![RDV Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1849538395271241728/x5j1Gv-y_x96.png)
Właściciel @IngamingPL @Axidepl Były współwłaściciel @Panicapl Redaktor, menedżer, webmaster, grafik, social media specialist - człowiek orkiestra.
Joined September 2012
Mam szczerą nadzieję, że będzie to ostateczny koniec mitomanów, którzy (od IEM 2014) wciskali kibicom kit, że esport w Polsce się rozwija 🤣
🚨 The City of Kraków Cancels PGL Event 🚨 ❌ TAURON Arena has just informed us that PGL’s booking for January 13-25, 2027, has been suddenly canceled 📰 All details are here: #PGLCS2
@Oostrowianin @Axidepl @jaszuubista @M0fyy @Vynzified @laveb_ Nie no, masz screena z reddita jak chłop co ma nick zapisany cyrylicą, oferuje max 1500 € za slota - ofc przed startem ligi. Na 100% by tyle zapłacił po starcie, a sam post nie był clickbaitem 🤣
Kolega Pan zbiera opinie do pracy magisterskiej (żartowałem, wymyśliłem to 3 minuty temu). A tak na serio, może uda się zacząć jakąś ciekawą dyskusję? 🤔 Obecnie sloty w ESEA są traktowane jak klejnoty rodowe, którymi można handlować 🤣
🗣🔥 My rant about sportsmanship & how to possibly get more of it. Enjoy lol 😘 I honestly don't get this. ESEA Main is the shittiest showing of sportsmanship I've encountered EVER. Teams not wanting to reschedule, finding excuses for EVERY SINGLE DAY for two months ahead. Not agreeing to switch the server due to ping issues. Teams not allowing backup. Not taking timeouts if u run out. For my 10+ years of esports I've always tried to be customary and make the best effort to make my opponents comfortable. If I'm better I'll win. I don't deserve the win unless I actually play and win. I don't need to win in an unfair way. Somehow, people in ESEA Main - which theoretically is the first step towards becoming a pro - are doing everything in their power to get an ffw, not allow someone to play at a comfortable time, or play comfortably at all. Everything to gain the unfair advantage of the exterior, outside of one's control - environment. This brings me to this idea, that I wish there were more rolemodels like TaZ back in VP days. "Cheer for you opponents if they win" kinda thing. Enjoy the sport for the sport. Enjoy the competition for the competition. It's also the fault of the marketing. Trashtalk is fun. I'm glad it's promoted cause its entertainment, but I wish the sportmanship side was also promoted the same way. It's not like there's much of that, but there for sure are moments that can be highlighted and praised LOUDLY (which is the important part). It's the issue of young generation (cs2 kids as I call them) not having a single person to look up to in that matter. What they see is people showing a middle finger on stage, cursing each other out, not shaking hands. This leads to terrible behavioural patterns outside the stage and that in turn translates to the absolutely shit way they treat anyone who isn't on their team, and from the stories I hear ALSO on their own team. Hearsay some might shout lol Anybody having similar thoughts, experiences? Solutions, if the previous was answered as positive? I'm genuinely curious, whether it's just bad luck, or a consistent pattern that I not only perceive as consistent, but ACTUALLY IS consistent.
@st4rmixx I think there is one more problem with ESEA Main. Right now It's a rat race, because It's the only way to play on a pro scene. A long time ago (when we called that shitty game CS:GO) there were more options to choose from. Offline tournaments, national leagues etc.
@bsgiewowy @reikoCSGO @rallenHulk Raczej nie odzyskają, bo tej kasy pewnie już nie ma - a może nawet nigdy nie było. Umowa daje ci podstawę prawną, ale musisz jeszcze wyegzekwować te pieniądze od dłużnika. Aż przypomniał mi się case Seroius Gaming i defraudacja funduszy od Razera 😀
@_LuKaKooo Raczej realizm. Co roku powtarza się ta sama sytuacja, a potem jest płacz, że nie ma w Polsce organizacji, które chciałyby inwestować w CS-a.
RT @boardzyxd: GIVING AWAY 12 COPIES OF THE 35 GRAM PULSAR X2 CRAZYLIGHT 😱 Like+Retweet ❤️♻️ Follow @boardzyxd @PulsarGears Tag a CRAZY f…
@GtcMichu @nazwex @KorolukM Skutecznym marketingowcem i sprzedawcą to był Steve Jobs, który jeszcze zza grobu potrafi nakłonić ludzi, do kupowania sprzętu Apple. Musk jest zwyczajnie za głupi nawet na odgrywanie roli ekscentryka-miliardera. Za nim musi stać cały sztab ludzi, który robi wszystko za niego.