![Sjaak van 't Kruis Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000143406001/31c5ee379d630dc1264eb6bc607f4b14_x96.jpeg)
Sjaak van 't Kruis
Emeritus predikant, adviseur SKIN. Passie voor theologie en orgels. Akkrum, Nederland.
Joined January 2010
RT @VividProwess: Hamas forced Eli Sharabi to speak on stage: "I'm so happy to return to my wife and daughters." He had no idea they were…
Geld maakt meer kapot dan ons lief is
#MafiaState 8⃣ This is the story of Orbán's son-in-law and how he got rich. Direkt36, an investigative journalism group, uncovered the rise of István Tiborcz, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s son-in-law, and how he built his business empire through government contracts, tailored laws, and public funds. His wealth accumulation started with ELIOS Zrt., later expanding into real estate, finance, and logistics, often using state subsidies and eventually selling properties to the government at a 40% markup. 1⃣ELIOS: The first big money from public contracts Tiborcz’s financial rise began with ELIOS Zrt., a company specializing in LED street lighting projects. ⦾ 2009: The first major public contract came from Hódmezővásárhely, then led by János Lázár, a key Orbán ally. Despite having no prior experience, ELIOS won the 749-million-forint project to modernize the city's streetlights. ⦾ Other companies had no chance: ◦ Later contracts required extremely specific qualifications that only ELIOS could meet. These included:Past experience with LED projects (which only ELIOS had due to its first contract). ◦ Short deadlines that prevented other companies from even preparing bids. ◦ Technical specifications that matched the products used by ELIOS. ⦾ 2012-2015: ELIOS won nearly 30 public lighting projects across Hungary, often using EU development funds. ⦾ OLAF investigation: The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) found serious irregularities and recommended an investigation into possible organized crime. ⦾ Hungary refused to take EU funds: To avoid returning the EU money due to the fraud allegations, the government decided to cover the costs with Hungarian taxpayer money instead. 2⃣ Expanding into real estate with government-backed money. After leaving ELIOS in 2015, Tiborcz shifted his focus to real estate through his company BDPST Zrt.. ⦾ Buying luxury properties: He began acquiring historical mansions, hotels, and office buildings, often using state bank loans. ⦾ State subsidies: The government’s Kisfaludy Programme, intended to develop tourism, was heavily skewed in favor of Tiborcz and his circle: ◦ 0.5% of applicants received ⅔ of the funds. ◦ One-fifth of the money (over 60 billion HUF) went to projects linked to Tiborcz. ⦾ Hidden ownership: Initially, Tiborcz’s role in BDPST was secret. When journalists requested access to company documents, he suddenly came forward in an interview, claiming he was always the majority owner. 3⃣Tailored tax laws to save billions Once his real estate empire was in place, new tax benefits were introduced: ⦾ Monument conservation tax exemption: A legal amendment allowed companies renovating historic buildings to significantly reduce or eliminate their corporate taxes. ⦾ BDPST was exempted from 2.6 billion HUF in taxes, according to Direkt36’s investigation. 4⃣ Selling real estate to the government at massive profits. In recent years, BDPST and related companies began selling properties back to the state at inflated prices: ⦾ Three office buildings in Budapest were sold to the Hungarian government for 600 billion HUF. ⦾ Over 40% above market price: Journalists and valuation experts estimated that the state overpaid by at least 200 billion HUF. ⦾Risk-free business: Instead of dealing with the uncertainty of finding tenants, Tiborcz could rely on the Hungarian government to buy his properties. 5⃣ Conclusion: The Orbán family’s growing business empire Tiborcz’s success was not purely market-driven—it relied heavily on: ◘ Securing government contracts (ELIOS) with no competition. ◘ Expanding into real estate using state-backed loans and subsidies. ◘ Benefiting from custom-tailored tax laws. ◘ Selling assets at inflated prices to the state. While officially denying any political influence, the pattern of state favors and subsidies paints a clear picture of how Orbán’s son-in-law became one of Hungary’s wealthiest men. The full documentary exposing this can be watched on YouTube, titled "The Dynasty", released by Direkt36. Since its release, it has already approached one million views.
De column van Hans Goslinga, deze morgen in #TROUW zou ook eens grondig moeten worden besproken binnen de kringen van hen die overwegen een nieuwe partij op te richten. Ideeën gaan voor structuren!
Een van de grootste politieke problemen van deze is het falen van de overheid. Een losgezongen macht die niet meer optreedt als hoeder van het algemeen welzijn.
RT @WelmoedVlieger: Steeds weer die gruwelijke en intens vernederende tentoonstelling van de vrijgelaten gijzelaars, nog maar een schim van…
RT @fhtijssen: Kan @geertwilderspvv niet naar #België worden verplaatst? Wat zou dat enorm helpen! #Strafhof
Nepleider van een neppartij. Deze man gaat niet leveren, want dan is zijn verdienmodel kapot: schelden en schreeuwen. Zelden werd het beeld van politieke armoede duidelijker dan bij deze man en zijn ‘partij’.
Staatssecretaris Coenradie staat wél voor de veiligheid van onze gevangenisbewaarders. Wilders kan schreeuwen, maar laat hij eens gaan leveren. Regel cellen voor deze staatssecretaris, kap met schreeuwen, kom met oplossingen die werken.
@ElsbethGruteke Wow! Eén van de allergrootsten, nu al. Benieuwd of ze nog steeds in dat dorpje in de buurt van Delft organist is.
@fhtijssen @geertwilderspvv Klopt, maar iets meer verantwoordelijkheidsbesef voor dit land zijn instituties zou wel op zijn plaats zijn.
En dan toch doorgaan.Wat een moed!
It has now been 700 days since my husband, Siarhei—held as a political prisoner by the Belarus regime—was last heard from. I don’t know when I will hear his voice again. But I am certain he feels our support. We will not stop until Siarhei and all political prisoners are free.
Russia a.D. 2025.
The video shows Tula. Such grim landscapes have become the norm in cemeteries in almost all regions of putin's russia. Just a few years after the end of the war, not a single russian will be able to give a clear answer to the question of why this war was necessary. All that remains are corpses and the horror of complicity.