One day, the games will end. - No more bus rides. - No more practices. - No more game days. But the memories will stay forever: - The teammates. - The laughter. - The moments that made it all worth it. Cherish every second.
Shoutout to The Locale (Brownsburg) for donating gift cards for our 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! There are only a few team slots open! If you have interest in attending our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) fundraiser, message Coach Archambeau!
Shoutout to Green Street Eatery (Brownsburg) for donating gift cards for our 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! There are only a few team slots open! If you have interest in attending our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) fundraiser, message Coach Archambeau!
Shoutout to BSquared (Brownsburg) for donating gift cards for our 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! There are only a few team slots open! If you have interest in attending our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) fundraiser, message Coach Archambeau!
Shoutout to Sweet Paige’s (Brownsburg) for donating gift certificates for our 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! There are only a few team slots open! If you have interest in attending our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) fundraiser, message Coach Archambeau!
Shoutout to Manscapes (Brownsburg and Plainfield) for donating gift certificates for our 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! There are only a few team slots open! If you have interest in attending our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) fundraiser, message Coach Archambeau!
Shoutout to the Lebanon Leprechauns for donating game tickets for our 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! There are only a few team slots open! If you have interest in attending our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) fundraiser, message Coach Archambeau!
Shoutout to the Best Face Forward (Lebanon IN) for donating gift certificates for our 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! There are only a few team slots open! If you have interest in attending our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) fundraiser, message Coach Archambeau!
Shoutout to the Indiana Pacers/Indiana Fever (Dennis Deardurff) for donating prize packs for our 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! There are only a few team slots open! If you have interest in attending our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) fundraiser, message Coach Archambeau!
Shoutout to Crossroads Imprints (Stephen Horton) for registering a team of 3 for the 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! Limited team spots still available for our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) trivia night! Connect with Coach Archambeau if you’d like to participate!
Shoutout to the Johnson Fsmily for registering a team of 3 for the 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! Limited team spots still available for our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) trivia night! Connect with Coach Archambeau if you’d like to participate!
Shoutout to the Cooper Family for registering a team of 3 for the 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! Limited team spots still available for our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) trivia night! Connect with Coach Archambeau if you’d like to participate!
Shoutout to Suzie Oliva & Crew for registering a team of 3 for the 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! Limited team spots still available for our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) trivia night! Connect with Coach Archambeau if you’d like to participate!
Shoutout to the Veach Family for registering a team of 3 for the 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! Limited team spots still available for our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) trivia night! Connect with Coach Archambeau if you’d like to participate!
Shoutout to the Heather Carrell & Crew for registering a team of 3 for the 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! Limited team spots still available for our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) trivia night! Connect with Coach Archambeau if you’d like to participate!
Shoutout to Coach Robbins (LHS SB) for registering a team of 3 for the 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! Limited team spots still available for our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) trivia night! Connect with Coach Archambeau if you’d like to participate!
Shoutout to the LHS Boys Basketball team for registering a team of 3 for the 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! Limited team spots still available for our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) trivia night! Connect with Coach Archambeau if you’d like to participate!
Shoutout to Kristy Sommerville & Crew for registering a team of 3 for the 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! Limited team spots still available for our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) trivia night! Connect with Coach Archambeau if you’d like to participate!
Shoutout to Debbie Ottinger & Crew for registering a team of 3 for the 1st Annual LHS Softball Trio Trivia Night! Limited team spots still available for our Saturday March 1 (6 pm) trivia night! Connect with Coach Archambeau if you’d like to participate!