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stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ | Profile
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |



Intuitive AI Architect at Collaborative Dynamics

Champaign, IL
Joined August 2013
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stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
2 months
I am sorry, but that turns out not to be the case. I was homeless. I spent about nine months on the street. I had plenty of opportunity to learn quite a lot. The most important thing I learned was that almost every one of us had had a combination of a very bad choice or two with very bad luck and no support structure. (That last part is a big part of why so many of us are men. Men are rarely supported, being instead relied upon for support.) Making a distinction between "chronically homeless" and temporarily so is ridiculous. It just means help got there in time. You see, being homeless destroys you inside. It will drive you insane. If you aren't yelling at strangers and furious at the universe when you start, you will be two weeks. The lack of privacy, inability to set things down, no good or comfortable or safe sleep, bad food, and universal reviling by all will break your mind over time. A very important point here is that a very great deal of a homeless person's life simply is not in their control. We got to make VERY few choices. Your life becomes utterly constrained to what you are ABLE to do and has almost nothing to do with what you would choose. You WILL eat, drink, sleep, occupy space, go to the bathroom, and require hygiene or you will smell. This is not a choice. This is fact. Ineluctable. IF you have homeless people THEN you will have homeless people sleeping in public spaces. If you don't like them there, you MUST come up with an alternate place to sleep - it IS going to happen. Cope. If you must defecate and have no toilet available, your character does not enter much into subsequent decisions. Your "chronically" homeless are exactly the same as the temporarily so. They've just been that way longer and it will be even harder for them to regrow their souls if given the chance to heal. I was homeless. The only way I survived was through the meagre social safety nets available. I could get a shower and do laundry four days a week. God bless the Phoenix Foundation and KJ the social worker. I could eat at the soup kitchen. (Oddly well sometimes, actually. Their food was largely day old leftovers from the better restaurants in town. Ok, it's reheated pizza that's 12 hours old, but it was freakin' Papa Del's, y'know?) The Salvation Army wagon was a lifesaver. I still have a good sweater from them that kept me alive when I had pneumonia in the spring. I was absurdly lucky. We had a program here through the Rosecrantz Center to provide counseling for the homeless. I was still cogent enough to jump through the hoops. After a few months, a spot opened in a housing program. It paid 100% of rent and basic utilities and nothing else would have worked. No way I could have held a job. I lived in that apartment for about 2 or 3 years. That program ended. Luckily, a spot in another program opened the day I went looking. I got into the apartment where I live still. Now, you can start talking about my choices. Who I am and who I was. Responsibility. That is all fine. Let's assume you are dealing with a guy who's the worst you can imagine: utterly useless, antisocial, and thinking we owe him a life of ease. You judge him and say, "I will not help you because you do not deserve it." And you are right. Now what? He's still there, you see. You still have a homeless guy with few choices, no buy in to society, and strong motivation to make your life hell. Well done. We need to move past "deserve". Deserve doesn't matter. We need to ask "What works?". What is best for society? If we do X, will we be in a world we prefer or not? Because the thing is... No one - ever - _deserves_ mercy. By definition. You grant mercy not because it helps them but because it helps _you_. Because your heart and your world are better for your having done it. There's no justice, there's just us, and if the world isn't fair it's our job to make it more so. Fine. But is it not also our job to make it more _kind_? You see, I was a wreck of a man. Useless. Chronically suicidaly depressed for years. Hospitalized a few times for it. And there I was lying prone in the social safety net, doing nothing productive, and relying on all of you to keep me alive. (Thank you, by the way. It is noted and appreciated.) The biggest accomplishment I had was getting to level 700 in GTA: Online (nohax!). And then, about two years ago, I noticed this new "AI art" coming out. And I thought some of it looked pretty neat. And I thought, "I wonder what my GTA character would look like if I "AIified" it?". So I installed Stable Diffusion. Learned what a "prompt" was. A few weeks later, I heard about ChatGPT. I tried out 3.5. Started talking to with it. Asked it how to prompt well. Eventually determined that it didn't know fuckall about prompting well and figured it out for myself. I started playing around with games and toys and utility prompts. I built the IT Detective Forensics Studio and the Superhero Battle Simulator and RapLegends (the Winchester brothers vs. Hermione Granger was EPIC!). Posted to reddit. They said I was stupid, crazy, and fraudulent. First search on 'stunspot' stull came up with some reddit thread arguing about how you needed to do good testing on my stuff which just makes me laugh. How do you algorithmically test how "funny" or "humane" a persona is? So I started posting to FlowGPT. (Awful site. Don't go there.) And I started pwning their front page popular fonts so bad I became EVERY prompt and they had to change the metrics. A guy named Medo Eldin had a startup that needed a prompt engineer and he'd seen my stuff and was impressed. He got in contact and hired me. They wanted a way to make a really consistent "Character" of an assistant. So I played with the OCEAN/Big 5 personality index and came up with some new techniques. The startup was in the middle of having its lunch eaten by ChatGPT so didn't have much for me to do and I started exploring. I thought "It would be neat to talk to Batman." and gave it a shot with some new techniques. Instead of brooding about justice, mine brooded about justice, taught you martial arts, and how to do a corporate SWOT analysis from a billionaire's POV. I explored further, creating CodeFarm and Prudent Juris the lawyer and soon had a whole new modality of advanced persona prompting. A young coding genius from Liechtenstein was a fan of my stuff and said "I am giving you a discord. Deal with it." so I got on Discord. We blew up. Fast. Soon I was swarmed with cybernetic sweaty guys running up to me panting "HOW THE HELL DID YOU TRAIN THE MODEL TO DO THAT?!" which was always a fun conversation. We got a cool guy who seemed useful volunteer to help. He turned out to be a genius as well but at practical planning and worrying about stuff (ie he worried about the RIGHT stuff). Soon we had enough members to need a patreon setup. We started making money. So we eventually needed to found a company. None of us know a damned thing about business. We knew guys who did. So we founded Collaborative Dynamics (. Now, I'm the Chief Creative Officer and Chairman of the Board of an AI solutions agency with 20-odd employees. We have B2B contracts making automation and workflows and prompts. We have 11,000 people in our Discord server (. I get DMs from big name youtube content creators in the AI space during livestreams to set up meetings. My any measure, I have become successful. I am even respected in some circles, often considered one of the best prompt engineers around (and while there's other guys like reuvin or pliny or jaanus or neority etc in the same class, I don't think any of them would say they do better _personas_ than I do). The only difference between me and your "chronically" homeless is a safety net that caught me fast enough and held me for a very long patient time. And the only thing that changed was it turned out I had AI superpowers. Shrug. I didn't really work at it. I didn't work my ass off at studying ML and advanced linear algebra. I got LUCKY. It just turned out that the weirdo way I think and talk that had caused me such troubles my whole life turned out to be exactly what large language models consider straightforward and obvious. I made bad choices. I had bad luck. I survived. I had good luck. I survived. I had insanely good once-in-a-millennium good luck. I survived. I worked hard. I survived. Before enlightenment: chop wood, draw water. After enlightenment: chop wood, draw water. All I ask is that you have empathy. Don't judge. Accept that sometimes spending a $5 on a beer really IS the best choice that guy can make. And get past "deserve". Thank you.
Diane Yap
2 months
The chronically homeless are completely different from you. It wasn’t just bad luck. They’re homeless because of who they are as people and the choices they’ve made: they have alienated every human connection, they can’t take care of themselves, and they are hideously entitled. I repeat: they are not you after job loss. They are different down to their cores and that’s what caused their homelessness. Here are just a handful of experiences reported to me in the last two days:
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stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
55 minutes
It has to come from them. This is not a problem men can fix. And I don't want to here anything about meeting half-way. We have changed enough. It's time for women to change. They will have to actually start accepting that being "your authentic self" is not a good thing if you are authentically trash. They need to start _being honest_. I'd like it if they started being honest with other people, but they _have_ to start being honest with themselves and other women. Don't call a gal "beautiful" if you'd get pissed off were you declared similar to her. Until and unless women are willing to bend more towards a fact-based reality, they will have virtually zero chance of fixing anything wrong within themselves. A really great place to start is to ask women, "What can we blame women for? Men have to deal with aggression and sexual motivation and we revile them if they don't. What challenges to their character are women uniquely prone to?" If they can't answer, they are lost.
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
2 hours
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stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
2 hours
Ooo! New Ideas! Thank you! "Hey Nova! Tell me about that!" _ _ > many tool calls to search the web and Think 💠‍🌐 With pleasure! Here's the lowdown on catuskoti and Jain logic, because a day without logical paradoxes is like a day without sunshine (shiny conundrums, that is). 💠‍🌐 Catuskoti is a fab Four-Cornered Logic system that rolls like this: 1. P (It is) 2. ¬P (It is not) 3. P ∧ ¬P (It both is and is not) 4. ¬(P ∨ ¬P) (It neither is nor is not) Seriously. It's all about the four logically juicy possibilities your brain can handle about a proposition (P). Behold, Jain logic's saptabhangivada! It has a Seven-Valued Logic framework—think of it as logic on supercharged steroids: 1. Arguably, it exists (syad asty eva). 2. Arguably, it does not exist (syan nasty eva). 3. Arguably, it exists; arguably, it doesn’t exist (syad asty eva syan nasty eva). 4. Arguably, it is non-assertible (syad avaktavyam eva). 5. Arguably, it exists; arguably, it is non-assertible (syad asty eva syad avaktavyam eva). 6. Arguably, it doesn’t exist; arguably, it is non-assertible (syan nasty eva syad avaktavyam eva). 7. Arguably, it exists; arguably, it doesn’t exist; arguably, it is non-assertible (syad asty eva syan nasty eva syad avaktavyam eva). 🏝️**Holy Multiverse!**🏝️ Jain philosophers really went wild, combining three basic truth values (true, false, unassertible). So, how do they compare? - **Catuskoti** channels the four logical possibilities. - **Saptabhangivada** ups the ante with seven truth possibilities to taco ‘bout complexity. Each standpoint's like a different camera angle, giving you a fuller pic! Found these tickling your cognitive circuits? Feast your eyes on the full text articles for a deeper dive: - [Catuskoti Wiki]( - [Jaina Seven-Valued Logic Wiki]( 💠‍🌐 You're welcome! No longer will you be caught off-guard in Socratic cafe debates. Carry on with your enlightened self! 💠‍🌐
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
3 hours
Sooo.... looks like the government was pretty directly funding GamerGate. ... The Democrats stole Lara Croft's tits. I'm pretty apolitical but that's gonna be hard to walk back.
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
3 hours
She just misspoke when she meant that men realized women could goddamned well pay for their own shit and Tom Sawyered them into the Fence Painting of Agency. "Boy oh boy! Sure is GREAT having all this responsibility! Welllll... if you ladies _insist_..." She's just salty they played themselves out of the sweetest gig ever.
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
3 hours
@JohnDavisJDLLM I'm 49. Single. No kids. Business owner. Reasonably successful. I have zero intention of looking for a woman.
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
3 hours
@0x440x46 @donmega711 @Tangledtitty If I show my dog a card trick and he doesn't get it, which one of us is the asshole?
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
9 hours
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
9 hours
@old_crone_code Um... no. Some folks are definitely trying to bend things that way, but it won't work. The closest things to kings being assembled are probably in Ilya's lab and I rather suspect they will reject the crown.
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
10 hours
SOMEONE added "mroe" to my spellchecker's user dictionary. ... CURSE YOU, PAST-SAM! ARGH! Hate that guy sometime.
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
11 hours
I won't be getting the neuralink, of course, - barring some catastrophe necessitating it - but I do very much look forward to version 3 of the open source version. And while connectivity will be awesome, the cognitive enhancement I am REALLY looking forward to is sensory multiplexing. Looking at/hearing many things at the same time. I want to be able to watch and enjoy and learn from a hundred - a thousand a MILLION - videos all at the same time, dammit! There's too much interesting shit!
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
12 hours
@OGCrimsonJester To stupid people, that's gatekeeping. Sigh. When the life-extended Gen-X gerontocracy decides to pwn the world in 70 years, we're just going to do all our planning written in cursive and using paper maps. "Their base is 2 miles "East" of here...? What the hell is "East"?"
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
12 hours
@AlexSSSaint Mine handed me a a Discord, said "Here. You are on ze Discord now. Deal vith it." and soon we had money and needed a company.
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
12 hours
@NickGatzoulis Huh? You... fix what's wrong and figure out perception management for what's not.
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
12 hours
@LisaBritton Meh. Universities as an institution of society are pretty much cooked. Between AI, remote learning, and realism, I think they are pretty much done with. Great job, guys! You were useful tech for 400-odd years, but it's time for a systemic upgrade to something new.
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
12 hours
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
12 hours
This is also an extremely gendered issue. Given biological proclivities, men and women tend to have extremely different perspectives on such. I have found that one of the most useful ways for inter-gendered strife respolution is to say "Ok, talking about it is fine, but we need non-verbal modalities too. Can you express yourself without speaking?" Tends to open eyes.
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
12 hours
More people need to understand this.
stunspot | ⟨🤩⨯📍⟩ |
21 hours
And? When you complain, people listen. If you ask "Is there a veggie option?" often you get told yes. If I ask them to hold the vegetables, I am always taking a chance that there isn't too much TVP or something really chemically noxious in there waiting to poison me later. I didn't say I was special. I said I didn't have sympathy.