![KingArt Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1372982627892924417/rBJMyazj_x96.jpg)
Lover of art, and collectibles. Sankofa. illustrate history through art.
Joined March 2021
@jasonregreen @twuntastical @bbcpress This is just playing the victim card, at this rate you will be accused of antisemitism through thought, this antisemitism claims are beginning to erode people's right to free speech.
RT @hzomlot: You are not alone! Our message to the Palestinian people in occupied Gaza, West Bank and everywhere earlier today after an urg…
@lamsreacts You did a great job. Best comment on the set. It showed the double standards and madness in the current narrative
Malcom said it already! Majority of this bragging has children and kids killed, shocking at the arrogance.
Dozens of fighter jets and helicopters attacked a series of terrorist targets of the Hamas terrorist organization throughout the Gaza Strip. So far, the IAF has dropped about 6,000 bombs against Hamas targets.
Let the truth come out.
Gabor Mate As a Jewish youngster growing up in Budapest, an infant survivor of the Nazi genocide, I was for years haunted by a question resounding in my brain with such force that sometimes my head would spin: “How was it possible? How could the world have let such horrors happen?” It was a naïve question, that of a child. I know better now: such is reality. Whether in Vietnam or Rwanda or Syria, humanity stands by either complicitly or unconsciously or helplessly, as it always does. In Gaza today we find ways of justifying the bombing of hospitals, the annihilation of families at dinner, the killing of pre-adolescents playing soccer on a beach. In Israel-Palestine the powerful party has succeeded in painting itself as the victim, while the ones being killed and maimed become the perpetrators. “They don’t care about life,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says, abetted by the Obamas and Harpers of this world, “we do.” Netanyahu, you who with surgical precision slaughter innocents, the young and the old, you who have cruelly blockaded Gaza for years, starving it of necessities, you who deprive Palestinians of more and more of their land, their water, their crops, their trees — you care about life? There is no understanding Gaza out of context — Hamas rockets or unjustifiable terrorist attacks on civilians — and that context is the longest ongoing ethnic cleansing operation in the recent and present centuries, the ongoing attempt to destroy Palestinian nationhood. The Palestinians use tunnels? So did my heroes, the poorly armed fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto. Unlike Israel, Palestinians lack Apache helicopters, guided drones, jet fighters with bombs, laser-guided artillery. Out of impotent defiance, they fire inept rockets, causing terror for innocent Israelis but rarely physical harm. With such a gross imbalance of power, there is no equivalence of culpability. Israel wants peace? Perhaps, but as the veteran Israeli journalist Gideon Levy has pointed out, it does not want a just peace. Occupation and creeping annexation, an inhumane blockade, the destruction of olive groves, the arbitrary imprisonment of thousands, torture, daily humiliation of civilians, house demolitions: these are not policies compatible with any desire for a just peace. In Tel Aviv Gideon Levy now moves around with a bodyguard, the price of speaking the truth. I have visited Gaza and the West Bank. I saw multi-generational Palestinian families weeping in hospitals around the bedsides of their wounded, at the graves of their dead. These are not people who do not care about life. They are like us — Canadians, Jews, like anyone: they celebrate life, family, work, education, food, peace, joy. And they are capable of hatred, they can harbour vengeance in the hearts, just like we can. One could debate details, historical and current, back and forth. Since my days as a young Zionist and, later, as a member of Jews for a Just Peace, I have often done so. I used to believe that if people knew the facts, they would open to the truth. That, too, was naïve. This issue is far too charged with emotion. As the spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle has pointed out, the accumulated mutual pain in the Middle East is so acute, “a significant part of the population finds itself forced to act it out in an endless cycle of perpetration and retribution.” “People’s leaders have been misleaders, so they that are led have been confused,” in the words of the prophet Jeremiah. The voices of justice and sanity are not heeded. Netanyahu has his reasons. Harper and Obama have theirs. And what shall we do, we ordinary people? I pray we can listen to our hearts. My heart tells me that “never again” is not a tribal slogan, that the murder of my grandparents in Auschwitz does not justify the ongoing dispossession of Palestinians, that justice, truth, peace are not tribal prerogatives. That Israel’s “right to defend itself,” unarguable in principle, does not validate mass killing.
@RoyLGlob @DiveBTC @PeterMcCormack @DanDarkPill @RubinReport I feel sympathy for the Israeli citizens who're killed, and I too feel sympathy for the Palestinian who have been facing killing after killing by the Israeli state. This situation didn't happen out of thin air, and for Israel to act as innocent bystander just adds fuel to fire.
@RoyLGlob @DiveBTC @PeterMcCormack @DanDarkPill @RubinReport According to Roy it's not killing people that's the problem. It's how you kill them that's the problem. Roy Murder is Murder.
@ITVNewsPolitics Do you condemn what Israel has been doing to Palestine for years now? If this was 40years ago, ITV would be asking Jeremy to condemn the ANC for attacking the racist Apartheid regime of South Africa. @itvnewspolitics Grow some and stand for what is true.
@visegrad24 Question for all those pitchforking Jeremy, do any of you condemn what Israel has been doing to Palestine for years? He without sin cast the first stone. Hypocrisy at its best.
@BBCWorld What about the innocent people of Palestine who have been suffering for years. Who is standing for them @DavidLammy . We shouldn't be taking sides.
@BBCNews BBC you are full of hypocrisy, how can you totally ignore the subjegation that the people of Palestine have been going through from the Israeli state. This was bound to happen. One man's freedom fighter is a terrorist to those his fighting.