JB Slear
#MAGA ALTA data student/believer and hard core constitutionalist Maverick Researcher for History Hacked Past Performance Is Not Indicative Of Future Results
Prescott, Az.
Joined August 2014
Are we here yet? ALTA_2007_February STOKE IT!! Markets The data sets have the USA Federal Reserve Bank becoming under 'stress' at so many levels, 'political', 'informational (truth)', 'economic', 'fiscal', and 'financial' over 2017. These real 'stress' factors are indicated to 'bud out' in March through May, then to 'bloom' across June and July, as the 'stresses' get a 'push back' from the 'bad decisions' already in place. The data has the 'global markets' in 'turmoil' from mid year onward. These include the 'Euro', and 'Yuan', as both major currencies are described as 'sick', and 'ailing'. The 'bud' period of March is described as being 'prolific' and 'wild'. There are also sets for 'wildly unpredictable', and 'scattered crises', and yet more sets that include 'growing crisis', and 'escalating crisis', among others. Much of the new emotional language goes to the reaction of people forecast to arise from the 'headlines', and 'constant stream of wild new numbers'. In the main, the data sets are providing more focus on numbers than words within the headlines coming. So the implication is that the 'shocks' being forecast are due more to these headline numbers than the words in any story. Another way to view it is that the 'numbers will be the story'. These 'stress' factors have been forecasting 'hyperinflation' within ALTA reports over the last year. The 'hyperinflation' sets have a focus of mid 2017 through into 2018. These sets are clearly forecasting that the Federal Reserve will be forcing 'currency growth' in a very 'desperate attempt' to 'hold off collapse'. These sets are indicating that 'solvency', and 'bankruptcy' are going to be THE terms over the second half of 2017. This language is showing up for both 'governments' and 'corporations'. As modelspace is moved through September and beyond, this language is being pushed down to most of the 'population'. The longer term sets that are in supporting positions for 'hyperinflation' have a very curious situation where the 'markets' are clearly non-functional with 'food prices soaring', and 'housing prices collapsing'. These set have this condition of 'rising costs', and 'falling credit capacities' as existing simultaneously over the last half of 2017 and most of 2018. These new data sets include 'collisions' between the 'credit freeze', and the 'hyperinflation of consumable prices'. Within modelspace we have 'housing prices' in most of the 'developed world' including China, as 'deflating' over these next few years. The 'deflation' is described as hitting 'over 80 %' in some markets in their local currency. The downward pressures on 'prices' for such things as housing, and vehicles, are reflected in 'soaring prices' in 'necessary goods' that is also forecast as rising '80 %' in the same period. Over this period, the data sets have the 'chaos' of the USAPop 'infecting' the global 'shares markets' as well as 'bonds', and 'derivatives' as many 'global traders' become 'convinced' that USAPop is heading into 'violent cultural revolution', and 'inter generation warfare'. This 'conviction of destruction' is indicated to be the prompting factor for 'capital flight' that accelerates through April and May to a noticeable level that requires comments by 'officialdom'. In a brief bit of prescience and forecasting, let us note that not the US dollar, nor any other debt based currencies will work off-planet. Bitcoin does and according to the data sets, will be used in a public way (demonstration) very soon. While the 'demonstration' is indicated to be for 'effect', and a 'marketing idea', the result is showing as a real 'showing of power' of bitcoin. Markets entity is still filling with 'confusion' as the dominant supporting set for the entity as a whole. The 'confusion' word is also the primary rising supporting set, meaning that the 'confusion' now being expressed will be joined by yet more examples of 'confusion' as we go forward these next two months into March. The 'confusion' sets are supporting the rise in 'bitcoin prices' in US dollars as they have 'markets confusion', in the midst of 'scary new highs' with 'shaky fundamentals' causing 'jitters'. Some of the 'jitters' language is in supporting position to bitcoin sets. Again these sets have near term peaks of emotional values for intensity in mid March. The emotional levels within the building tension values, think tightening stomach muscles from tension, remain high through into nearly the end of May. There are two large dips from building tension to release of tension within this period from mid March through to June. These sets are extensively supported by 'currencies crisis', and cross links from ChinaPop. These sets also have support from 'bitcoin frenzy' as a GlobalPop phenomenon. Much of the 'bitcoin frenzy' language also has cross links over to the 'cash withdrawal' language. Not only 'bonds' and 'derivatives' markets, but also the 'real estate markets' across most of the 'developed world' {ed note: those areas under control of US dollars} will be 'confused', and 'reeling', and 'wondering (about what is happening here)'. As forecast in September 2016 ALTA reports, the 'confusion' language is going to be dominating 'global markets' through all of this year, and well into 2018. These data sets in the supporting chain for 'confusion' bring up several sub sets for 'shifts of wealth' in contexts for 'wealth transfer from hand to hand', as well as 'wealth shifts' from 'asset to asset' as well as 'wealth shift', from 'nation to nation', as well as 'wealth shift' from 'currency to currency'. All of these contexts around our 'wealth shifts' descriptor set have supporting chains dominated by immediacy language types. This implies that the 'frenzy' word, as well as the 'frequency' word within the supporting chains and the data type are suggesting that a real 'trading frenzy' is going to develop. These sets begin building over late February, and form a plateau of new values around March 12th , that thereafter acts as a base from which greater growth appears in specific sets as modelspace is moved through the rest of March through into May. The 'frenzy' descriptor set has matching growth in the set for 'frequency' albeit without the emotional intensity levels. The 'frequency' sets are filled with support from 'turn over', 'trying to find', 'hunting', and many other variants that all include 'frustration', and 'failure', and 'worth less (than anticipated)', and 'empty', and other language indicating that the 'frenzy' values, as forecast within the emotional intensity sums tracking over these months in modelspace, will grow into 'desperation' as 'trading vehicles get jammed up', or 'break down'. This is the language that one may expect from a crack up boom period. This is also the language one may expect from a period of hyper inflation. Within the USAPop sub sets are new linguistic structures for a 'backlash' against perceived and actual 'child abusers', and 'child exploiters'. These sets have many of the 'top tier corporations' that are going to be 'erased' in 'value', 'earnings', 'presence', 'prestige' by the 'secrets revealed' about the global pedophile network and its control of much of the 'media space'. Within 'real estate' the data sets have the 'commercial sector' across much of the 'developed world' (western dollar based empire) as the 'office space' markets start to 'visibly crash' in both 'prices', and 'rentals'. This is showing as leading to attempts to 'live in' the 'cheapening office space', and to a lesser extent, 'retail space'. The data sets have the 'depression' deepening across much of the 'consumer economy' in the 'dollar world'. These sets have 'office space' going into 'free fall' in terms of 'rental prices' just as the 'sales' start up as 'commercial building owners' attempt to 'bail out' of their positions. As modelspace is progressed through the last of the 'tax troubles' of April and into May, we gain sets for the 'shares markets' globally, and within that larger group, sub sets for 'equities' in both USAPop and the 'developed world' showing that a 'prices drop' of over 'twenty eight percent' will be developing just before Summer (northern hemisphere). Combined with the 'new patterns for weather' and 'sudden (abnormal) freezes', as well as 'sinking ships', and 'wandering ice', the 'shares markets' sets are indicated to 'drive' the 'news cycle' globally as 'prices (crash) down' across 'whole markets'. The data sets have a dichotomy developing globally as the 'old paradigm' is forecast to 'crash', 'crumble', 'break up' over 2017, and the emergence of the 'new global paradigm' over that same period and into the 2020s. The 'economic failures' of the 'crashing stocks', and 'hyper inflation' of the 'credit created cycle' are indicated to accelerate into Summer (northern hemisphere) Other sets are offering some interesting forecasts for 'sudden', and 'rapid', 'increasing rate' in 'breakthrough technology' in the field of 'robotics', specifically, two areas, 'energy packs', and 'brain packs'. In the case of the latter, the data has the emergence of a new technology related to 'quantum uncertainty' that is forecast to provide 'robot brain cloning' at a level where the 'whole brain' is more or less 'cooked' in a 'pressurized vat' such that costs for 'brain space' in 'traveling machines (of all kinds)' will 'crash', thus 'exploding the technology' throughout GlobalPop. The 'exploding technology' within GlobalPop has big impacts showing for the 'oil industry' as 'energy sector' starts 'unraveling' as the 'disrupting technologies' begin to 'spread out from Central Asia'. The data sets have a strange sort of conjunction within the sets for 'jobs' within GlobalPop in that we find the 'oil sector' as 'dwindling rapidly' just as 'new electrics (technologies)' and other sectors begin to 'grow unexpectedly'. These 'other sectors' are where we get a slide over into our 'woo-woo' categories of 'officially denied, actually unknown, and WTF?'. In these 'other sectors', we find 'organic herbal medicines/formulas' as being a very large, and 'persistent' over time growing 'jobs source'. Other sectors include the 'ocean clean-up business'. This sector apparently has JUST been 'created' according to the data sets, although there are not yet 'visible' points of its activities. Some hints exist in the data showing that there will be a 'profit motive' in 'ocean clean-up' that will be both 'surprising', and 'compelling'. The 'herbal organic medicines' business is peripherally connected by cross links over to the 'woo-woo' previously discussed as The Discovery from Antarctica. These sets are suggesting that some information from The Discovery, indicated to appear over 2017, will cause humanity to 'adopt' the 'herbal based health methods' in a mass 'wave' that will go through the global population. The idea from the data sets is that this 'new information' will 'overturn' many, if not most, of the 'principles' and 'laws' of both 'physics' and 'chemistry'. As a 'natural reaction', the data has 'herbal medicines' becoming the 'go to response' for 'any health concerns'. Whether there is specific 'human physiology' information for 'herbal medicines' cannot yet be determined. While there are hints of that within the data sets, it may also be that the 'natural response' is in reaction to the 'underpinnings' of 'physics and chemistry' becoming 'undone'. As modelspace is moved through the end of January into about the 12th of February, the immediacy data sets grow in support of a 'fight' around the 'global view (of) Israel'. These data sets have this being a 'full on battle' between the 'propaganda presstitutes (former msm media)' and the 'new media'. Within these sets there are numerous sub sets in support of the idea of a 'coordinated (Israeli led) effort' within 'global markets'. The details suggest that within this 'background action', primarily indicated to be 'algorithmic trading battles', there are to be 'emergent price moves' for 'bitcoin' that will be slightly 'divergent' from, but in the same upward direction as 'gold and silver'. These sets have the 'msm' versus new media battle being a very pivotal temporal marker for both bitcoin, as well as the 'evolution' of the 'new media' within its role as 'markets analysis'. As modelspace is moved forward into February, we continue to have growing new supporting sets within 'currencies crisis' as well as 'bitcoin, gold, silver' as a 'positive response'. These sets are now showing growth arriving in spurts on the 3rd, the 5th, and again on the 10th of the month. The new aspect and attributes sets that accrue for February 3rd are for 'silver', and specifically include sets for 'silver traders', and 'silver (exchanges)', as well as 'silver suppression', and 'silver supporting', and 'silver demand'. All of these sets in total are slightly more than half of the gain for the day in this tranche of new emotional values. These sets bring in details for ' sweaty palms', 'fainting (grown men)', and 'heart attacks', 'aid cars', 'emergency rooms', and 'vomiting', and other sets that will NOT be due to the 'influenza outbreak'. The growth spurt on the 5th of February is dominated by 'bitcoin', but also has significant support for 'silver'. These new sets bring in temporal markers for 'positive announcement (about bitcoin from some officialdom)'. Along with the 'positive announcement', there are some sets for an 'example of justice' {ed note: rare these past few years} that will also be propelling 'bitcoin enthusiasm (passion)' higher. The 'justice delivered' sets are supported by 'stunning surprise', and 'weak knees release tension into strong legs'. This last is a poor transliteration of 'happy surprising shivers' and other sets from non english sources, and thus may be poorly rendered, but is nonetheless expressive of the emotional tone of the data. These data sets for the early days in February have the 'markets' as in the 'shares' and 'bonds' being in a state of 'flux' as there is going to be evidence of 'breakdowns' within the various control structures for the 'paper debt' markets. These sets have cross links over to our bitcoin patterns discussed in the Riding the Dragon Bitcoin/Silver/Gold report attached to this document. These sets have our new 'bitcoin prices' beginning in early February to 'scale up' as the 'currencies crisis' begins quite seriously. The data sets have 'markets' going into 'turmoil' that arises from the 'currencies crisis' and the 'bonds crisis' both reaching global growth simultaneously in mid February that continues through into May. These sets have 'gold', 'silver', and 'bitcoin' gaining relative value due to the 'increased demand'. These sets have several sources for 'chaotic conditions' around the 'demand' such that 'coin dealers' and 'bullion sales (retail)' will be 'closing doors' behind 'bouncers' and 'guards' as the 'demand hits the streets'. These sets have 'surges' of 'purchasers' going through 'hours long lines' and purchasing 'to their limits of currency'. These data sets are within a larger linguistic structure that is indicating that 'destruction of the past' will be the dominating meme for global markets over the last of Winter and through Spring to Summer (northern hemisphere). This 'destruction of the past' has sub sets that explicitly are stating that 'no niche will be unscathed'. Further sets are filled with new aspect sets for 'systemic rot' at the 'lower levels'. These sets are also supported by aspects for 'algorithmic problems'. There are many 'unknown' sets in supporting positions for 'unknown', however there are also sets for 'ripple effect', and 'server reboots'. This latter may be referring to the 'markets servers' as there are a number of aspects that include 'political' and 'economic chaos' as 'shutdowns' bring up the language for 'locked out', and 'caught out'. These sets are including some very long term sets for the 'caught out' language. Now new supporting sets are suggesting that 'silver players (speculators)' will be 'throwing fits' as they are 'unable to get out' of their positions. This will apparently occur as the 'silver market comes unglued'. Within the 'silver players' get 'caught out' sets, the new growth brings along the idea that the 'framework' of the 'manipulation' is 'pulled apart' by the 'twisting of counter forces'. These 'counter forces' sets include 'demand', as well as 'crashing computers', and 'run-away algorithmic trends'. There are growth areas within these sets for 'adroit movers' who are apparently going to 'reap and reap and reap' as their 'foresight' will prove so 'astonishing' that they will be making the 'headlines' and 'cover stories' of the legacy media, as well as becoming 'mega internet fabulous'. Other 'heroes of the day' are going to include 'summit speakers' who will be seen to have been 'fighting for decades' to get the 'public attention'....which of course will be arriving too late and the midst of the 'rocketing markets' as the 'currencies chaos' sets fire to 'old illusions about money'. There are sets indicating, also explicitly within the data, that 'the situation is saved', however, this language is also supported by 'lower' and 'lowest level', and 'at huge cost', and 'large investments'. The data would have this 'saving of the system' being undertaken in June, after the 'severe damage' is 'so visible' that it 'elicits public condemnation (of) Fed members on the street'. Think 'green tomatoes', and other 'inedible unripe fruits' being hurled. The 'Antarctica Play' is showing up within the data sets as beginning with seriousness as 'currencies in crisis' propel yet more 'political freak out' by the '(formerly) ruling elites' in some key areas within the 'US dollar empire'. These sets include descriptions of 'new corporations' that will be forming to 'compete for antarctica contracts', or 'provide supporting services/materials'. These sets have multinational corporations being seen 'scrambling' to 'hire talent', and 'acquire materials' in such a manner that their 'actions' are described as 'putting a buzz onto the subject' of Antarctica over the last half of 2017 in a way not seen since the 'gold rush' period of the 1800's in USA in which 'global excitement' reached a 'fevered pitch'. Sets within our Markets entity are suggesting that a revaluation of the 'fiat currencies' will be taking place from mid Summer through to Spring of 2018. This revaluation is described as 'unsettling' to many within 'western power elites', and may, just ...may be referring to a 'revaluation by edict of gold holders'. There are indications of interest rates also being a causative factor in the revaluation of the currencies, but the primary one showing up is 'gold holdings'. This is specifically referring to the 'holding' of the gold as being a separate attribute to the aspect. This calls into question whether the 'holding' at a national level of 'gold' will be the issue in trade settlements, language that is also within the sets. There are new sets that are now separating into split growth patterns. These sets are taking the 'resources industries' sets and dividing them into the 'biologic resources', and the 'extracted resources' such as 'mining' and 'water' and 'oil'. This latter is shaping up with a large number of sets that are cross linked over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity where the terminating sets are within 'new electrics'. These sets are describing a long term change for the 'extraction industrial complex' over the next 20+ /twenty plus years of 'transformation' into 'base materials creation industrial complex'. These sets are suggesting that 'mining' will go through a period of 'radical reappraisal' of what they 'thought they knew' about 'mineral formations' in the planets such that 'frequency sciences' are forecast to emerge over the next few years to the point where 'mining' for minerals including precious metals, and especially silver, will be literally, and actually 'conducted' by way of 'tuned frequency electrical energy' such that the 'metal melts in place', conveniently pouring itself out of the vein in the rock. Note that initially the 'frequency science' is described as being operated 'underground' and 'requiring seams of dense ore' to be 'cost effective'. Over the very long term sets out into the early 2030s, the maturation of the science would suggest that 'creation' of 'pure chemicals (minerals, compounds)' will become possible through 'frequency manipulation'. The 'frequency manipulation' sets are described as 'containing' the 'labor shifting meme' as it requires that 'skilled artists' work the 'fields' locally. Thus the data sets are arguing that such as 'off-shoring' will not be possible for some time with these technologies due to the requirements of the new understanding of the 'consciousness elements' involved within the 'field control mechanisms'. These are growing sets likely to be further discussed within future ALTA reports, probably SpaceGoatFarts entity areas. Several sets, with cross links over to ChinaPop, specifically sub sets with Mongolia geographic references, appear in USAPop that have 'disclosure' aspects. These sets are reinforcing the idea of 'low capital investment, virtually no operating costs, electrical generation machines' are going to be 'part of disclosure' that will be 'released' on the actual 'fringe of ChinaPop'. These sets continue to grow new supporting values for 'corporations' sending 'flowers' and 'gifts' to the 'cold desert' in hopes of making deals. The data sets have many ties between the 'silver markets', and 'hyper technologies' as developing over 2017 and then 'exploding' in early 2018 as the 'hyper technologies' begin to be 'distributed' across many areas of ChinaPop as new classes of devices are introduced. These sets also include references to previously discussed 'DIYBiology genome sequencers', and 'genetic analysis devices'. These devices are indicated to require silver. There are going to be millions of these created according to the data growth patterns.
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RT @JDunlap1974: 🚨🚨 Sarah Adams, former CIA targeting officer and Counter terrorism expert reveals we are paying welfare to Taliban martyrs…
Thank you for the wonderful find and for labeling the locations.
@AKsnowbunting @JB_Slear If you like that you might appreciate the Feb 2017 page 21 & 22 data. I think it has a lot to do with the UFO disclosure. After the JFK and MLK news about wishing to release these files it seems to make sense as a progression.
RT @TheInsiderPaper: WATCH: New footage captures U.S. Navy fighter jet crashing into San Diego Bay
RT @TheInsiderPaper: BREAKING - Construction equipment preparing to enter Gaza from Egypt: state-linked media