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RT @2000Rocker: Whoever said the Exchanges will be free to list Pi after OM,you're very wrong!! Pi is Digital Currency or Money,not a tradi…
To the moon
Is GCV truly established when OM launches? Let's explore the topic of Pi’s price. Dr. Nicolas, the founder of Pi Network, has stated that the price of Pi will be determined by the pioneers. He has also emphasized that each Pi is scarce and valuable. Every pioneer is capable of achieving great things! With over 60 million pioneers, opinions on Pi’s value vary. Some believe it could be worth $0.1, $1, $10, $100, $1,000, or even $10,000, with the GCV target being $314,159. The question is: Can we allow these different price points within the ecosystem freely to help it mature? We have been waiting for a long time. At some point, a price of around 300 Pi per transaction was calculated by a pioneer. If we assume these prices apply to ecosystem products, which typically cost only a few dollars (let’s say an average of $50), then the price per Pi would be about $0.16. In this scenario, if all pioneers pass KYC and migration is completed, would it be safe to proceed with OM? Most pioneers hold between 10 and 400 Pi, and if they lock up 90% for 3 years, they will use up their Pi in just one to ten transactions for products like shoes, cups, toilet covers, pet food, etc. Is Pi truly scarce and valuable as Dr. Nicolas has claimed? Can pioneers fulfill the vision of greatness that he described? Determining the price of a cryptocurrency is a complex and unprecedented challenge for regular people. As we strive toward Pi Network’s mission of becoming a global currency, we must ensure that Pi exhibits key currency characteristics such as decentralization, stability, and fundamental functions like measurement, circulation, payments, storage, and global usability. Ultimately, it is up to the pioneers to resolve price discrepancies since the Core Team cannot intervene in the market. However, the Core Team does have the ability to safeguard Pi Network’s mission by managing KYC, migration, and OM processes. Think of it like constructing a beautiful house with a $10 million investment. If you don’t list a price, potential buyers may only offer $10, $100, or $1,000. Would you accept such a low offer? Of course not! You would wait for someone who understands the true value of your house. Similarly, setting the price for Pi differs from traditional supply-and-demand economics. The price of Pi at OM is not determined purely by supply and demand but rather by the collective agreement of pioneers—currently, the consensus price (GCV) is $314,159. For a long time, 80% of pioneers have agreed on GCV, and it dominates within the blockchain, which is why OM is set to launch in Q1 2025. Consider a scenario where you need to transfer a large sum of money to a business partner—you would first send a small test amount to ensure the system is reliable. Once confirmed, you can confidently transfer the full amount. OM works in the same way. It is impossible to get 100% of people to support GCV, but consensus means the majority’s acceptance. Since GCV is already recorded on the blockchain as the majority agreement, it is safe to say that pioneers themselves have established this price. Once OM goes live, the Core Team can either publish the blockchain record to confirm the fact that the GCV price of $314,159 has been established, or the remaining minority will naturally align with GCV because they want their Pi to have higher value for purchasing goods and services. The ecosystem will adopt GCV on its own because it already has users. No enforcement is needed—the market will self-adjust. Now, you can celebrate because Pi and GCV have already triumphed, and OM is launching very soon. If you are a legitimate user who complies with the rules, you will pass KYC and migrate quickly, as there will be no risk at that stage. If you truly understand everything I’ve shared, you will develop strong confidence and know exactly what steps to take next. Please read this carefully three times and share it widely! #PiNetwork #GCV #OpenMainNet
#himanshumgr #Crypto
@StefanAntonio__ @smindrawatii Menteri Jongos Globalist Yg dikejar duit wong cilik Urus department sendiri gak becus, banyak tikus
RT @2000Rocker: Pi will be really scarce since the first day of OM. Your 10 Pi is more than enough for your life welfare if you can manage…
@Syarman59 @DivHumas_Polri @Poldametrojaya_ Preman yg duitnya banyak, Parcok gak berani nolak Angguk angguk aje
RT @himanshumgr2: #BreakingNews The Pi Network Protocol has been upgraded to version 19, bringing its massive community of over 60 millio…
RT @2000Rocker: Pi Nexus is working behind the scenes,there will be great surprises in the next 2 weeks. Pi Nexus is one of the Mega Ecos…
RT @WoodyLightyearx: 🚨 BREAKING: Pi Network has upgraded its mainnet to Protocol Version 19. This is a pivotal advancement in its journey…
@mahardikaabet @hansssolo Wong mereka kartunya sama, RUU Perampasan Aset bagi KORUPTOR gak kelar2 kalo bahas kenaikan gaji anggota Dewan langsung KETOK PALU
@AnggiAr93 @CNNIndonesia Amrik memang biangnya kerusuhan juga, dimana2 kalo merasa dirugikan lsg action
@rizieqdivist @CNNIndonesia Anti Chiba selalu jadi senjata bagi Amrik utk buat gaduh di Konoha