As this block request originated from KPDN, will have to check with them on this.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
It is alarming to see hate and racial rhetoric from a political party shared openly on socmed with little response from authorities. As frustrating as this is, it is common for those in the margins who regularly receive this kind of abuse. Yet they persevere and you can too.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
I know this is probably a cytro, but let's use this as a teaching moment. It's important to challenge these problematic sentiments. This tweet is comprised of the typical gaslighting arguments often used to dismiss political education in universities, so let's unpack it:.
Taz Gan
2 years
@ThatBenLoh @kuasasiswa I think generally ppl/parents are ok if someone wants to "teach democracy", but do it outside the campus pls. A youtube video could easily reach a much larger audience, can be played back repeatedly & more effective. No political motive? That's bull!! 🤣.
Benjamin YH Loh
9 months
Due to strong urging from @MuniraMustaffa and some questionable practices over terror reporting last week, here's a thread on a couple of issues that took place last week and some recommendations for the media to do better in the future 🧵.
Benjamin YH Loh
5 months
As we've seen time and time again, our gov is especially bad at Internet security and its likely this was both rushed and not planned properly, which will result in various forms of breaches in the next few months. Hopefully enough to force them to roll back this stupid decision.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
So, for the public, when you see someone parading their PhD title and use it as a battering ram to bulldoze their way through any argument, do check if they are actually experts on the issue and do not accept that their PhD automatically gives them authority over all debates.
Benjamin YH Loh
10 months
Interesting choice of a provocative action verb to be attributed to a particular community. The connotation of an ethnic community's civic action being a call to violence was not necessary and highlights clear racial bias.
10 months
'Stab' me if I neglected you, Anwar tells Indian community
Benjamin YH Loh
8 months
Aside from confusing the two Bornean states, they also shrink their size so that it's much smaller in comparison to the peninsular. These kinds of micro aggressions against East Malaysians needs to be called out and not taken lightly as "honest" mistakes.
BFM News
8 months
National carmaker Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn Bhd (Proton) has apologised for mislabelling Sabah and Sarawak during a recent presentation at an event. "We deeply regret this mistake and understand the sensitivities it has stirred among our fellow Malaysians," it said. 🧵1
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Benjamin YH Loh
6 months
"if it is proven that this Government is using this regime to silence legitimate dissent, I will NOT HESITATE to speak out and do all in my power to stop it.". As you should, but you have the opportunity to fix it NOW before it starts, so why wait to voice out your concerns?.
Syahredzan Johan
7 months
I have fought for online freedom of expression for more than a decade. And I will continue to do so as evidenced in my Kamar Khas speech recently when I urged the government to amend S233 of the CMA. But I am in support of this move to licence social media platforms. There is.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
PH's success in GE14, was partly supported by its supporters who promoted and defended the coalition online whenever possible, presenting a strong front against gov cytros. PH's naiveté was in believing these same supporters would continue doing so once they were in government.
Benjamin YH Loh
3 months
Oh, NOW you're worried about the safety of the whistleblower, when they were literally highlighting that when asking for gov protections. The fact that we have a Whistleblowers Protection Act but you almost never hear of anyone actually using it should tell you enough
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3 months
MCMC requests Mkini to remove 'RM70m' Sabah video, report.
Benjamin YH Loh
6 months
Alright, this post is obviously making the numbers (for problematic reasons), so I'd just like to highlight what transpired here. @malaysiakini, did in fact reach out to me to get my consent to use my tweets for an article of theirs (which they have done many times before) 🧵.
6 months
Academic Benjamin YH Loh said the recent online activity in which netizens highlighted the presence of Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) president Norza Zakaria’s family at the Paris Olympics was an example of “ethical cyberbullying”. Loh, a senior lecturer in media and
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Benjamin YH Loh
4 months
Sorry for the Qt, since the original is gone, but why do Malaysians assume that fair wage ratios (to reduce the disparity between the lowest and highest earners in a company) somehow don't apply to small businesses?.
4 months
If your business earns around 25k/month, why would you hire 5 staff at the first place?. Because you yourself don't wanna put the work in your own business?. That's just a bad business decision.
Benjamin YH Loh
3 months
I'm working on a media literacy module for Malaysian youths. I'm looking for Malaysians between 18-40 years old from across the country to participate in a workshop in KL and you will be reimbursed for your time. Please fill in this form by Nov 15.
Benjamin YH Loh
6 months
The perception of B40 abusing the system comes from doctors who are witnessing the healthcare sector crumbling under the weight of underfunding and lack of institutional support, but have assigned blame to the wrong group.
Benjamin YH Loh
5 months
Good call finally, but given that this is like the third time this year where the government has tried to bulldoze policy without public input and given a sound beating, you guys should just include public engagement for all policy decisions as standard practice.
Fahmi Fadzil 🇲🇾
5 months
Isu jenayah dalam talian termasuk akses ke laman-laman web perjudian, persundalan, pornografi dan seumpamanya amat membimbangkan dan memerlukan usaha penyelesaian yang menyeluruh. Kerajaan tidak akan berkompromi dalam hal ini, demi menjamin keselamatan dalam talian buat rakyat.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
I'm seeing a lot of finger pointing at youths being manipulated by TikTok and viral videos for last night's green wave. As some commenters on this bird app have been responding negatively to my calls for regulation of online media spaces, that also includes CONTENT MODERATION.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
This situation is incredibly scary for political parties because it introduces a wild card that is not tied to any traditional party machinery and probably one of the reasons why there is so much uncertainty over this election. Uncertainty is the biggest enemy for political plans.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
What's most depressing about the whole situation was that we, as a society, put them on a huge pedestal with so much pressure and when they eventually cracked, dropped them like a rock. We did them dirty but people focused on the return of common stereotypes instead.
Benjamin YH Loh
4 months
Socialism for rich:.Capitalism for poor:. When the snappy ironic rhetoric translates into the exact oppositional policy in less than 2 days
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4 months
Anwar: Bailouts akin to socialism for rich, capitalism for poor
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
For the most part, the BN government's approach to teaching politics was through subtle integration with political values through government systems. For youths, this is essentially the education system, in particular the public tertiary education systems.
Benjamin YH Loh
6 months
I'm late to the OA slur word discourse, as many others have done a good job already but I do want to unpack how the sense of entitlement to using these "expressions" is rooted in deference to authority and how the upcoming Online Safety Bill should take this factor into account.
Benjamin YH Loh
11 months
Aside from the obvious patriarchal bias to this (also coinciding with IWD is a hell of a choice), this is a highly regressive move which is in stark contrast to the care economy model (where care work is recognised as labour) that everyone else is adopting.
BFM News
11 months
1. Putrajaya will consider shorter working hours for women employees to enable them better care for their families, said PM Anwar Ibrahim. “Kalau bekerja 4 jam, mengikut kadar upah mungkin kurang, tetapi kita boleh manfaatkan wanita yang merasa terdesak untuk jaga anak-anak.”
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Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
Twitterjaya is tense today after a spike in threats of a repeat of May-13 riots. It's concerning to see these threats coming from regular M'sians. For researchers in this space, they are no surprise. These calls for violent retaliation are common place and well documented.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
And then Undi18 came. The earlier voting age meant that this indoctrination pathway was no longer viable and there is now a generation of youth who have yet to be molded to blindly support a party and are now filled with questions about politics as they have the agency to vote.
Benjamin YH Loh
4 months
The vote today was heartbreaking but not surprising given the state of representational politics where the party rules all. MPs who appear to "do more work" are beholden to their parties first, so unless we figure out a way to break that, stuff like this will continue to happen.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 months
We, as Malaysians, have to endure huge invasions of privacy (into our phones primarily) with our many laws so extending this to social media platforms means that we pretty much will no longer have the option to be anonymous online anymore.
BFM News
2 months
Putrajaya is considering a legal amendment that will compel social media platform providers into revealing data about their users upon police request. Deputy Communications Minister Teo Nie Ching says the ministry plans to table a bill next month to amend the Communications and
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Benjamin YH Loh
4 months
MPs are responsible to their voters and not personal conscience, ya. Your personal demons don't vote for you and we never know if these demons love or hate your voters either.
Howard Lee
4 months
Our conscience is crystal clear. @syahredzan.
Benjamin YH Loh
7 months
Why are you asking MPs to police random children and ignore their parents? What kind of advocacy is this? We don't need to add "helicopter parent" to the list of duties for MPs. As the communications minister, you can literally create policy campaigns that are aimed at parents.
7 months
Menteri Komunikasi, Fahmi Fadzil minta bantuan semua Ahli Parlimen yang bertemu dengan kanak-kanak bawah 13 tahun untuk memastikan mereka tidak membuka akaun media sosial. Katanya lagi, platform ini malangnya culas buat pengesahan umur pemilik akaun. #SisiTVParlimen #DewanRakyat
Benjamin YH Loh
1 month
Our political leaders can't stop copying American rhetoric and now they're acting like our police are separate from federal authorities (they are not). This crisis of accountability is endemic across all major political parties and becomes 10 times worse when they get into power.
1 month
Govt leaving it to authorities to act against Najib rally participants - Fahmi
Benjamin YH Loh
2 months
"mengkritik secara etika" (criticising ethically). Similar to "respectability politics", politeness and decorum are used as excuses to restrict and shut down valid criticisms and resistance against government ignoring that these are often necessary to draw attention to issues.
Amer Hamzah
2 months
@kuasasiswa Ada perbezaan satira antara Zunar, Dato’ Lat, Senyum Kambing, Rossem dan kau @kuasasiswa. Satira Zunar, Dato’ Lat, Senyum Kambing, Rossem, mereka mengkritik secara beretika dan ini menunjukkan mentaliti mereka ini bersih dan dalam persekitaran pemikiran yang baik walaupun
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Benjamin YH Loh
9 months
Malaysia dropped quite a bit in the World Press Freedom Index and of course the gov is doing damage control as the opposition leverages it to shame them. Typical yearly song and dance that is quite normal. But, this particular statement is quite worrying and worth unpacking 🧵
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9 months
It's not too bad, says Fahmi on press freedom index nosedive
Benjamin YH Loh
3 months
I think you mean the liberalisation of healthcare but you won't call it that because they want to continue keeping Msians in the dark about creeping neoliberalism that's eroding our public services and demonise liberal values as the perpetual bogeyman to scare the conservatives.
Noor Hisham Abdullah
3 months
The "uberization of healthcare" is a concept that uses modern innovative ideas and technologies to improve the healthcare sector. These technologies include: robotics, artificial intelligence, drones, sensing technologies, computer vision, and audio analytics. The term
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Benjamin YH Loh
11 months
It's disingenuous for the gov to promote PADU using this carrot approach when in reality it's a stick as you're threatening the loss of benefits for not adhering. There's still no clear direct benefit to the public to use PADU other than making it easier for the gov to track you.
11 months
Individu yang layak mendapat bantuan kerajaan tetapi tidak mengemas kini data dalam Pangkalan Data Utama (PADU) sehingga akhir bulan ini berisiko tercicir daripada pusingan pertama penentuan kelayakan bantuan selepas program subsidi bersasar dilaksanakan. Menteri Ekonomi Rafizi
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Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
Getting a PhD (especially in science) these days requires little to no engagement with the humanities; many of these PhDs are highly focused on a very specific scientific field. This means they can finish their PhDs really quickly and still make a critical contribution.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
Not everything any former politician says is automatically newsworthy, especially something as incendiary as this. In reporting it, these outlets are legitimising an over the hill, fading and irrelevant politician who failed miserably in the last elections.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
Test what exactly? The current environment has heavily delegitimized media and propped up untrained and unethical influencers and clout chasers as worthy equivalents. If you really believe that then just say it rather than beat around the bush like this to seem neutral.
Ooi Beng Cheang
2 years
There are several videos and photos of a fire at Midvalley Megamall area being shared online now. Social media reporting faster than news outlet reporting. It's a good test to see the accuracy of the reports compared to traditional media reporting.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
With AUKU, political entities could not enter these spaces leaving gov aligned student bodies and other integrated organizations to begin indoctrinating students. The approach is subtle, predicated on social pressure, focusing on long term building of affinities and support.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
So, develop a stronger general stratcomm, one that stresses the importance of info networks to overcome cytro disinfo strategies. Take more ownership in informing the Malaysian public on your policies and decisions and not expect your supporters to do it (for free or otherwise).
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
Thus, you have some science PhDs, who are experts in their own fields, but have difficulty engaging outside of it. Critical scholars know how to "keep to their lanes" but you have others with the "PhD" title feel that they can clue in on any topic, in spite of their expertise.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
And that scares the political establishment (Across the political spectrum) and is going to make future elections more interesting for the rest of us who are fed up with the current way of running things.
Benjamin YH Loh
6 months
Additionally, if poor people use more healthcare, it's because they are in more vulnerable positions that exposes them to more health risks due to food, housing and income insecurity, which in turn increases stress and higher likelihood of getting ill.
Hidayat S
6 months
@ZulaikhaZuren @barathiSelvam10 Kerajaan bukannya tak bijak nak handle golongan b40. Dah aplikasi subsidi bersasarkan untuk minyak. Bolehla aplikasi benda yg sama utk healthcare. Bukan takde solution pun. Mentaliti tu kena tukar. Free healthcare is not sustainable. Its a hard truth.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 months
The worst part about this "announcement" is the implication that this is a standard security practice that doesn't warrant an actual explanation (it isn't). Also, this seems geared towards rich folks who change phones yearly and thus the registration is expected and not a burden.
BFM News
2 months
Malaysians must renew their MyDigital ID annually, as the digital certificate expires one year after registration, with a 90-day renewal window after expiry. Deleting the MyDigital ID app invalidates the certificate, requiring cancellation at a kiosk and re-registration,
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Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
They must respect and listen to minority & marginalized voices. Critical scholars understand that the world is a capitalist hellscape with inequality everywhere. We must be open to voices from the margins, to understand how systemic structures have failed them and seek solutions.
Benjamin YH Loh
8 months
This new plan, while not the first attempt to regulate free speech on the Internet, is certainly a return to a more authoritarian and paternalistic approach by the Malaysian government. A clear return to authoritarianism in part due to the reduced effectiveness of cytros. 🧵.
BFM News
8 months
According to The Straits Times, Malaysia is reportedly in the final stages of implementing licensing for social media platforms. The move, aimed at imposing a content code that includes regulations on political content, has allegedly been approved by the cabinet. 🧵1
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Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
The three main coalitions have released the manifestos and I have analyzed their promises to improving the media in this country. Unfortunately, this will be a short thread.
Benjamin YH Loh
5 months
The last time a major Islamic cult made headlines here was Sky Kingdom and it was crushed so swiftly despite being small. At the scale and integration of GISB into our social fabric, this is going to impact almost every part of Msian society and the fallout is going to last years.
5 months
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Mohd Na’im Mokhtar said there have been issues determining the lineage of the children rescued from charity homes recently. He said the main issue was that the National Registration Department (JPN) could not
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Benjamin YH Loh
6 months
But, the evidence from health policy research is actually the exact opposite: poor Malaysians are afraid to use public healthcare especially for more serious and deadly diseases (like cancer) due to fear and social stigma.
Benjamin YH Loh
6 months
As horrible as this is, it's the perfect case study of whether our proposed anti-cyberbullying laws would actually work. So, let's take a deep dive into it. 🧵.
6 months
look at how Malaysians are behaving Shinji Nakano’s instagram profile. some are outwardly racist, insulting, and stupid. some even dragged his mother, some insulted his eyes, a lot of Malaysians were name calling him with a bunch of insulting names. Shame on you, Malaysians.
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Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
Malaysian politicians have this weird hang up where they try to get external validation for their accomplishments, often from hidden allies. Because of this, PH, in its first run in gov, were slow in presenting its accomplishments, hoping that their supporters or NGOs would do it.
Benjamin YH Loh
3 months
So, my uni just organised a communication conference. Yesterday, there was an industry panel featuring two tech leads from our two gov TV news outlets. They both presented their current AI based projects and revealed the thought process behind our gov's push for it.
Benjamin YH Loh
10 months
No sense of irony with this statement. These people are supposedly anti-West, but accept White colonialism. It's the same exact zionist rhetoric that is mirrored by many pro-Palestine Malaysians. Their rejection of I*raeli zionism is religion based rather than against zionism
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Benjamin YH Loh
5 months
If you're not familiar, the government has been censoring the Internet for about 25 years using a very basic DNS block approach, whereby all ISPs (Maxis, TM, Time, etc.) will block access to any website on the block list. Note this was only for DNS access but not to the websites.
Benjamin YH Loh
3 months
Hey @fmtoday, are you guys seriously drip-releasing segments of your PM interview like its content? It's been 3 days since the first segment and we're getting one question each day, to spread out the engagement, where the common way is to just release the whole interview at least.
Free Malaysia Today
3 months
Malaysia’s federalised system of government here to stay, says Anwar. #FMTExclusive #FMTNews #FMTEng
Benjamin YH Loh
5 months
I'd just like to add that we've probably arrived at this point probably because a politician likely was upset that our censorship wasn't working well enough and what is the next "step". So, if we blocked at the DNS level before, let's move up to intercepting all DNS traffic.
Benjamin YH Loh
6 months
The gov recognised this problem and initiated Peka B40 where we literally paid people to undergo cancer treatment and it still isn't enough. People are afraid to seek treatment and doctors blaming patients for abusing the system makes it worse
Benjamin YH Loh
4 months
I'd like to know who in government has made it standard practice for the last year or so to rollout new Draconian features with hyper short timelines and no obvious stress testing done beforehand. Shorter timelines don't mean less time to complain but just means more intense ones.
BFM News
4 months
Starting October 10, Malaysians without a MyDigital ID can no longer log in to the MyJPJ app as it will now require a single login via MyDigital ID. JPJ has urged all users to register through the app to prevent any login issues. 🧵1
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Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
Covid was a good lesson that doctors != epidemiologists. Similarly, good doctors can have limited understanding and knowledge about public health policies. Just because they're both medical related, doesn't mean the knowledge and skills are interchangeable that you seem to imply.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
Yesterday was a dark day for the media that was indirectly caused by the Ministry in charge of it and I don't think they even realized it. The issue suggests a backchannel deal gone wrong, but it could have been handled more delicately that didn't erode public trust in the media.
Benjamin YH Loh
11 months
This government somehow believes that it absolves them of the responsibility of their policies if they mention "stakeholder engagement". They never address the actual criticisms raised by stakeholders in public and think they can get away with "keeping it behind closed doors".
BFM News
11 months
1. Putrajaya has given the green light on the proposed amendments to the Federal Constitution related to citizenship. “The ministry will continue to engage stakeholders regarding the amendment," says Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution.
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Benjamin YH Loh
1 year
As long as this code is used to determine who gets media passes, then it remains a form of state control over media. Just because it's an (unnecessary) "update" of an old practice, doesn't mean you can pretend that it isn't "new" because state control is still present.
Fahmi Fadzil 🇲🇾
1 year
Selepas saya lancarkan Kod Etika Kewartawanan pagi tadi, ada pihak yang timbulkan persoalan kenapa Kerajaan cuba kawal media. Ini langsung tak tepat. Kod Etika ni dah wujud sejak tahun 1989. Hari ini kita cuma tambah baik dan rakan media turut serta dalam perbincangan tersebut.
Benjamin YH Loh
6 months
Without addressing these social issues aside from giving subsidies, it will not alleviate health issues that continue to plague Malaysians who are struggling to survive. Thus, the failure of our public healthcare cannot be blamed on B40s but rather poor policies by the gov.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 months
In solidarity with the media demonstrations today fighting to protect their freedoms as the gov continues to implement regressive policies that are even more Draconian than past administrations. If it's not clear, the media is under siege and we must defend it at all costs.
Benjamin YH Loh
6 months
I love the insinuation based on the language used as though the Malaysian government has the power to shut down Facebook or Tik Tok.
6 months
Govt will close unlicensed social media platforms on Jan 1, 2025
Benjamin YH Loh
3 months
Hey, we're getting even more regressive media restrictions and still no media council in sight. Obviously this push to regulate online media seems to be coming when cytros are failing badly so rather than innovate new political Comms, go back to 40 year old practices instead.
3 months
So, according to press groups, there are rumours of online media licensing, through an amendment of the printing presses and publications act - courtesy of Anwar's gomen. "Surprise, surprise".
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Benjamin YH Loh
6 months
Since the Malaysian government is still exempt from the PDPA (in spite of the recent amendments), this would literally be the world's first modern social media that would not be data regulated. Congratulations on another world first if this goes through.
BFM News
6 months
The government may develop a social media app specifically for Malaysians, The Edge reports. Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil said this is because some social media appl providers are profiting off Malaysians but fail to ensure user safety. 🧵1.
Benjamin YH Loh
4 months
The idea that if you're a small business, you are free to exploit your workers needs to stop. If you run a business, pay your workers properly and at minimum, a living wage.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
Do not confuse media with cytros. Attacks from media are in the open and are part of public discourse. To counter these narratives, engage with them directly. Cytros have destroyed trust in the our digital spaces, calling for more deepens this communications arms race.
Pemikir Malaysia
2 years
Good morning Malaysia. The attacks have begun. Don't think we are too good not to respond. I expect a cytro team established ASAP @fahmi_fadzil. For those not familiar, this portal is owned by Azmin. Most bursa stocks went up, see how this is framed? Optics. Narrative.
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Benjamin YH Loh
5 months
We understand that you guys are suffering, but rather than blame your bosses, you blame the public you're meant to serve. Whether or not your bosses are directing you to do this, this is classic misdirect to protect capital interests by making labour fight each other.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
Essentially, the gov would have 3-4 years to embed political support to their party and avoid introducing proper democratic concepts and ideas. By the time they graduate, this coincided with when they'd be able to vote with a well embedded pathway to gov support.
Benjamin YH Loh
5 months
At the end of the day, ED doctors who are struggling share more in common with their 2am patients in contrast to the hospital administrators and ministers that have yet to come up with a proper strategy to solve this public health crisis that's been going on for years.
Benjamin YH Loh
2 years
If PH were to rely (mainly) on cytros for policy and political communication, this is will deepen the communication divide between regular people and the coalition. PH already has a reputation for being urban-centric (and elitist as a result), and this will reinforce that.