99% retweets ~OREGON JUNGLE or So-COAST~
May-Lyn and my Brother Jim ~The last thing he saw a was some black fuk named Johnston holding a shot gun ~This was Echo Park -Los Angeles 1975 ~ Gone but not forgotten~ Rest in Peace Brother
76,,,,,,born 1947 ~~~ so happy and surprised I made it this long ~~ I know more dead people than alive ~~
Although I was at Death's Door a couple times ,,,,I know because I asked the doctors ~~
Thanks Brother ~ I rarely even mention it ~ I know this is fairly common ~~ now almost 50 years ago ~ I can look back ,,, I just can't stare ~~ such is life ~~
Never put you finger inside the trigger guard unless you're going to fire it ~~~ Right ??? That what I tell my Grand Kids ,,that and never point it towards anyone .... None of my Kids or Grand Kids has had a accident with a gun ...
She need to read about the "hominid" which she evolved from ~ Their genes don't show up in the European ~ Some more of that of that ol black magic she think she has ~~~ Sell your phone and buy a book ~~
I think the 13% will enjoy this one sided race war until we start a strong resistance ~~~The problem with a race war is a lot of innocent people get hurt ~ But right now their attacking innocent white folks with no fear of retaliation ,this has to end~~~~
Being in a mob doesn't make you strong or brave ,,, it actually makes you weaker ~~ You may realize this if you live long enough ~~~~ Scholar Cowards ~~
Yes Weakness only emboldens criminals and cowards even more~Have inferior black bois made attacks a rite of passage? When you get jumped by a few men it's hard to defend yourself ~ Be aware ,carry pepper spray at least ~~i think we need boarder walls around the black ghettos .
And Neely was a bully and a jerk that had a record for harassing and intimidating innocent passengers ~~ Lots of video to back this up ~~~
We wouldn't have peanut butter discovered by George Washington Carver ~~ But I'm sure someone else would have thought it up ~~~ Oh and we wouldn't have all these black on white rapes and the Asian stores could a run peaceful convenient store~~other things as well ~~
I believe all this black hate is the death spiral of the inferior black ghetto culture ~ Their are a lot of good Blacks in America as well.... Civilization is for the civil ....
I have my theory ~ Just carry some bear spray , maybe some rocks ~ for protection , The Blacks seem to Mao Mao pretty regularly ~A Tribal thing ?~ It's makes it hard for the good Black Folk out there as well as everyone else ~ The Mad are the Mad Ones~ but defend yourself.