Paul Minot, MD
39 years of psychiatric practice; affiliated with MaineGeneral Health and Tufts University School of Medicine; hell-bent on reforming psychiatry.
Waterville, ME
Joined December 2017
I was interested in pursuing child psychiatry until doing my rotation in residency. I discovered that many of the children were saner than the parents--but the parents had already identified the child as the problem, and we're not at all interested in looking at themselves. I.
Therapy doesn’t harm children because it coddles them. Therapy harms kids because:.- it colludes with dysfunctional parents to scapegoat them.- it blames them for not adapting to a school system that’s bad for them.
@SaltedJosh @freekev22 @briantylercohen @OccupyDemocrats Living in Maine for the past 18 years. IMO Collins is toast. Her opposition here is hella fired up!.
This is so on point! Modern psychiatry seems to be based on the assumption that human misery is a biological affliction, rather than a natural consequence of life. This simplistic view conveniently allows us to move products--rather than taking the time and trouble to move minds.
There is an endemic lack of empathy & understanding in the mental health system at large. For anything but the most normal kind of suffering, we feel the need to centre genetics and biochemistry to explain it. We can't imagine—or wont admit—the terrible experiences people endure.
I contend that in adolescents, it's not only the medications that can increase the risk of suicide. The diagnosis may do so as well, by contributing to the patient's poor self-image. It would be wise to let adolescent patients know just how flimsy a psychiatric "diagnosis" is.
Study finds increased risk of suicidal behaviour in younger people starting antidepressants. No effect either way in older people. Consistent with RCTs. There is no evidence that antidepressants prevent suicide.
As much as it pains me to say it, this is the absolute truth. Academic psychiatry, and medicine in general, is a corporate tool. Psychiatry is particularly vulnerable because its physiology is largely unknown--hence it is more vulnerable to pseudoscience than other specialties.
U.S. doctors are trained in academic departments. American universities are corporate institutions with corporate objectives and rules. The tacit goal of MD training is to make compliant corporate members. If corporations call psychiatrists prescribers, they become prescribers.
This is the kind of bullshit that most offends me. Not only are you medicating a child, you’re labeling him/her for life. Cannot children be “normal variants” until they have a choice, AND a mature nervous system?.
1500+ under-5s in England prescribed antidepressants during past 5 years. Member of @RCPsych reacts: “The number of children and young people with anxiety and depression is increasing. We want them to get the support they need.”.
I thought I wanted to be a child psychiatrist until my rotation in training. I learned that parents were so often the culprits--but also in control of the treatment process. My greatest strength is candor. Practicing child psychiatry demands too much dancing around the truth.
One of my concerns is that psychiatry today discourages us from exercising wisdom--which originated in a past world full of more acute pain than today's, promoting acceptance and resilience. Much of what used to be called "life" is now a "disorder"--which can thus be monetized.
@PaulMinotMD Does it reflect a wish to escape pain of life in socially masked & protected distancing?.Is self-medication (directly or indirectly) seeking to numb & limit consciousness against fear, of pain, of loss?.Addressing the problem where it is, reveals to release the 'lie' we hide in?.
Let's make it clear: "Bipolar disorder" is just a clinical buzzword for any sort of mood instability psychiatrists want to treat. Seizure medications are often prescribed--blunt instruments defined by their suppression of nerve hyperactivity, also used for pain and anxiety.
Historically bipolar or manic depressive illness was rare. Around 85% of documented cases were single episodes. Now this label is attached to any & all mood dysregulation w/ people placed on a cocktail of psychiatric drugs FOR LIFE. Don't even get me started on Bipolar II.
Good Lord, when psychiatrists started making up diagnoses, I bet they never imagined how enthusiastically the public would embrace them! Who knew pseudoscience would be so infectious?.
Part 4 of series on neurodiversity suggests 'differently wired brains is the new chemical imbalance' and unpicks the consequences of the conflation of 'disorder' and 'identity'
This is the dehumanizing model of psychiatric treatment that I simply abhor--reducing our thoughts and feelings into a chemical stew that just needs seasoning. So lazy, inhumane, and demonstrably ineffective. Makes a lot of dough for Big Pharma, though.
The only conversation you'll ever have with your psychiatrist is about drugs. There's only one boring old conversation every time. Is this drug working for you? .Should we increase/decrease the dose? .Do you want to try this latest, greatest drug? .We may need to add this.
We're caught up in the system like everyone else is. Doctors aren't taught to think for themselves. They're expected to carry out standard practices, on the assumption that professional leaders know better than they do. And the vagaries of psychiatry contribute to our insecurity.
@PaulMinotMD How can u love ur peers knowning all the iatrogenic harm they have caused?.
Amen to this--ESPECIALLY since the DSM's psychiatric diagnoses happen to be artifacts invented by our trade association to market drugs and treatment. They are so phony and unscientific that they are COPYRIGHTED by the APA to maximize profits. In short, a scam.
"A psychiatric diagnosis. contains a narrative about what progress or recovery should look like. dictating a person’s sense of self. intruding so deeply into their identity that it may be difficult to imagine an alternative way of being".
I was in psychiatric residency from 1981 to 1985, during the biological revolution. I can assure you that we were glibly encouraged to liken depression to diabetes, and to cite the chemical imbalance myth to encourage medication compliance. These "folk" were academic physicians.
The thing to understand about “chemical imbalance” narrative is that it is primarily a folk model of mental disorders. It arose as an offshoot of the monoamine hypothesis, but in the hands of pharma & the cultural power of their advertising machinery, it became a viral meme. /1.
More evidence that our profession is too financially, intellectually, and emotionally invested in the status quo to have an actual scientific debate about our current treatment model.
Its incredible that #RCPsychIC has had a talk by R.Murray & a session ‘The Antidepressant Wars’ (Glyn Lewis, on photo) about Critical Psychiatry & the decisive serotonin ☔️ review without having anyone from CPN or the ☔️ review authors being able to represent their point of view.
Some psychiatrists here on Twitter have no idea at all what I am advocating. I absolutely love my job. That's why I'm dedicated to improving it. My chief complaints can be boiled down to this:. The brain-mind is so much more mysterious and complex than my profession.
@PaulMinotMD Those who advocate for the abolition of the entire profession of psychiatry, argue for defunding mental health services, and demonise those of us who know how valuable psychiatry can be, are literally anti-psychiatry.
@thesoulmother What should be the stock answer for nearly every question regarding brain- mind pathophysiology should be: "We don't know." Because we don't know what the physiology of thought is. And if we don't know normal physiology, what can we possibly know about pathophysiology?.
My concerns as well. I think a diagnosis can be just as dangerous as a medication--and even more in the young.
We are experiencing a pathologized generation. Told distraction & boredom is ADHD, Sadness is Depression, feeling good is mania, worry/fear is an anxiety disorder. Decease stigma means take these drugs. Completely lost site of what it means to be human.
@jill_d35 Such despicable behavior by my peers provides me motivation for my efforts. If psychiatry was really based on science, it would welcome critique. But instead it's an intellectual cult. It's incredible how vain and unethical someone in an allegedly healing profession can be.
This conforms to my view of ADHD as well. Succeeding in modern life makes peculiar demands on us human beings. I believe that what we call ADHD is a natural variant. In a native environment, being distractible would be an asset--being alert to peripheral noises would make us.
@DrAnnieHickox @SameiHuda @PaulMinotMD Let’s stir things up a bit. I don’t think my ADHD is a “disorder”, yet I very gladly use pills which I think about as “adaptogens” (not actually that different to caffeine. Just …more effective).
If I’m interpreting it right, this study suggests hospitalization does more harm than good. We seem to be able to identify those at risk—but after hospitalization, their self-harm escalates to self-destruction. Doesn’t say much for our current model of treatment, does it?.
NEW: Risk of suicide following hospital presentation for self-harm is very high immediately following hospital discharge: finding from an observational study spanning 16 years and including almost 50,000 people from 5 English hospitals @TheLancetPsych
@RobertaSchell If you mean conversational cursing and selective personal divulgence, I heartily agree. Profanity is the language of emotional identification. Patients feel better sharing their own feelings with a real person. And certain traits identified as "professional" are highly overrated.
Dr. Legedin alerted me in 11/19 that he was going to be a whistle blower on improprieties he observed. This appears to be an administrative response, and I’m glad he taking it public. Good luck, Evgeny.
I have requested that my Interim Orders Tribunal hearing on 27/05/2020 take place in public. The IOT of Medical Practitioners Tribunal may impose an interim order suspending my registration for 18 months. Nature of case: misconduct. Reason: Patient safety and public interest. RT!.
I just released a new video, entitled "Science vs. Psychiatry"--in which I review the scientific method, to remind viewers just how demanding the term "scientific" is--and to make clear how corrupt and UNscientific psychiatry is today. via @YouTube.
I try to get to know patients, and let them know me. The most consistent benefit I offer to patients is just being someone out there that knows their shit, their personal struggle. I wonder how many psychiatrists ever even consider that prospect. I hope it's more than I think.
2/ The facts are straightorward. Meaningful psychotherapy requires a meaningful therapist-patient relationship, and time. Time is money. Society has made decisions, financially driven, not to invest in that. There is no bypass.
@MrEnt92 @WWEDanielBryan “Only a person with socialism beliefs can form a biased opinion”??? Your logic and grammar both indicate that you’re incapable of critical thinking. So don’t worry about this program—you’re outside of the target population.
Absolute agreement with Dr. McFillin here. Instructing people to focus on "mental health" is an effective way of generating public worry about themselves and loved ones, and thus generating business. (OMG, what if you're depressed and you don't know it???!!!). Scientifically.
I am sure this is an unpopular opinion in American culture & many will not understand this: I don't recommend people "focus on your mental health". I actually think that is horrible advice. Who knows what I am talking about?.
Absolutely true. The difference between psychiatry and other medical specialties is that there are many things not entirely understood about somatic physiology--while psychiatry has ZERO understanding of the physiology of thought. Just meditate on that fact. Cutting edge, baby!.
@SeanGilligan20 @PaulMinotMD I would say psychiatry has been the cutting edge of what has become a general trend in medicine.
Biological psychiatry’s worst offense is the heedless manner in which children are often diagnosed and medicated. The contributions of development and parenting are incalculable; intervention defines the child’s identity for life; and there’s no such thing as willful consent.
7yr old on Seroquel. Ronda Storms said prescribed drugs have replaced talk therapy and are over-prescribed to subdue unruly children. The measure would require an independent review before psychiatric drugs can be administered to children 10 or younger.
I prescribe meds every day. I don't think they're useless, but I think they're highly overrated. The CDC's documentation of a 35% increase in suicide from 1999 to 2021--a period of peak psychiatry--disturbs me greatly. And even more so when the APA, and American psychiatry at.
@PaulMinotMD So I’ll give you a vignette. A mishmash of various people in my practice. Middle aged man, high conflict household constant fighting. Grumpy and annoying everyone can see. Working all hours of a day plus kids activities and spouse demands. Refuses therapy since “no time”, which.
I must sadly agree with you, Roger. Modern psychiatry exploits psychological distress to market products that may or may not help patients, but are certain to generate profits. How else can you explain suppression of the CDC Suicide Study? It would have been bad for business.
The rise in psychiatric drug prescriptions correlates w/ the declining physical & mental health of Western Society. The idea of a quick easy fix to escape the pain & solve the problems of living has been manufactured & sold to us.
Some psychiatrists on Twitter have applied that label to me already. The way I see it, if I'm antipsychiatry, then antipsychiatry must be OK! Nowadays it seems to be nothing but an epithet hurled to shame us for having profoundly critical thoughts about our current model of care.
@PaulMinotMD Antipsychiatry professionals make spurious complaints and threaten legal action to silence criticism of ideas. They spread misinformation. They think discussing their problematic attitudes on race is unprofessional. You sure you want to associate with that? 🤔.
IMO, ADHD and autism are normal variants in the genetic pool, defined by unnatural social expectations. E.g., ADHD is actually advantageous for hunting. But in what NATURAL state would 25 children be expected to sit still and listen to someone speaking in front of them?.
Why are there so many young people who don’t fit typical social norms identifying as autistic now? It appears it has morphed into an identity that is similar to ADHD? In fact, they are being lumped together. We are living in odd times. how did this happen?.
100% right. Psychiatry doesn't even remember what science really is--the rigorous study of nature. Psychiatry nowadays is driven by technology and commerce, and "science" is a sales pitch.
@JDaviesPhD I don’t think the average person on the street really grasps the scientific hollowness / lack of rigour behind the concept of a ‘mental disorder’ as found in the DSM. They are told that it’s what ‘The Science’ says, and we must therefore ‘believe’ it.
Amen, Roger. What's disturbingly absent from modern psychiatry is ANY sort of guiding philosophy. Modern psychiatry is blatantly anti-philosophical. Our mission seems to be the production of sham diseases (aka "disorders")--not coincidentally by our trade association, the APA--to.
Every emotion is designed to serve you. for at least a time period. Understanding that emotion is a gift & not a burden (or worse a symptom) is necessary for our personal growth & transformation. This is mental health.
What Dr. Lynch said goes for me as well. Contemporary psychiatry refuses to examine its failures, which are becoming increasingly obvious.
As long as societies subscribe to psychiatry's deluded notions of "mental illness", and fail to honour & address what is ACTUALLY occurring - e.g. wounding/trauma; overwhelm; distress; heartbreak in many forms-suicide & major distress will continue #shameonyoupsychiatry.
I agree completely. It repulses me that so many colleagues are too vain and cowardly to consider the possibility that our model of care MIGHT just be pretty damned fucked up. Evidence? The 2 largest studies ever—CDC and STAR*D—are the most damning. Our future is going to hurt.
@kenjaques Many of them call harmed patients and clinician critics "anti-psychiatry", "Scientologists", etc. and then block them. Incredible cowardice. Mostly minor players in the field who feel propped up by defending any criticism of addictive meds and the lack of efficacy of ADs.