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Serbia in UNESCO



Званични налог Сталне делегације Републике Србије при Унеску / Official account of the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to UNESCO

Paris, France
Joined January 2021
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Serbia in UNESCO
26 days
RT @markodjuric: Today’s coordinated actions by Kurti’s government, targeting Serbian institutions in Kosovo Polje, Gračanica, Lipljan, Vel…
Serbia in UNESCO
2 months
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia 🇷🇸, @markodjuric, visited the exhibition at the Serbian Cultural Center in Paris, @CCdeSerbie, dedicated to the Serbian cultural heritage inscribed on the @UNESCO List of World Heritage in Danger – the Dečani Monastery @DecaniMonastery, Gračanica Monastery, the Patriarchate of Peć, and the Church of the Virgin of Ljeviša. The head of Serbian diplomacy emphasized the exceptional importance of raising global awareness about the challenges faced by our cultural heritage and living places of faith in Kosovo and Metohija. He added that this exhibition serves as a kind of appeal for their preservation. #serbia #CulturalHeritage #WorldHeritage
Марко Ђурић
2 months
На повратку из незваничне посете Вашингтону, где сам боравио претходних неколико дана, посетио сам Културни центар Србије у Паризу @CCdeSerbie и обишао изложбу посвећену српским културним добрима уписаним на @UNESCO Листу светске баштине у опасности. Ова изложба наших светиња на Косову и Метохији плод је заједничког рада @min_kulture, @SRBinUNESCO, @KancelarijaKiM, @serbiainenglish и Српске Православне Цркве. Манастири Дечани, Грачаница, Пећка патријаршија и Црква Богородице Љевишке симболи су српског духовног, културног и историјског идентитета, али и наше везе са европском културом и духовношћу. Ова поставка није само подсетник на дубоке корене српске културе и духовности, што је посебно важно у контексту сталних покушаја брисања нашег идентитета на Косову и Метохији, већ и својеврстан апел светској јавности за њихову заштиту и очување као сведока наше вишевековне историје и културног наслеђа.
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Serbia in UNESCO
2 months
At the 19th session of the Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible #CulturalHeritage in Paraguay 🇵🇾 the Naïve Painting Practices of Kovačica has been inscribed on @UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This new inscription represents a significant step in promoting and preserving cultural identity of #Serbia🇷🇸. At the same time it contributes to raising awareness of the value of #LivingHeritage both nationally and internationally, highlighting cultural diversity and the importance of traditions nurtured by national minorities in Serbia. #CulturalHeritage #19COM
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Serbia in UNESCO
2 months
RT @UNESCO: 🔴 BREAKING New inscription on the #IntangibleHeritage List: Naïve painting practices of Kovačica, #Serbia🇷🇸. Congratulations!…
Serbia in UNESCO
2 months
On this day, ten years ago, the Serbian #slava , i.e. Family Patron Saint’s Day was inscribed on @UNESCO 's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This was the first recognition of #Serbia 's intangible #heritage on #UNESCO's prestigious list—a significant acknowledgment of our rich and unique #culturaltradition. 🇷🇸🇺🇳 #ICH
MFA Serbia
3 months
На данашњи дан, пре десет година, српска породична слава уписана је на Унескову Репрезента��ивну листу нематеријалног културног наслеђа човечанства. Ова одлука представља први упис нематеријалног наслеђа из Србије на престижну Унескову листу, што је велико признање за нашу богату и јединствену културну традицију. Породична слава је јединствени обичај који се генерацијама преноси у српским породицама и представља, између осталог, начин исказивања националног идентитета. То је дан посвећен слављењу свеца заштитника дома и породице, уз молитву, окупљање најближих, заједничку трпезу и очување традиције. Овај обичај је симбол породичне слоге, духовности и континуитета. Ова част додатно нас обавезује да са још већом посвећеношћу чувамо и негујемо своје обичаје, преносећи их будућим генерацијама као сведочанство наше богате традиције и културног наслеђа. 🇷🇸 On this day, ten years ago, the Serbian #slava, i.e. Family Patron Saint’s Day was inscribed on @UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This was the first recognition of #Serbia's intangible #heritage on #UNESCO's prestigious list—a significant acknowledgment of our rich and unique #culturaltradition. #PatronSaint’s Day is a distinctive #custom passed down through generations in #Serbian families serving, among other things, as a profound expression of national identity. It is a day dedicated to honoring the patron saint of the home and family through prayer, gathering of loved ones, shared meals, and the preservation of tradition. This practice symbolizes family #unity, #spirituality, and continuity. This recognition inspires us to safeguard and cherish our customs with even greater dedication, passing them on to future generations as a testament to our rich heritage and cultural legacy. 🇷🇸
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Serbia in UNESCO
3 months
On the occasion of marking the 20th anniversary of the inscription of the Monastery Dečani on the @UNESCO World Heritage List, the Ministry of Culture of 🇷🇸 and @SRBinUNESCO in cooperation with @ArnoGujon and Office for Public and Cultural Diplomacy of the Government of 🇷🇸 and Serbian Orthodox Church organized a multi-sensory exhibition at UNESCO Headquarters presenting the exceptional universal value of Serbian medieval monuments in Kosovo and Metohija inscribed on the List, their cultural richness and the scope of Serbian medieval art. In the presence of Minister of Culture of 🇷🇸 Mr. Nikola Selaković, His Holiness Patriarch of Serbian Orthodox Church Mr. Porfirije and Director of the Office for Public and Cultural Diplomacy of the Government of 🇷🇸 Mr. Arnaud Gouillon the exhibition was officially opened yesterday at UNESCO! Special thanks to the Diocese of Raška and Prizren and choir of Monastery Dečani for their wonderful performance. #serbia #unesco #worldheritage #culture
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Serbia in UNESCO
3 months
La #Serbie célèbre le Jour de l'Armistice de la #Premièreguerre mondiale comme Jour de la #victoire, mais également Jour de résurrection de l'État et de la nation, car elle sort de la guerre comme pays vaincueur, bien que notre pays et notre peuple étaient sur le point d'extinction. La fleur Ramonda nathaliae, également connue sous le nom de Ramonda serbica, est utilisée comme motif principal de l'emblème de cette fête nationale. #ArmisticeDay #11Novembre
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Serbia in UNESCO
3 months
RT @MFASerbia: Serbia is committed to constructive and open dialogue with all our partners, including the EU, US and the UK, as well as oth…
Serbia in UNESCO
3 months
RT @MFASerbia: Unilateral actions, including the closure of institutions financed by Serbia and steps towards reopening the Mitrovica bridg…
Serbia in UNESCO
4 months
The 220th session of the Executive Board of @UNESCO has officially started! At the plenary debate #Serbia🇷🇸 underlined our commitment to cooperation in all fields of UNESCO's competence and its devotion to UNESCO's mission, values and global priorities. Also we stressed out the Organisation's indispensable role in ensuring the accomplishment of principle of Leaving No One Behind and granting the right to #education to all. In this context, we pointed out the difficulties that Serbian children are facing in the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija when it comes to education and their safety in the educational institutions.
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Serbia in UNESCO
4 months
La participation de la #Serbie🇷🇸 au Village de la #Francophonie24 a été également une occasion de présenter au public francophone la danse populaire collective traditionnelle -"Kolo"- inscrite sur la liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l' @UNESCO
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Serbia in UNESCO
5 months
Big thank you to Madame Simona-Mirela Miculescu @PGC_of_UNESCO for the warm welcome of our Ambassador and for all the work you have successfully accomplished until now! We are looking forward to working with you closely on new ideas and projects 🇷🇸🤝🏻🇺🇳
President of the General Conference of UNESCO
5 months
I wished "Dobro došli" to amb. Roksanda Ninčić, new Permanent Delegate of #Serbia to @UNESCO! During her courtesy call, I was pleased to welcome her to our diplomatic family, and present my priorities as president of the General Conference. I am eager to start working together!
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Serbia in UNESCO
5 months
Today H.E. Ms. Roksanda Ninčić, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of @SRBinUNESCO presented @MFASerbia credentials to the Director-General of @UNESCO Madame @AAzoulay 🇷🇸🤝🏻🇺🇳. We are ready to continue the joint work towards achieving our common agenda and happy to be working closely on this with Madame Azoulay. #serbia #unesco
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Serbia in UNESCO
5 months
RT @MFASerbia: We urge our friends and partners in the international community, as well as international organizations operating in Kosovo…
Serbia in UNESCO
6 months
RT @OKSrbije: Ma može li bolje za kraj❓❓ Bravo momci, klasa ste bili, klasa ste i ostali‼️ 💪🏻🥇🇷🇸 #TeamSerbia #Paris2024 #JedanTimIstiCilj
Serbia in UNESCO
6 months
RT @OKSrbije: 🥉I više od TIMA, i više od medalje🥉 #TeamSerbia #Paris2024 #JedanTimIstiCilj #ZaSrbiju
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Serbia in UNESCO
6 months
RT @OKSrbije: 🥈OLIMPIJSKA VICEŠAMPIONKA🥈 #TeamSerbia #Paris2024 #JedanTimIstiCilj #ZaSrbiju @ekoserbia
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Serbia in UNESCO
6 months
Thank you @DjokerNole for bringing the 🥇GOLD🥇 medal to Serbia 🇷🇸👏🏼 You are true inspiration to all of us and we will be forever proud of you, your success and for all the happiness you have brought to our country! 🐐🎾 Živela Srbija! 🇷🇸❤️ #GOAT #OlympicGames #Paris2024 #TeamSerbia #JedanTimIstiCilj #NovakDjokovic
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Serbia in UNESCO
7 months
First🥇GOLD🥇 medal for #TeamSerbia 🇷🇸👏🏼 Proud of our golden Zorana and Damir 💪🏼 #OlympicGames #Paris2024 #JedanTimIstiCilj
MFA Serbia
7 months
.@Zorana_Arunovic и Дамир Микец донели су #Србијa прву медаљу на #ParisOlympics2024! Честитамо нашим стрелцима на освојеном злату!🏅 Хвала вам на радости коју сте донели нацији! 🇷🇸 #TeamSerbia #Paris2024 #JedanTimIstiCilj #ZaSrbiju