![Vincent Revers Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1747071923383832576/oGSN7pTy_x96.png)
Vincent Revers
Joined January 2024
@GuntherEagleman So let me repeat. There are not two parties it is one large Mafia family with two faces designed to make you feel like you have a choice. Psychological manipulation at it's most basic form. Until you recognize that you're always going to have questions that can't be answered.
Propaganda victory only! None of its meaningful. And you guys aren't even focused on the real issues. We have uncovered the biggest threat to our country and it's our own government. And you guys are talking about victory instead of what actually occurred. We have a money trail 27 million to BLM and 238 million to Soros. Both groups were hired as cutouts for the government to attack its own citizens. Gives them plausible deniability. BLM and Soros backed and attacked multiple cities across the United States. They rioted, assaulted, raped, murdered and burned our cities down. Backed by the US government and you guys don't get it. United States government is waging war against its own citizens. And you're talking about victory. On top of that what's Pam doing. Warning politicians to get in line or they're going to be prosecuted. Her job is to prosecute criminals regardless position. They have been breaking federal law for a decade publicly and using your tax dollars to do so. Kindly refer to 8 U.S.C. 1324. Enticing, aiding or abetting is a maximum sentence of 5 years per individual 10 years if for financial gain. Why isn't she locking these politicians up? Is it because they are above the law? And if the people that create the law and enforce it through the threat of violence or violence itself are above the very laws that we have to follow are we really citizens? It's all been propaganda victories to make you feel good. You will only be winning when the laws equally applies regardless of position. That's victory not what you're seeing here.
I'm aware of the fact that Elon is not in charge of making policy. But he has the ears of those who do. Pam is already shown her true colors so far it doesn't look positive. Every politician who enticed, aided and abetted publicly for years with taxpayer funds to do so is guilty of violating 8 U.S.C. 1324 look it up. But instead of prosecuting those who are guilty she's giving them warning. You need to consider would you get a warning after committing a crime for years or would you be in jail. If those who create the laws and enforce them with the threat of violence or violence are above the very laws we have to follow do we really have a legal system? Are you really a citizen? Someone has to whisper into elon's ear. Hopefully he'll pass the message on because many Americans are tired of being property of the United States instead of citizens.
Listen you obese tub of lard you're reading the room wrong. There's a guaranteed solution to a corrupt tyrannical government historically. There's a lot of people in Illinois who are not happy with you start reading the room better. While you're at it we what a justice system that you're not above. So you might consider packing your bags.
@Tara15482537174 @TaraBull808 You answered your own question and in the very first sentence, what parent in their right mind, there is your answer.
@HeatherScottID It's easy to find out just consult the CIA since they have been backing opium production since the early 60s. But you know that you just don't want to admit it.
RT @ThomasSowell: “The prospects are dim for a society that makes mascots out of the unproductive and condemns the productive.” — Walter E…
Well here's another criminal that doesn't want you to actually think about what's wrong with the country. And you know what's wrong with the country David's still free. David has been a criminal for a very long time but the law doesn't apply to David only to you and me. They will come up with any excuse so you don't take a good look at the fact that you're not citizens. If those in power who create and enforce the laws are above those very laws you have to follow you're property of the state. And if you don't understand that I don't know what to tell you.
I don't understand why people don't get the obvious. We just found out they gave 27 million to BLM and $238 million to Soros. And you can't put two and two together? They funded the attacks against their own citizens knowing full well some will die. Knowing full well that multiple cities would be burned. You guys just can't get it or are you just afraid to admit it? The government is waging war against us and you are all talking about the money. Amazing!
As long as we have a legal system that's controlled by the very criminals that make up the deep state you don't have a chance in hell of shutting it down. If those in power are above the laws that we have to follow we're not citizens and we have no power unless we group together and take it back. That's reality. You don't have to like it you just have to do it.
BOMBSHELL: Elon Musk Holding Evidence That Could SHUT DOWN the Deep State! This could change everything - watch & share before they censor it!
This is how our corrupt tyrannical government organizes against its own citizens. This is the typical leftist tactics and I'm telling you now they're successful. They're successful because the rest of us refuse to do what's actually necessary because it might interrupt some of our lives. If you love your children and you want them to have future I suggest you fight fire with fire and make sure your fires larger. No one's coming to save you. We just saw the paper trail that shows the government financed 2020. 27 million to BLM and 238 million to Soros. That's why they're concerned that it may occur to you that they are financing people to attack you and kill you.
LIVE Happening Now: Democrats are rallying their troops in Brooklyn, New York Saying they’re “Under attack by MAGA” They all chant “STAND UP FIGHT BACK” How long does it take to make these professional signs and banners? How do they have them ready so quickly? Signs say Donald Trump is a dictator and telling Chuck Schumer “No deals with dictators.” They’re calling for Chuck Schumer to resign if he doesn’t resist Donald Trump Who’s paying for these people to be here? This is a professional setup, just look at the signs
Dear senator You're not reading the room very well. Yes you have your base but it's nowhere near as large as ours. We are tired of a two-tier legal system we are tired of being property of the state while you loot everything after you steal it from us. You may consider paying attention cuz there is a historical solution that works every time. We want a legal system that your subject to also instead of one only for the property of the state.
Nevadans are struggling to afford their health care and their groceries. But while Donald Trump causes chaos, Republicans are using the cover to push for trillions of dollars in tax breaks for the wealthy - and leave the middle class with the bill. I'm standing up to fight back.
RT @ThomasSowell: "The decline of marriage is not simply a change in lifestyle but a disintegration of one of the key institutions that has…
Dear Donna Kindly stick it where the sun don't shine assuming you could reach it as fat as you are. This is not about recrimination and retaliation or revenge it's about the simple fact that this is not a republic it hasn't been for quite a while. It's about the fact that somebody like you can break multiple laws and never suffer the consequences well the rest of us citizens are subject to laws that you're allowed to disregard. If it was up to me every last one of you would be in jail and that would be the just solution. And Trump is going easy as far as I can tell. Every government employee or politician who advocated for sanctuary cities, counties or States are in direct violation of federal law. And the penalties for those violations were put every last one of them in jail for life and then some. So don't tell me about revenge or retribution it's about enforcing the law. If those in power who create the laws and then enforce them through the threat of violence are above those laws I'm not a citizen I'm property of the state and quite frankly I'm tired of it.
Is President Trump all about revenge, recrimination and retaliation? Will he show some interest in the country? Is Trump interested in American unity?
RT @ThomasSowell: "One of the scariest aspects of our times is how easy it is for glib loudmouths to turn us against each other, weakening…