![Marjan Žandar Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1687605768/Picture_of_me_23_x96.png)
Marjan Žandar
Joined December 2011
USA se čisti.
Few people realize that Elon Musk's tech team unleashed data crawlers as USAID (and Treasury) IT systems and they already have all the evidence of the crimes of the Democrats. Court orders blocking further access don't matter at all. This is why the radical Left is now calling for a civil war, because they've been caught committing large-scale financial felonies, election rigging, kickbacks, bribery, money laundering and more. All that's needed now is about 5,000 DOJ prosecutors to start arresting and prosecuting. The evidence is already wrapped up and irrefutable. Elon and Trump literally just took down the corrupt Democrat cabal.
Have you ever noticed how every socialist experiment ends the same way? Mass poverty, starvation, authoritarian rule, and a collapsed economy. It’s practically a guaranteed outcome. •Venezuela? Once the wealthiest country in South America - now a hellhole where people eat zoo animals to survive. Inflation hit 4000% at one point. •Russia? The biggest failure in economic history. Crumbled under its own weight because central planning is about as effective as an inflatable dartboard. •North Korea? A country where the people literally starve, while their leaders get fat off the backs of the working class. •Cuba? Decades of dictatorship, no economic progress, and people fleeing on rafts made of literal garbage to escape. And what do Leftists say? "Well, real socialism has never been tried." Oh, shut up. It’s been tried over and over, and the results are always the same - failure, oppression, and misery. writes @RobertHersov in a Visegrad24 oped.
@MilenaMilenca @SamoGlavan Ne pozabimo, da so nam Srbi ubili Cankarja, sedaj pa motijo Prešernovo proslavo na Prešernovem trgu.
PFIZER JE PRAVKAR OBJAVIL SVOJ SEZNAM STRANSKIH UČINKOV SVOJIH "CEPIV proti COVIDU-19" 💉....... in seznam nekaterih neželenih učinkov cepiva Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19. POZOR! Krvna tromboza. Akutna poškodba ledvice, akutna omotica miela, antisperma pozitivna protitelesa, embolija možganskega debla, Tromboza možganskega debla , srčni zastoj (v stotine primerov), srčno popuščanje, tromboza srčnega prekata, kardiogeni šok, vaskulitis centralnega živčnega sistema, smrt novorojenčkov, tromboza globokih ven, encefalitis možganskega debla, hemoragični encefalitis, Epilepsija čelnega režnja, pena na ustih, Epileptična psihoza, obrazna paraliza , Fetalni distres sindrom, amiloidoza prebavil Splošen napad tonika in kloničnega napada, Hashimotova encefalopatija, tromboza jeter reaktivacija herpesa zostra, hepatitis imuno opazovan, intersticijska bolezen pljuč , embolija vratne vene, mladoletna mioklonična epilepsija, poškodba jeter , Malo porodne teže, multisistemski vnetni sindrom pri otrocih, miokarditis, napad novorojenčkov , pankreatitis, Pljučnica, mrtvorojen dojenček, tahikardija, epilepsija senčnega režnja, avtoimuna na testis, kap trombocitov , Sladkorna bolezen tipa 1 neonatalna venska tromboza, tromboza vretenčne arterije, perikarditis Nenadna smrt. ” Mislili smo, da bi radi vedeli, ker ene stvari ljudje nikoli ne bodo mogli reči: "Nisem vedel" 📖 TAKO SMO TI POVEDALI! 🤨