![Nurse Glory Onyinyechi George Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1390596379106582529/osvaZdoC_x96.jpg)
Nurse Glory Onyinyechi George
👩🏻⚕️Nurse➰Midwife( BNSc,RN,RM, RHP) //Maternal Child // SRHR/Girls & Women Health Advocate 🤰🤱.🏆@impactafricasummit WINNER EXCELLENCE IN HEALTH INFLUENCE
Lagos, Nigeria
Joined August 2020
So many women and babies have lost their lives during delivery from things that were avoidable. Play your part by asking the right questions prior to delivery. #nurseweysabi
RT @MadukaChidera3: @realBigStanH The work @aproko_doctor @Nurse_weysabi @subpharmacist @olawalesmd @Nrs_Kethz @the_beardedsina and yoursel…
RT @4cbycorg: Helloooo 😃 Join us this Friday for an exciting webinar on Cervical cancer. It’s the Cervical Cancer Awareness Month and the…
He partied all night and drank alcohol. Got home and couldn't stop going to the toilet. He rushed and took flagyl, and that was when all hell broke loose. He started sweating with headache, blood pressure dropped, difficulty in breathing, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, rapid heart rate, and seizure He never knew alcohol and Flagyl were two sworn enemies, that do not cross the same path at the same time. The big question is what went wrong? When alcohol is taken alongside Flagyl it results to adverse effects called DISULFIRAM-LIKE EFFECT • This is what went wrong. When alcohol is taken, it is first broken down to acetaldehyde, a toxic metabolite that has so many adverse effects. The body knows this and doesn't allow it to accumulate for long, so it breaks it down rapidly to acetate, which is easier to excrete and less toxic. This is done using an enzyme called acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. WHILE Flagyl blocks and inactivates this enzyme, causing accumulation of the toxic metabolite ACETALDEHYDE resulting to the numerous adverse effects. So taking Flagyl when alcohol is still in your system is like calling for war in your body. Follow to learn more safe health practices @Nurse_weysabi
SWIPE TO READ ALL. This is the end of the Rhesus factor and rhesus disease series. Share and tag others to learn👍 📌If you are Rhesus negative (A-,B-,AB-,O-) and you feel you are sensitized from not receiving Rhogam injection from previous sensitization event like abortion, miscarriage or delivery. 📌It is very important you see a Gynaecologist before trying to conceive 🥳 ~~~~~Nurseweysabi #rhesusawareness
Continued from previous video 📌Examples of events that can expose a woman to sensitization Sensitization happens when a woman with rhesus negative blood (A-,B-, AB-, O-) is exposed to rhesus positive blood (A+, B+, AB+, O+) usually during a previous pregnancy with an RhD positive baby. And her immune system produces antibodies to attack the positive blood cells of subsequent/ next pregnancies (Watch previous video) Sensitization events 👇 📌Abortion, miscarriages > 12 weeks pregnancy 📌Trauma to the abdomen during pregnancy (E.g Road Traffic Accidents, External Cephalic Version) 📌Caesarean section / Vaginal delivery 📌Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling (invasive procedures) 📌 Bleeding during pregnancy (abruptio, placenta previa) 📌Ectopic pregnancy CONCLUSION 👇 Women who are Rhesus negative ( A-,B-,AB-,O-) should receive Rhogam injection within 72 hours if you experience any of these events👆🏽to prevent issues during pregnancy 👌 📌Repost/Retweet for others to see 👍 ~~~~~Nurseweysabi
After church service a woman ran to me, she said “ Nurseweysabi I am going through a lot right now and I don’t want others to suffer this. I was ignorant, I didn’t know and nobody told me, up until yesterday at the hospital when I already lost my baby for the 3rd time. My blood group is O Negative. While my husband’s blood group is B Positive. I practically slept on your page last night and I saw you have posted it, and the video helped me understand well what was actually wrong. Nurseweysabi is it possible to be posting this every day on your page? “ Me: It’s not o, but I will try to raise more awareness. So help me God . Every girl/ woman should know this👌. Share for others to learn🎤
@__black_currant Exactly what my son asked me few days ago😂“ Mummy why did God create mosquitoes “ Me: My dear, I don’t know 😂😂
This is a new year, and I will like to encourage anyone going through any form of addiction to use this new year as a new page and a stopping point to their addiction. 👩🏻⚕️Addiction is a chronic condition that involves compulsive seeking and taking of a substance or performing of an activity despite negative or harmful consequences. 👩🏻⚕️From this video illustration, he kept on going back to his addiction despite how bad he was affected. 🥺It’s important you seek help, don’t let it consume you 🙏 👌My sincere advice, please don’t start it. The aim of it is to ruin you! Stay away from it! 👊🏻I will be here cheering you on. You can do it❤️ Happy new year/page👍 ~~~~Nurseweysabi #mentalhealth
RT @VaccineNet_NG: Today, we applaud the lives saved, the progress made, and the hope brought about by vaccines. We celebrate Nigeria's ad…
#SWIPE 🤦Babies can drown in as little as 2 inches of water. 📌These are safety measures if you have a home pool and babies/young children in the home: -Install a four sided fence, with self closing gates and alarms. -Cover your pool with a rigid safety cover (preferably a motorized one) whenever you’re not using it and even during swimming season. ° Don’t leave children near or around the pool alone. When everybody’s watching, nobody’s watching. Rather take turns or designate a pool/water watcher to watch over the children during group swimming. -The pool watcher should be someone who is alert and not scrolling through the phone texting or chatting on social media. ° Teach your children how to swim. -Learn basic CPR and acting immediately instead of waiting for emergency responders can make the difference between life and death in drowning cases. It’s also important to know what a child in distress looks like. -Kids drown silently and quickly, often when they are vertical in the water with their head tipped back. Unlike what you see in Nollywood movies, a child rarely splashes, flails their arms, or yells for help. You intervene when a kid may be even slightly in trouble so he doesn’t get to the point of drowning. Have your kids learnt how to swim? ~~~~~~Nurseweysabi Helpful? Tag others and share❤️
Afrimedical Manufacturing & Supplies limited is one of the largest syringe manufacturers in Africa, with Factory built following WHO standards right here in Nigeria. Producing up to 1.8 billion syringes yearly, made easily available to medical professionals and institutions within Nigeria and Africa. @Afrimedical
#MedicalInnovation #HealthCare #Afrimedicallimited #QualityManufacturing #EbeamSterilization #MedicalDevices #afriject
🤰-As a pregnant patient you have the right to be treated right, and your questions answered by your health care providers. ~~~Nurse weysabi #antenatal #pregnancy #ttc #pregnancyjourney #omugwo
👩🏻⚕️It’s better you are told it’s nothing, than to be told you would have come earlier 🤦. Be proactive 👍 ~~~~Nurseweysabi #pregnancy