![Rexel Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1626244082178613248/L8VVbdWf_x96.jpg)
Worldwide expert in the professional multichannel #distribution of electrical products and services for the #energy world.
Joined March 2011
Rexel raises awareness for #sustainability! At the AI for the Planet summit in Paris last week, Isabelle Hoepfner-Léger, General Secretary and Sustainable Development Director, shared how AI is driving customer preference for more sustainable products: “Being in the center of the value chain, our role is to ensure that the whole ecosystem is in motion, from our suppliers to our customers. In addition to our physical branches, our strong AI-powered digital presence helps us provide our customers with the information they need to select and buy more sustainable products and services. We also work closely with our suppliers to ensure they provide innovative and low-emission products. We are really impressed with how AI helps us adjust our offer plan and guide our customers day to day.” The following day at the AI for Industry by Artefact summit, Guillaume Dubrule, Chief Digital and Marketing Officer, discussed how AI is improving Rexel's customer experience: "We have a 10-20-70 approach to AI for our business. We invest 10% in developing the algorithm, which means building the engine. 20% is connecting the engine to our different systems in the countries, and adapting it to local specificities. And then 70% of the success is personal adoption, which is the most difficult aspect and takes time. With generative AI, we can manage unstructured data such as customer demands in emails, specific questions on our webshops or requests for quotations. Making sure you can handle customer needs in the most efficient way can save time, enabling us to focus on bringing more value. In line with our commitment to environmental concerns, we also use AI to calculate customers' carbon emissions and provide these elements as a differentiating service to our customers."
#Rexel is taking the stage today and tomorrow at two important AI events in Paris, France. At #AIforthePlanet, Isabelle Hoepfner-Léger, General Secretary and Sustainable Development Director, will explain how Rexel is using AI to guide customers toward more sustainable products. Organized in partnership with UNESCO and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), AI for the Planet will be attended by global leaders and innovators in sustainability and AI. The goal is to build dialogue, highlight how different ecosystems are taking action, and identify climate priorities. And at #AIforIndustry, Guillaume Dubrule, Chief Digital and Marketing Officer, will discuss how AI is improving Rexel’s customer experience. Organized in Paris for industry leaders, start-ups and big tech companies, this event is another great opportunity to show how Rexel's sustainability experts and data scientists are working together to design innovative and sustainable solutions.
Agnès Touraine succède à Ian Meakins à la tête du Conseil d’administration de Rexel « Je suis honorée d'avoir été nommée Présidente du Conseil d’administration de Rexel. L'entreprise s'est profondément transformée au cours des dernières années et j’aurai pour objectif en m’appuyant sur le Conseil d’administration et le leadership de Guillaume Texier de poursuivre l’amélioration de sa rentabilité, de sa croissance et la création de valeur pour toutes ses parties prenantes, tout en affichant d’ambitieux engagements en matière d’ESG. » Agnès Touraine
Agnès Touraine to succeed Ian Meakins as Chair of Rexel’s Board of Directors "I am honored to have been appointed as Chair of Rexel. The Company has undergone a deep transformation over the past years, and I will strive to ensure, with the support of the Board of Directors and the leadership of Guillaume Texier, to continue to deliver enhanced profitability, fast growth and value creation for all its stakeholders, while delivering on its ambitious ESG commitments.” Agnès Touraine
On the occasion of the VivaTech trade show, the world's leading tech event, held in Paris last June, Rexel joined #WeAreTheFutureInTech x #LesIntrepidesdelaTech, an operation mobilizing its volunteer female employees to raise awareness of opportunities in the sector of science and technology.
A l'occasion du salon VivaTech, le rendez-vous mondial de la Tech qui s’est tenu en juin dernier à Paris, Rexel s’est associé à l’opération #WeAreTheFutureInTech x #LesIntrepidesdelaTech, en mobilisant ses collaboratrices volontaires dans le cadre d’une opération de sensibilisation à la richesse des filières scientifiques et technologiques.
@nullifiedvoids Good afternoon, Could you please send us a DM with your e-mail address? Our ethics committee will contact you shortly.
Power Up Forum 2023 : un an après le lancement de son plan stratégique Power Up 2025, Rexel a réuni près de 150 experts du Groupe pour favoriser le partage des bonnes pratiques inter-filiales et inter-métiers. Co-construction et esprit d’équipe exceptionnel sont des leviers essentiels de la performance durable de Rexel à travers le monde.
Power Up Forum 2023: One year after the launch of its Power Up 2025 strategic plan, Rexel brought together nearly 150 Group experts to encourage the sharing of best practices between countries and between business lines. Co-construction and exceptional #teamspirit are the levers of Rexel's #sustainable performance.