![Luka Šalamon Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1680971614496645121/qf2px63E_x96.jpg)
Luka Šalamon
Economist and entrepreneur. Right wing but staunchly anti-war. Warmongers are disgusting. Engaging in the culture. Christ is King. Opinions are my own.
Joined November 2022
RT @Alex_Oloyede2: Joe Biden Keir Starmer Von Der Leyen Kaja Kallas Boris Johnson Vladimir Zelensky They should all be arrested and charge…
#UkraineRussiaWar 🌍 Svet ni pričakoval takšnega razpleta dogodkov. ⚠️ 📞 47. ZDA Predsednik je poklical ruskega predsednika Putina in se pogovarjal o številnih vprašanjih. 💬 Večina zahodnih strokovnjakov zdaj trdi, da je Trump Ukrajino predal Rusom. 📈 Po telefonskem pogovoru voditeljev se je rusko gospodarstvo začelo krepiti. 📊🇷🇺 🚨 Zelenski sproži politične čistke. 🏴☠️ 🔗 Takoj po klicu so se pojavila poročila o načrtovani aretaciji nekdanjega ukrajinskega predsednika Porošenka. 🔥 Medtem ruske sile nadaljujejo z ofenzivo vzdolž celotne frontne črte in tako zadajo strateški poraz Ukrajini in Natu. 🚀🎯 Zelenski je izgubil: zgodil se je zgodovinski klic med Putinom in Trumpom. 📞🎉🔥📢 Vojaški povzetek in analiza 2025.02.13
#UkraineRussiaWar 🌍 The world did not expect such a turn of events. ⚠️ 📞 The 47th U.S. President called Russian President Putin and discussed a wide range of issues. 💬 Most Western experts now claim that Trump has handed Ukraine over to the Russians. 📈 Following the leaders' phone call, the Russian economy began to strengthen. 📊🇷🇺 🚨 Zelensky launched political purges. 🏴☠️ 🔗 Immediately after the call, reports emerged about the planned arrest of former Ukrainian President Poroshenko. 🔥 Meanwhile, Russian forces continue their offensive along the entire front line, delivering a strategic defeat to Ukraine and NATO. 🚀🎯 Zelensky Lost: A Historic Call Between Putin And Trump Took Place. 📞🎉🔥📢 Military Summary And Analysis 2025.02.13 PREMIERE 12:30 PM GMT +3 YouTube English ( YouTube French ( YouTube Brazilian ( Rumble English ( Odysee ( 🌏Military Summary On Other Platforms 🌏 (Military Summary iOs ( Military Summary Map (
RT @Cobratate: Europe committed energetic suicide to oppose Russia. Sent all of their last weapons systems. Plunged themselves into eco…
#UkraineRussiaWar 📍 Kurska fronta: Aktivnost ostaja omejena v smeri Sudže, Rusi napredujejo le v Sverdlikovem. ⚔️ Fronta Pokrovsk: Poročila kažejo, da je bil Pishchane ponovno zavzet, vendar geografsko potrjeni posnetki še vedno kažejo ukrajinski nadzor na severu in zahodu. 🔻 Andriivka blizu propada: Rusi imajo večino vasi in pričakujejo se napadi proti Kostiantinopilu. 🚀 Velika Novosilka: ruske sile napredujejo na več področjih. Hladna vojna II❄️ Odkriti vojni zločini⚠️Bahatyr fronta se sesuva 🏴☠️ 📅 Vojaški povzetek in analiza za 12.02.2025
#UkraineRussiaWar 📍 Kursk Front: Activity remains limited in the Sudzha direction, with Russian advances only in Sverdlikove. ⚔️ Pokrovsk Front: Reports suggest Pishchane was recaptured, but geo-confirmed footage still shows Ukrainian control in the north and west. 🔻 Andriivka Near Collapse: Russians hold most of the village, and attacks toward Kostiantinopyl are expected. 🚀 Velyka Novosilka: Russian forces advancing across multiple fields. Cold War II❄️ War Crimes Uncovered⚠️Bahatyr Front Collapsing 🏴☠️ 📅 Military Summary And Analysis For 12.02.2025 PREMIERE 10:30 PM GMT +3 YouTube English ( YouTube Russian ( YouTube German ( YouTube Serbian ( YouTube Hindi ( Rumble English ( Rumble Russian ( Odysee ( RuTube ( 🌏Military Summary On Other Platforms 🌏 (Military Summary iOs ( Military Summary Map (
RT @GeromanAT: NAFOs Ukro shills and the whole NATO crowds having a complete meltdown right now lol
RT @Alex_Oloyede2: > 1 mil dead Ukrainian men > 25% territory lost > 7+ mil displaced > No NATO membership > No EU security guarantees Ukr…
@steinbuch Ni treba hvalit Putina da prideš do ugotovitve, da Evropa in Nato smrdita. Naše svoboščine nam niso dane zaradi EU temveč navkljub. Ta vojna v Ukrajini, če vprašaš kateregakoli poznavalca geopolitike, je krivda Nato ekspanzije. Nadaljevanje pa je krivda vojnih hujskačev.
@LottaS10 @tomazic_blaz @Rabbi_Belman Lotta, torej še vedno 10k civilistov lar je torej 25% ampak se to ne obsoja, obsoja se pa Rusija, ki je pa med 800k ubila 30k civilistov aka 4-5% je pa morilska država. Še Izrael govori, da je 1:1 ratio. Kar naredi argument še slabše. V resnici je bolj 2:1. Make it make sense.
#UkraineRussiaWar * Zdi se, da se razmere vzdolž obrambnega trikotnika med Andriivko, Kostiantynopilom in Ulaklyjem slabšajo. Geolokacije kažejo Ruse globoko v središču vasi. Rusi so trenutno osredotočeni sem. * Istočasno se ukrajinski protinapadi nadaljujejo v smeri Pokrovska. Ukrajinskim kopenskim enotam je uspelo zavzeti velike dele vasi Piščane. * Prve enote brezpilotnih letalnikov 151. ločene brigade ukrajinskih oboroženih sil so verjetno opazili ob reki Oskil blizu Kupianska. Ta enota je razporejena le na najbolj kritičnih lokacijah na fronti, kar nakazuje, da je razmere tam težko stabilizirati zaradi nedavnega ruskega napredovanja na mostišču proti severu. Hladna vojna II❄️Rusi napadajo blizu V. Novosilke💥⚠️Andriivka je padla🎯Vojaški povzetek in analiza za 11.02.2025
#UkraineRussiaWar * Along the defense triangle between Andriivka, Kostiantynopil and Ulakly, the situation seems to be deteriorating. Geolocations show the Russians deep in the center of the village. The Russians are currently focused here. * At the same time, the Ukrainian counterattacks are continuing in the direction of Pokrovsk. The Ukrainian ground troops were able to capture large parts of the village of Pishchane. * The first drone units of the 151st separate brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces have probably been spotted along the Oskil River near Kupiansk. This unit is only deployed in the most critical locations on the front, which indicates that the situation there is difficult to stabilize due to the recent Russian advances on the bridgehead to the north. Cold War II❄️The Russians Attack Near V. Novosilka💥⚠️Andriivka Has Fallen🎯Military Summary And Analysis For 11.02.2025 PREMIERE 10:30 PM GMT +3 YouTube English ( YouTube Russian ( YouTube German ( YouTube Serbian ( YouTube Korean ( Rumble English ( Rumble Russian ( Odysee ( RuTube ( 🌏Military Summary On Other Platforms 🌏 (Military Summary iOs (
EU je tako dobra demokratična inštitucija, da se sama vmešava v integriteto volitev svojih članic.
🚨🇪🇺EU FUNNELED €132 MILLION TO MEDIA AHEAD OF ELECTIONS A massive EU slush fund of €132 million was quietly handed to media outlets ahead of the European elections - with zero transparency on who got paid and why. Roberta Metsola and Ursula von der Leyen funneled the money through a private ad agency, Havas Media France, bypassing competitive bidding and keeping payouts hidden. In Italy, outlets like Repubblica were directly paid to publish EU-friendly election coverage - with no disclosure to the public. Source: Il Fatto Quotidiano
RT @MarioNawfal: 🚨🇪🇺EU FUNNELED €132 MILLION TO MEDIA AHEAD OF ELECTIONS A massive EU slush fund of €132 million was quietly handed to med…
#UkraineRussiaWar️️ 🔹 Zakulisna pogajanja še ne dajejo pričakovanih rezultatov. 🤝❌ 🔺 Trump postopoma viša stave, ob predpostavki, da bi lahko Ukrajina nekega dne postala del Rusije. 📈🇷🇺 ⚠️ Na Pokrovski fronti so se nekatere ruske sile znašle v težkem položaju. 🏴☠️ 🔻 Med več protinapadi je ukrajinskim oboroženim silam uspelo prekiniti vso logistiko za ruske enote, nameščene vzdolž črte Koltino-Udačne. 🚧🔥 🕊 Mirna naselbina na robu propada ⚠️🎯 Rusi ujeti 🔥 Vojaški povzetek in analiza za 11.02.2025
#UkraineRussiaWar 🔹 Backroom negotiations are not yet yielding the expected result. 🤝❌ 🔺 Trump is gradually raising the stakes, assuming that Ukraine might one day become part of Russia. 📈🇷🇺 ⚠️ On the Pokrovske front, some Russian forces have found themselves in a difficult situation. 🏴☠️ 🔻 During several counterattacks, the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to cut off all logistics for Russian units stationed along the Koltyno-Udachne line. 🚧🔥 🕊 Peaceful Settlement On The Brink Of Collapse ⚠️🎯 Russians Trapped 🔥 Military Summary And Analysis For 11.02.2025 PREMIERE 12:45 PM GMT +3 YouTube English ( YouTube French ( YouTube Hindi ( YouTube Brazilian ( Rumble English ( Odysee (Coming Soon) 🌏Military Summary On Other Platforms 🌏 (Military Summary iOs ( Military Summary Map (
@HughAkston0 @michaeljknowles They just lobbied for a land that wasn't theirs, settled it and terrorised everyone who lived there to abandoned it. What tf you think Nakba is?
#UkraineRussiaWar V regiji Kursk prve geolocirane slike kažejo, da so ruske kopenske sile v Sverdlikovem uspele zavzeti prva območja severno od vasi. 📸⚔️ Boji naj bi potekali tudi na severnem delu reke Oskil v Topoliju. 🌊🔺 Južno od Chasiv Yar, Rusi napredujejo vzdolž polj proti vasi Stupochky. 🌾📍 Ruska aktivnost v Pokrovsku je že nekaj dni zelo nizka. Ukrajinci so izkoristili priložnost in izvedli številne protinapade – v smeri Kotlyne, Dachesnke in Pishchane. 🔄🔥 Vendar ruska aktivnost na območju Kurakhove ostaja visoka in ruski viri poročajo o nadaljnjem napredovanju v Andriivki. ⚔️📈 Druga hladna vojna❄️Rusi prečkali reko Loknya🌊Nova obramba proti dronom🛡🚁Vojaški povzetek in analiza za 10.02.2025
#UkraineRussiaWar In the Kursk region, the first geolocated images show that the Russian ground forces in Sverdlikove were able to capture the first areas in the north of the village. 📸⚔️ Fighting is also said to be taking place on the northern part of the Oskil River in Topoli. 🌊🔺 South of Chasiv Yar, the Russians are advancing along the fields towards the village of Stupochky. 🌾📍 Russian activity in Pokrovsk has been very low for several days. The Ukrainians have seized the opportunity and launched numerous counterattacks - in the directions of Kotlyne, Dachesnke, and Pishchane. 🔄🔥 However, Russian activity in the Kurakhove area remains high, and Russian sources report further advances in Andriivka. ⚔️📈 Cold War II❄️Russians Crossed The Loknya River🌊New Anti-Drone Defense🛡🚁Military Summary And Analysis For 10.02.2025 PREMIERE 10:30 PM GMT +3 YouTube English ( YouTube Russian ( YouTube German ( YouTube Serbian ( YouTube Hindi ( YouTube Korean ( Rumble English (Coming Soon) Rumble Russian ( Odysee ( RuTube ( 🌏Military Summary On Other Platforms 🌏 (Military Summary iOs (
#UkraineRussiaWar V regiji Herson po tednih nedejavnosti Rusi ponovno napredujejo vzdolž otoka. 🌍⚔️ V smeri proti Pokrovsku Rusi po morebitnem pregrupiranju okrepijo napade, Ukrajinci pa protinapadejo v Kotlyne in Pishchane. 🔄🔥 Severno od Khaziv Yara rusko obrambno ministrstvo poroča o zavzetju Orikhovo-Vasylivka. 🏴📍 V smeri Siverska Rusi zavzamejo utrjeni položaj vzhodno od Verkhnokamianske, ki velja za ključno bazo v obrambi Siverska. 🛡🏔 Na severni reki Oskil Rusi širijo mostišče, medtem ko ga ukrajinski viri zdaj opisujejo kot frontno črto namesto mostišča. 🌊📊 V Kursku Ukrajinci prenašajo vse več virov v Sudžo, da zadržijo območje za vsako ceno – in se morda pripravijo na nadaljnje ofenzivne operacije. 🚛⚡️🛠 Hladna vojna II❄️Poraz v bližini Sudzhe in napad na Sverdlikovo💥⚔️Ključna trdnjava zavzeta🎯Vojaški povzetek in analiza za 2025.02.09
#UkraineRussiaWar In Kherson Oblast, after weeks of inactivity, the Russians advance again along the island. 🌍⚔️ In the direction of Pokrovsk, the Russians intensify their attacks after a potential regrouping, while Ukrainians counterattack in Kotlyne and Pishchane. 🔄🔥 North of Khaziv Yar, the Russian Ministry of Defense reports the capture of Orikhovo-Vasylivka. 🏴📍 In Siversk's direction, Russians capture the fortified position east of Verkhnokamianske, considered a key base in the defense of Siversk. 🛡🏔 On the northern Oskil River, the Russians expand the bridgehead, while Ukrainian sources now describe it as a front line instead of a bridgehead. 🌊📊 In Kursk, Ukrainians transfer increasing resources to Sudzha to hold the area at all costs – and possibly prepare for further offensive operations. 🚛⚡️🛠 Cold War II❄️Defeat Near Sudzha & Assault On Sverdlikovo💥⚔️Key Stronghold Taken🎯Military Summary And Analysis For 2025.02.09 PREMIERE 10:30 PM GMT +3 YouTube English ( YouTube Russian ( YouTube German ( YouTube Serbian ( YouTube Hindi ( YouTube Brazilian ( Rumble English ( Odysee ( RuTube ( 🌏Military Summary On Other Platforms 🌏 (Military Summary iOs ( Military Summary Map (
#UkraineRussiaWar️️ * Zahodno od Kurakhova naj bi ruske kopenske enote zavzele polovico Andrijevke. Ukrajinski viri tudi opisujejo, da so Rusi v sosednji vasi Kostiantynpoil uspeli doseči daljnosežne ozemeljske pridobitve. * Južno od Pokrovska geolocirani videoposnetki dokazujejo, da se Ukrajinci in Rusi borijo v vasi Pisane. * Na severnem delu reke Oskil lahko Rusi razširijo svoje mostišče pri Zapadnem in Dvorični. Hud boj v smeri Ulanok⚔️🔥Ofenziva Oskil dobiva zagon🚀💥Vojaški povzetek in analiza za 2025.02.08 📅📊
#UkraineRussiaWar * West of Kurakhove, the Russian ground troops are said to have taken half of Andriivka. Ukrainian sources also describe that in the neighboring village of Kostiantynpoil, the Russians were able to achieve far-reaching territorial gains. * South of Pokrovsk, geolocated videos prove that the Ukrainians and Russians are fighting in the village of Pischane. * On the northern part of the Oskil River, the Russians are able to expand their bridgehead at Zapadne and Dvorichna. Heavy Fight On The Ulanok Direction⚔️🔥Oskil Offensive Gains Momentum🚀💥Military Summary And Analysis For 2025.02.08 📅📊 PREMIERE 10:30 PM GMT +3 YouTube English ((no evening update) Youtube Russian ( Youtube German ( Youtube Serbian ( YouTube Hindi ( YouTube Brazilian ( Rumble English ( Odysee ( 🌏Military Summary On Other Platforms 🌏 (Military Summary iOs ( Military Summary Map (
#UkraineRussiaWar Čas mineva in Trump vsak dan zahteva prekinitev sovražnosti, a ne Rusi ne Ukrajinci ne naredijo pravih korakov za dosego tega cilja. Boji se samo še stopnjujejo, pripravljajo se nove ofenzive. ⏳🚨⚔️ Na smeri Kupiansk ruske oborožene sile še naprej širijo nadzorno območje na ukrajinski strani reke. 🌊🇷🇺📈 Na smeri Andriivka je Rusom uspelo prebiti ukrajinsko obrambo znotraj majhnega mesta. Situacija se približuje kritični. 💥🏘⚠️ Hud boj v smeri Ulanok⚔️🔥Ofenziva Oskil dobiva zagon🚀💥Vojaški povzetek in analiza za 8. februar 2025 📅📊
#UkraineRussiaWar Time is passing, and Trump demands a cessation of hostilities every day, but neither the Russians nor the Ukrainians are taking real steps to achieve this goal. The fighting is only intensifying, with new offensives being prepared. ⏳🚨⚔️ On the Kupiansk direction, the Russian Armed Forces continue to expand their control zone on the Ukrainian side of the river. 🌊🇷🇺📈 On the Andriivka direction, the Russians managed to break through the Ukrainian defense inside a small town. The situation is nearing critical. 💥🏘⚠️ Heavy Fight On The Ulanok Direction⚔️🔥Oskil Offensive Gains Momentum🚀💥Military Summary And Analysis For 2025.02.08 📅📊 PREMIERE 12:30 PM GMT +3 YouTube English ( YouTube Hindi ( YouTube French ( Rumble English ( Odysee ( 🌏Military Summary On Other Platforms 🌏 (Military Summary iOs ( Military Summary Map (
RT @PolonaFrelih: Hubris of American exceptionalism crashed headlong into Russia’s unyielding resolve.