Did you see
's video for
s? I disagree with the "it is not your war message" but if this helps rock the boat "there" then ok. Do not, however, be fooled by the "you re great and innocent message." Someone needs to tell "them", finally, they are not.
Po pierwsze: ogromne wyrazy współczucia dla rodzin. Znam się na niewielu rzeczach,ale na tzw. "foreign fighting-u" (jak to jest po polsku?) trochę tak. zwłaszcza w kontekście rosyjskiej agresji na UKR. od 2014 r.. będzie o tym, co się stało i co w związku z tym. zapraszam na🧵1/
While sitting at Xmas table do ponder one thing: 10 months ago, 10 months,Russia (re-)invaded Ukraine. It has been that long.Spare a thought for the defenders and their loved ones. And
If you are looking for an
present then may I humbly suggest this book? And it comes with a discount, you know. Pre-orders available from today. Superbly exicted and a ht
: big big thank yous.
Ok, cat's out of the bag. During this transfer window I hopped on my bike to join the great
. Super excited and look forward to the challenges ahead.
📢 Meet one of our newest team members, Kacper Rekawek (
As of September 2023, Kacper joined
as Research Fellow and Programme Lead in the Current and Emerging Threats Pillar. Read more about him on our website:
Surreal, here it is, my latest. Big thank yous to all who encouraged and supported (it is you
, and not forgetting
). You can order your copy here: ;)
can anyone pls explain while
can get
kids into schools in days and push a major bill on the rights of the country's new inhabitants in 20 days, and some, I stress, some of our richer allies are nowhere on this? honest question.
Chwale sie. To ma wielka widownie w Holandii. Proste slowa - "Nie ufajcie Rosji, nie zapominajcie, Rosja gra gry ze swoimi dzihadystami". Na pohybel Moskwie.
Kan IS als gemeenschappelijke vijand Poetin en het Westen dichter bij elkaar brengen? Nee, zegt
van het International Centre for Counter-Terrorism.
"Abbiamo bisogno che lei (Boris Johnson) faccia ciò che è in suo potere per convincere il governo ucraino a fare la scelta giusta". Lo ha detto Aiden Aslin chiedendo uno scambio di prigionieri a
, primo media occidentale a intervistarlo da quando è stato catturato
war as
publishes my report on the issue 2day. Main Q: what it takes to become such a fighter? Who are they? Here I will summarise the main findings for your convenience. Link: 1/
Russian expert Konstantin Sivkov on Russian state TV threatens with a nuclear strike on Poland and genocide of the Polish people.
Unfortunately, in Europe many politicians still support these people. And many countries still trade with the Russians who dream of European genocide
dear media, to get some real perspective on Dugin, check out the work of
instead of peddling takes on his importance or indispensability for Kremlin.
this is officially out 2day, couldn't be happier (remember, FFIU25 gets you a 25% off on YOUR copy here ;) ) and some acknowledgements are in order. First, goes to my computer, adorned with a
sticker on which this was written. 1/
Tmrow is my last day
. Thrilling and unforgettable 3 yrs and 3 months. Big thank yous to the whole team + our project partners. This has been quite a ride. Catch you all on the flipside.
Bad adventure for Matteo Salvini at the Ukrainian-Polish border:
the mayor of Przemys refused to go with him and showed the shirt worn by the leader of the League in the European Parliament a few years ago: "No respect for you"
what do you say to someone volunteering in a foreign war who is about to go back to the frontline and really, really cannot talk right now? "stay safe"?! sounds pathetic. I am genuinely looking for clues.
. apparently, Kherson has "separatists." get a bloody grip. It has been 8.5 years and more than 6 months since Feb 24. It really is not a civil war.
To all
colleagues who told me, over the years, that
is a serious player and its views must be taken into account: this one's for you. Hope you enjoy it.
ta wiadomość trochę podpaliła polski "ekspercki" twitter, gdzie dominują wpisy pt. szanujcie ich, walczyli za nas, jakoś trzeba pomóc rodzinom. I tu pełna zgoda. zwłaszcza, że autorzy tych wpisów znaleźli się w ogniu krytyku typu "sami się prosili". 3/
są też inne: Czechy. Też nie widzę, nie słyszę itd., ale w 2022 r. decyzja prezydenta i rządu, że nie będą penalizować za udział w Legionie po stronie UKR. Dla porównania - ci, co walczyli u "sepów" w 2014 r. dostają po 20 lat za...terroryzm. 11/
The head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk people's republic (DNR), Denis Pushilin, who yesterday received a United Russia party card from Dmitry Medvedev, said today that all DNR residents will be granted Russian citizenship.
dla tych, co chcą wiedzieć więcej, jest instagram "Kozaka", jest pokój na twitterze
, na tej stronie są inni, którzy dwóch zabitych naszych rodaków znali. oni powiedzą więcej na ich temat. 2/
Since late 14/early 15 I have been looking at foreign fighters in
. Wrote, spoke, organised a conf. Now,
, yrs too late, is reacting to its ppl’s presence in <separatist> ranks. There is an ugly underbelly out there and it aint
Remember these fires in Poland? one suspect is a Belarusian MMA fighter with neo-nazi past, incl. ...connection to football hooligan units overseen by FSB which fight for Russia against Ukraine. "There are Nazis in Russia? And they have friends in BLR?"
Homiel. Thousands are singing Kaczmarki’s ”Mury” in Belarusian translation:
Pull the teeth of bars from the walls!
Tear off the chains, break the whip!
And the walls will fall, will fall, will fall
And will bury the old world!
Great but why are we, 33 yrs later , called a "former Soviet satellite state???!?!" When did you stop referring to the US as a "former British colony,?"
będzie jak oni zaczną gdzieś jeździć. I wcale nie myślę tu o Ukraińcach. może być dużo bardziej "egzotycznie" i będzie to miało konsekwencje dla naszego bezpieczeństwa. Reasumując: pomóżmy rodzinom zabitych jak tylko najlepiej można i pomyślmy: model czeski? czy bałtycki? 19/
2day I had a chance to physically launch my book with with
. thx to all for coming and see you somewhere on the digital trail.
This is brilliant.
tank crew poses in front of a Polish tank. And seems a dog is a part of the crew - just like in the 1966 Polish war epic "Four Tankists and a Dog."
A year ago pres
created International Legion for
. A transnational social movement of volunteering for this country came into being. Stay tuned for my report on its 1st year with
. Written on the basis of conv with 70 members of this movement.
czyli tak: Zachód nie penalizuje, my tak. zaznaczam - mówimy o penalizacji działań pt. jestem zagranicznym bojownikiem, a nie zagranicznym terrorystycznym bojownikiem (FTF). To penalizuje każdy, nie było mowy, żeby było inaczej po 2012,13,14 r. i tłumnych wyjazdch do Syrii. 6/
czyli UKR Legion Międzynarodowy, którego częścią było dwóch zabitych Polaków, to "zagraniczni ochotnicy", co odróżnia ich od wszystkich FTFs, psów wojny itp. Nie zmienia to jednak faktu, że z punktu widzenia prawa w krajach Europy Śrdk-Wsch jest to zjawisko penalizowane. 8/
i tu zaczynają się schody: nie jestem prawnikiem, ale musimy wiedzieć jedno - "zagraniczne bojowanie", wybaczcie tę angielską kalkę, jest u nas de facto zakazane. jest na to paragraf, że jeśli bez zgody, to... 4/
i tu clue programu: my się w 2022 r. budzimy, że tacy ludzie istnieją. ale tu pierwszy case pod rozwagę: myślicie, że od Bałtów po 2014 r. nikt nie pojechał walczyć na UKR? po żadnej ze stron? pewnie, że pojechali, by dołączyć do obu. tak,LIT LAT EST do UKR, a "ich" Rosjanie...9/
od razu uwaga: walczący na Ukrainie nie są żadnymi FTFs, ich można podciągać pod zagr. bojowników, choć w anglosaskiej terminologii to nie jest termin do końca trafiony. "Bojownik" walczy u powstańców (tu ukłony dla
), a "ochotnik" walczy w armii np. ukraińskiej.7/
i tu zaskoczenie: nie jesteśmy w mainstreamie, bo, o zgrozo!, duża część sojuszników z Zachodu nie penalizuje wyjazdów obywateli swoich krajów na wojny. Kraje naszego regionu są po drugiej stronie tego podziału. 5/
Finally, people are waking up. Been saying this for some time. Terrorism is sometimes organised in a top-down manner, you know? Or to be plain - state sponsored. By Russia.
Many of my colleagues use
for advice and I guess it's my turn: I study what I study and my 2nd interviewee in Ukraine just passed away tonight.Another spent 4 months tortured while in Russian captivity. To say it thoroughly impacts me would be a cliche which...1/
Dear friends who dislike war, prefer peace, see Russia as a permanent fixture, believe its views must be taken into account, have a look at this photo (by
) from Dnipro. This might be coming to my city and then yours. And that's why this must be stopped. Now.
You realise that Poland gov is meeting on THE issue in 10 minutes, right? Yet, I have already seen a trillion explanations and analyses of THE issue on this site. Stop. Just stop.