“Why are character designs so flat and boring now” when most of their “classic” examples are just school uniforms 😭😭 (no hate, they’re just not exactly extraordinary)
I love how, even without a voice over, ace attorney can still convey tone and pauses by how fast the text moves or the little noises it has. And of course the ever expressive sprites!!!!!
I feel like Larry Butz (pre character assassination) would say “I love lesbians!!!” In a non creepy way, he just happens to be friends with a lot of lesbians and he’s like “we have so much in common, I also love women!!”
!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! Also happy AAI collections release day!!!! Hope everyone has fun!
GAYEST ACE ATTORNEY CHARACTER, ROUND FOUR, BEGIN!!!!! The finale!! (But not the end, as I have a part 2 planned!!) vote for the fruitiest fruit of all the fruit!
Muting this post, also btw a manga reader in the replies says this is the only incident with the granddaughter and there’s only one other incident with the daughter-in-law
Batman interrogates Bugs Bunny in the latest issue of Multiversus: collision detected by
and me (and
on color)
Bonus points if you got the movie reference at the end of page 2! 😂
The “what would Jesus do” made me cackle too much stop being funny you’re already very skilled in art you can’t be great at both sighh
In what way is a young child calling their father “daddy” weird? I know the term has been sexualized by the internet, but at its core it’s just another word for father (or is it because Trucy had just been adopted and immediately called him a fatherly term?)
Bro this is age 24 Phoenix what are you on about 😭😭 (plus when has Trucy ever shown an intrest in burgers? It’s a constant thing that Maya likes them. Plus Maya is in the game with him, it would make sense he’s talking about her)
Hey chat please realize I’m only 15 and my feelings are easily hurt /hj 😭😭… also ik I haven’t played all the games yet and should’ve included Aura and Haori 🥲
💥EUREKA! After the announcement of Ace Attorney: Investigations 1&2 on the Switch, I hosted a redraw of the promotional poster in my server. Over thirty-five artists participated in this gargantuan love letter to the duology!! Still versions below!
GAYEST ACE ATTORNEY CHARACTER, ROUND FOUR, BEGIN!!!!! The finale!! (But not the end, as I have a part 2 planned!!) vote for the fruitiest fruit of all the fruit!
Gayest Ace Attonrey character 2: The second chance! These are mostly suggestions and sorry if your fav still didn’t make it! Please be civil with everyone and enjoy the poll!
Wait what?? She spoke English in Spanish speaking countries? I grew up with Dora and she spoke Spanish! I remember a little song about mixing chocolate or something like that
I forgot to ask this in the main post but please recommend characters for the next one!! Also yes I know I should’ve included Aura, but I haven’t played her case yet so I didn’t think of her when making the initial poll. Here’s who we have so far! (Can be changed!!)