Shame on US President Biden to cover up such large scale massacres and be complicit in doing the second Nakba for Palestinians. We are the stones of the valley. No power on earth will uproot us from our land again. Palestinians have dignity and pride.
Instead of condemning attacks against civilians and civilians buildings, Biden is supporting Israel, the occupying power, in its ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing against Palestinians.
The cruel attack against the Palestinian civil society organizations, once and again, was expected and coinsided with the broad ongoing campaign by the Israeli belligerent occupation in West Bank to silence the voices which is breaking the conspiracy of silence on war crimes.
The bombing of the Paptist hospital in the heart of Gaza the boldest and most cruel unprecedented attack which resulted almost 500 killings , is the first of its scale
Hospitals asked to evacuate and refused because patience will die
Israel criminal
(1) We didn't invent neither the international law, nor the apartheid convention, nor the ICC rome statute, nor geneva conventions. These are the shared values, standards by civilized people . otherwise, we are talking about law of jungle not the rule of law at all.
1/During her term as an ICC Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda performed her duties, and responsibilities in an exemplary and exceptional manner. She and her team faced unprecedented political pressure especially after her positive and courageous decisions relating to Palestine.
They want to defame the image of our civil society organizations by linking it to terrorism & to dry up the resources and funding, and to keep us obsessed with our own problems in defending ourselves.
We are much more proud when DCA Secretary General and her team chose
, the human rights organizations and civil society partners to celebrate the 100th anniversary with them.
We are much stronger with your support.
I cannot digest or understand that in the 21st century, Europe with its values, standards, and ethics just misleading and covering up, whitewashing, and obviating such crimes; clear and very well documented.
5/On behalf of Palestinian victims and their families, who have been subject to war crimes, crimes against humanity by the Israeli occupation for more than 50 years, we express our respect and admiration for her heroic work of opening an investigation in Palestine.
2/Despite the security threats and enormous pressure, including the Trump executive order sanctioning ICC officials, Bensouda and her team defended the ICC’s credibility and independence with professionalism and did not compromise on principles of justice and rule of law.
We are very proud of your unwavering and strategic support for the Palestinian people struggle for justice, dignity, end of belligerent occupation, and self determination
Together with the support of free committed people like you, one day we shall overcome.
Hemos recibido en el Congreso a Raji Sourani, Presidente del Palestinian Center for Human Rights. (PCHR).
Nuestro apoyo al pueblo palestino y a quienes trabajan en defensa de sus derechos humanos y contra el apartheid de la ilegal ocupación israelí.
3/She was able to speak truth to power and had our trust and support as a guardian of justice all the way long. Today, she leaves with the ICC being a stronger institution and the victims with more optimism and hope in justice.
(2) We are talking about simple thing, it is a legal obligation, states have on their sholders a legal obligation whether its according to apartheid convention or Rome statute and IHL.
We are proud of you and what you are doing.
You set a good example for women and human rights activists. The International Conference for Human Rights was a landmark for your HR activism, commitment and
4/We are optimistic that her predecessor, Mr. Karim Khan, will build on Bensouda’s achievements and will continue the long hard journey for justice with his expertise and professionalism.
"عليهما قطع آلاف الأميال ليتمكنا من اللقاء خارج جدار الفصل العنصري. إلا أنهما وصلا إلى لندن في لحظة لا يبدو أنها الأفضل في تاريخ المملكة في ما يتعلق بالحريات ونبذ العنصرية والتطرّف". من لقائي مع راجي الصوراني و
Correction: We are optimistic that her successor*, Mr. Karim Khan, will build on Bensouda’s achievements and will continue the long hard journey for justice with his expertise and professionalism.
نعرب عن احترامنا وتقديرنا لعمل السيدة بنسودا البطولي في فتح تحقيق في الحالة في فلسطين، وذلك نيابة عن الضحايا الفلسطينيين وعائلاتهم، الذين تعرضوا لجرائم حرب وجرائم ضد الإنسانية من قبل الاحتلال الإسرائيلي لما يزيد عن 50 عامًا.
قامت السيدة فاتو بنسودا خلال فترة عملها كمدعية عامة في المحكمة الجنائية الدولية، بأداء واجباتها ومسؤولياتها بطريقة مثالية واستثنائية. على الرغم مما واجهته هي وفريقها من ضغوطًات سياسية غير مسبوقة خاصة بعد قراراتها الإيجابية والشجاعة المتعلقة بالحالة في فلسطين.
دافعت بنسودا وفريقها عن مصداقية المحكمة واستقلاليتها باحترافية ولم تتنازل عن مبادئ العدالة وسيادة القانون، على الرغم من التهديدات الأمنية والضغوطات الهائلة التي تعرضت لها، بما في ذلك القرار التنفيذي للرئيس الأمريكي السابق ترامب، بمعاقبة مسؤولين في المحكمة الجنائية الدولية.
تمكنت السيدة فاتو بنسودا من الحصول على ثقتنا ودعمنا أثناء عملها كحارس للعدالة خلال فترة منصبها. اليوم تغادر بنسودا المحكمة الجنائية الدولية وهي أقوى من ذي قبل، وبمزيدٍ من التفاؤل والأمل للضحايا الذين يسعوا للوصول إلى العدالة.
Thank you
for the wonderful surprise and Acknowledgment that all human rights defenders deserve
Congratulations to my friends who were awarded:
🏆Feliciano Reyna, Venezuela
🏆Delphine Djiraibé, Chad
🏆Khurram Parvez, Kashmir
2- For this reason in particular,
extremely fears the activation of the
against the Israeli war criminals because they were all acquitted and will be all convicted before the international justice.