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God, Family, Country, Israel. Radical Constitutional Centrist. Sigh...I get it now: No Crypto/Porn/Lonely Heart/Invest DM's Read the Pinned Tweet for more info.

Texas, USA
Joined November 2012
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
3 months
I am DONE with those who are in the process of trying to destroy America. I’ve reached my Popeye-moment…that’s all I can stands, I can’t stand no more. Civil discourse and debate is encouraged. Use of "MAGA = Nazi, Existential Threat, Hitler, etc" = NO TOLERANCE. Racists and Anti-Semites are auto-blocked. Some hills I will die on: #BewareTheSwamp #ClimateAlarmismIsAScam #EradicateTransIdeology #TransIsChildAbuse #LeftismIsAnEvilIdeology. #HamasAndHezbollahAreObjectivelyEvil #RacialColorblindnessIsGood #YouAreTheLeadersYoureLookingFor #YouMayNotBeIntoPoliticsButPoliticsIsIntoYOU #MAGA #MAHA I’m a retired Engineer, not a wordsmith - so sometimes I “borrow”. I DO have my own thoughts…LOT’s of them. You could even say that my mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives…but I can’t always express those thoughts in the most concise and effective way. Below are 3 pieces that absolutely do encapsulate MY thoughts. I formatted them in a way to give credit to the original author without dragging him into every little squabble I may engage in so feel free to copy/paste. =============================== 12 Core Principles Everything I write on X about politics or society is based on one or more of the following "12 Core Principles," each of which I believe in strongly: 1. Freedom of speech is paramount. All suppression of speech is wrong, all of the time. 2. “Good” and “evil” are objective truths and not subjective truths. This applies to the Law. 3. All governments are corrupt. This is always true, always has been true and always will be true. The trick is to pick a government that makes it hard for the politicians to do anything, so their inherent corruption is limited. 4. The Constitution of the United States of America is the blueprint for the least imperfect and least corrupt government mankind has ever devised, and it must be protected at all costs. 5. Every person is entitled to self-determination, so long as the actions of such self-determination do not infringe on the self-determination of others. While everyone is entitled to chart their own course, we are not obligated to personally approve of such course. 6. Every person should be judged as an individual based on his or her ideas and character. Judging an individual first and foremost based on his or her skin color is racism. 7. The USA should have a strong, effective military that can defeat any other nation’s military, and that American military should only be employed in combat when national survival is at stake. A majority of Americans lack the intestinal fortitude to sustain any other kind of combat, and America’s military young men and women have their lives thrown away as a result in useless, endless wars. We either fight to win, or we do not fight at all. 8. In 2024, “journalism” is an evil profession. With rare exceptions, “journalists” should never be trusted. Mafia lawyers, prostitutes, Herbalife pyramid schemers, and three-card monte dealers outside a NYC subway station are more trustworthy than 99.98% of all “journalists.” 9. An armed society is a polite society. (It’s actually a Civic Duty) 10. Democrats are literally fascists. 11. Some cultures are intrinsically evil. 12. Popular culture references and humor make serious political and social matters more relatable to all. Original Author: @ CynicalPublius ===================================== My Side of History I get tired of Democrats claiming to be on the “right side of history” when both their past and their present are so utterly sordid and destructive. So, if you are a Democrat, let me tell you about MY side of history and YOUR side of history. My side of history is Cato the Elder, John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Irving Babbitt and William F. Buckley. Your side of history is Thomas Hobbes, Karl Marx, Josef Stalin, Mao’s Little Red Book and Noam Chomsky. My side of history is George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. Your side of history is Tories who fled to Canada, Jefferson Davis, Woodrow Wilson, Bull Connor, George Wallace and Nancy Pelosi. My side of history is freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and spirited debate. Your side of history is ThoughtCrime, Speech Codes, religious persecution and Cancel Culture. My side of history is Brown v. Board of Ed., Loving v. VA, Gitlow v. NY, and Heller v. DC. Your side of history is Dred Scott, Korematsu and Roe v. Wade. My side of history is Jackie Robinson. Your side of history is Colin Kaepernick. My side of history is head held high, standing straight, hand over heart. Your side of history is sullen glances at the ground, kneeling. My side of history is the family as the foundation of society. Your side of history is mutilating confused children. My side of history is the rockets’ red glare. Your side of history is imagine no religion. My side of history is firefighters going up the stairs into the Twin Towers. Your side of history is 28-year-old men playing Call of Duty in their mothers’ basements. My side of history is smoked brisket. Your side of history is a no-foam, no-sugar, soy latte. My side of history is Lincoln freeing the slaves and General Patton liberating Buchenwald. Your side of history is Fort Sumter, the Gulag and Pol Pot’s killing fields. My side of history is Mel Brooks. Your side of history is Amy Schumer. My side of history is all men and women are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. Your side of history is critical theory and only some lives matter. My side of history is 20-year-olds storming Omaha Beach. Your side of history is 20-year-olds in their safe spaces with adult coloring books. My side of history is American men and women disabled by an IED. Your side of history is American men and women disabled by anxiety. My side of history is the Kentucky Rifle, the Springfield 1861, the M1911, the M1 Garand, the M14 and the AR15. Your side of history is whimpering submission. My side of history is Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers, Apollo 11 and Jonas Salk. Your side of history is “global warming,” 100+ genders and porous cloth masks stopping viruses. My side is of history is laughing babies. Your side of history is selling aborted baby parts on the open market. My side of history is the Sistine Chapel and Monet’s water lilies. Your side of history is an inverted crucifix in a bottle of urine. My side of history is construction. Your side of history is deconstruction. My side of history is civilization. Your side of history is nihilism. And, MOST OF ALL: My side of history is liberty. Your side of history is tyranny. Original Author: @ CynicalPublius ===================================== Fascism Listed below are attributes and practices that all 20th Century fascists have in common with the Democrat Party of 2024: 1. Laws promoting the seizure of guns from law-abiding citizens and/or the denial of gun ownership rights for law-abiding citizens. 2. Censorship of free speech by pretending such censorship protects the citizenry from faulty information (i.e., so-called "disinformation"). 3. Government control of industry. 4. Government control of the mass media. 5. Control of the entertainment industry as a means of propaganda. (See: Leni Riefenstahl; Walt Disney Corporation.) 6. Children belong to the State and not their parents. 7. Political dissidents and opposing political leadership are to be persecuted for fabricated "crimes" under the color of law through the courts. 8. Political dissidents are locked up for months/years without a trial. 9. Leading political opponents who are a threat to the fascist order are to be assassinated. 10. Extreme nationalism (Democrats hate the United States of America, but are extreme nationalistic zealots for the Woke States of America). 11. Purposeful division of the population along racial and ethnic lines as a means to power. 12. Leadership of the ruling fascist party is chosen by party leaders without any input from rank-and-file party members, but an illusion of democracy is perpetuated. (See: Kamala as nominee with zero votes.) 13. Certain party criminals are turned into martyrs upon their demise. (See: Horst Wessel; Saint George Floyd.) 14. Destruction of statues, symbols and art of the pre-fascist order. 15. Accuse dissidents of the very crimes you yourself commit. 16. Justify all of it for the "common good." Original Author: @ CynicalPublius =====================================
5 hours
Shellenberger lays it out nicely. He's a great Follow.
Michael Shellenberger
5 hours
We need experts to rule society, they said. No, we didn't. They made Covid, inflation, crime, trans, etc. worse. Facing a backlash, elites censored & persecuted ordinary people. Now, they're panicking because a populist counter-elite is, finally, putting an end to their grift.
8 hours
Basically, all of the "good news" we heard on the news during 2024 was...just made up.
Peter St Onge, Ph.D.
16 hours
Joe Biden's final jobs report is out and it's a doozy. - 589,000 jobs revised into oblivion - 70% of jobs created in the government sector - 99.2% of jobs going to foreign-born workers This is the mess they’re handing Donald Trump.
8 hours
@CynicalPublius @SenSchumer I double-checked...apparently that isn't a parody account.
10 hours
DANG...this is pretty good.
Donald J. Trump
1 day
10 hours
The exposure of USAID is going to have ripple effects EVERYWHERE.
Mike Benz
1 day
2 days after USAID goes down Brazil finally ends its months-long censorship ban on Rumble. Hmmm… it’s almost like everything I said about Brazil’s censorship apparatus being juiced by USAID cash and killing their USAID funding & network partnerships would lessen their grip…
11 hours
Academia and Education are the root of the rot.
DataRepublican (small r)
14 hours
Absolutely. Universities are among the largest drains on taxpayer money in my dataset. They receive massive funding from NGOs and USAID, and they take more government grants on top of that. Meanwhile, anonymous professors have reported to me that true scientific research is stagnating due to DEI mandates and administrative bloat. On top of that, countless young people are left burdened with debt. At the very least, we should start offsetting student loan defaults with the grants these institutions receive.
11 hours
Spencer Hakimian
12 hours
@MarioNawfal DOGE is the best
Tweet media one
13 hours
@RealJD_Crandall Good luck.
14 hours
@JewishWarrior13 @elonmusk Correction: it was Million, not Billion.
14 hours
14 hours
@kimchi_trades @JewishWarrior13 @elonmusk You're correct. It was $310 Million.
1 day
@SpikerIsAwesome @josephnollasj Ahhh...because the SCOTUS always gets'em exactly right?
1 day
@SpikerIsAwesome @josephnollasj There is literally nothing in that entire post that isn't easily discernible from even a mediocre knowledge of history.
1 day
No you didn't. You gave me an interpretation from a ruling. And what about our interaction has in any way led you to believe that I'm against learning? The court battle is actually what I'm looking forward to. It's pretty simple to understand what the 14A means and was designed to accomplish. Assigning citizenship to any person who's able to cross the border and plop out a baby...wasn't it.
1 day
@SpikerIsAwesome @josephnollasj Oh...please enlighten me as to the wording in the Constitution that defines what "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" means.
1 day
Yes...back when Immigrants coming here knew there was no safety net...they were driven to succeed. It was the fact that they knew they had the best chance to succeed in life that attracted them to America. But, now, our social benefits programs are what attracts them the most. Those are wildly disparate motivations.
1 day
@SpikerIsAwesome @Michell17025266 @josephnollasj So you're saying...there's no Illegal Aliens out there with fraudulent Social Security Numbers? And why/how would an undocumented immigrant get a TIN? When did THAT become a thing?
1 day
Except that's not how it works. What the phrase means is that they "owe no allegiance to another country". They can't simply "decide" to do that. Yes, if they violate the law...they're not immune to prosecution. In fact, that would be two charges; one for the crime, one for the trespassing.
1 day
@SpikerIsAwesome @josephnollasj How does it hurt our economy? Aren't some of these people the same people that "do the jobs that American's won't do"...and for less money? Well...that's just another name for Slavery. We should put a stop to that.
1 day
Can you point to one example where a Legal Immigrant has been subject to jailing or deportation? Do you acknowledge that some of the people we're talking about crossed the border illegally? At the very least, do you agree that their first action on American soil was to break the law and are therefore eligible for deportation?