![Horia Fella ꑭ Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1743216808612552704/bBG0cJ1F_x96.jpg)
Horia Fella ꑭ
Current fundraiser: https://t.co/zDoeTiA2sG NAFO veteran, from the Bioforces division. Volunteer.
Cluj Napoca, Romania
Joined January 2024
Ok, I did my research and discussed what is needed with the soldiers: 1. Lenovo Tab M11 (11' display, 8 gb RAM, WIFi+4G) - 211 eur/pc - 12 pcs needed 2. Desktop computer i3/i5 no older than 6th gen, 8 gb ram, 256 gb SSD (I will supply the displays) - no more than 200 eur/unit - 10 units needed 3. One projector - no more than 250 eur 4. One laser printer - no more than 250 eur 5. Ecoflow / Bluetti / Jackery, whatever, power bank - no more than 750 eur 6. One 7 seater van, ideally 4x4 - I WILL SUPPLY THIS MYSELF The total amount to be raised should be 6,000 eur. I will buy the van out of my own funds. There is no deadline, we don't have to provide everything requested, but I would love if we can help as much as it's possible. 6 weeks would be ideal, 1,000 eur per week, starting today. So, for this week, amount needed is 1,000 eur. I already received a 5 eur donation 2 days ago, so left to be raised 995 eur If you wish to help out, please use my links: Or directly donate to my fundraiser here: Thank you! Horia
8 eur raised in the last day. Week 1/6: 559/1000 eur Week 2/6: 173/1000 eur so far. Really really slow this time. Please chip in if you can. Thank you!
Ok, I did my research and discussed what is needed with the soldiers: 1. Lenovo Tab M11 (11' display, 8 gb RAM, WIFi+4G) - 211 eur/pc - 12 pcs needed 2. Desktop computer i3/i5 no older than 6th gen, 8 gb ram, 256 gb SSD (I will supply the displays) - no more than 200 eur/unit - 10 units needed 3. One projector - no more than 250 eur 4. One laser printer - no more than 250 eur 5. Ecoflow / Bluetti / Jackery, whatever, power bank - no more than 750 eur 6. One 7 seater van, ideally 4x4 - I WILL SUPPLY THIS MYSELF The total amount to be raised should be 6,000 eur. I will buy the van out of my own funds. There is no deadline, we don't have to provide everything requested, but I would love if we can help as much as it's possible. 6 weeks would be ideal, 1,000 eur per week, starting today. So, for this week, amount needed is 1,000 eur. I already received a 5 eur donation 2 days ago, so left to be raised 995 eur If you wish to help out, please use my links: Or directly donate to my fundraiser here: Thank you! Horia
@MrsLoveyHowell1 Only one country is doing the fighting. And said country will not give up, I can assure you.
@ApexMetal Most likely, yes, due to... well we all know the reasons. I'm just saddened by the fact this became "good news" somehow.
Week 1/6: 559/1000 eur Week 2/6: 165/1000 eur so far. Really really slow this time :) Please chip in if you can. Thank you!
Ok, I did my research and discussed what is needed with the soldiers: 1. Lenovo Tab M11 (11' display, 8 gb RAM, WIFi+4G) - 211 eur/pc - 12 pcs needed 2. Desktop computer i3/i5 no older than 6th gen, 8 gb ram, 256 gb SSD (I will supply the displays) - no more than 200 eur/unit - 10 units needed 3. One projector - no more than 250 eur 4. One laser printer - no more than 250 eur 5. Ecoflow / Bluetti / Jackery, whatever, power bank - no more than 750 eur 6. One 7 seater van, ideally 4x4 - I WILL SUPPLY THIS MYSELF The total amount to be raised should be 6,000 eur. I will buy the van out of my own funds. There is no deadline, we don't have to provide everything requested, but I would love if we can help as much as it's possible. 6 weeks would be ideal, 1,000 eur per week, starting today. So, for this week, amount needed is 1,000 eur. I already received a 5 eur donation 2 days ago, so left to be raised 995 eur If you wish to help out, please use my links: Or directly donate to my fundraiser here: Thank you! Horia
RT @svora_go: Friends, this is my friend, he was in Kursk, he has multiple burns, he needs an urgent blood transfusion🙏🏻Who can donate bloo…
Week 1/6: 559/1000 eur Week 2/6: 165/1000 eur so far. Snail speed, but that’s ok 😊 thank you!
Ok, I did my research and discussed what is needed with the soldiers: 1. Lenovo Tab M11 (11' display, 8 gb RAM, WIFi+4G) - 211 eur/pc - 12 pcs needed 2. Desktop computer i3/i5 no older than 6th gen, 8 gb ram, 256 gb SSD (I will supply the displays) - no more than 200 eur/unit - 10 units needed 3. One projector - no more than 250 eur 4. One laser printer - no more than 250 eur 5. Ecoflow / Bluetti / Jackery, whatever, power bank - no more than 750 eur 6. One 7 seater van, ideally 4x4 - I WILL SUPPLY THIS MYSELF The total amount to be raised should be 6,000 eur. I will buy the van out of my own funds. There is no deadline, we don't have to provide everything requested, but I would love if we can help as much as it's possible. 6 weeks would be ideal, 1,000 eur per week, starting today. So, for this week, amount needed is 1,000 eur. I already received a 5 eur donation 2 days ago, so left to be raised 995 eur If you wish to help out, please use my links: Or directly donate to my fundraiser here: Thank you! Horia
Deci tu tarifezi 1000 lei + TVA - 1190 lei. Ei iti aplica comision pe 1190 lei. Am inteles. Deci ei aplica comision pe soma totala incasata de la client (deci cu TVA inclus). Iti factureaza fara TVA pentru că firma respectiva poate beneficia de regimul special de taxare aplicabil unor platforme internaționale sau poate fi reglementat de legi fiscale internaționale sau europene, în funcție de locația lor și regimul fiscal pe care îl aplică. De aici deducem si de ce nu-ti factureaza comisionul de pe firma romaneasca. Asta n-are legatura cu legislatia fiscala romaneasca, ci cu cea olandeza. LE: ciudat e ca am cautat acum un pic la ei pe site si ei zic ca nu percep comision pe "city tax" (taxa de promovare).
@adnanamatei @USRneoficial2 Erata: TVA e BTW, nu BPM. Ma uitam la altceva (fix olandez) in paralel.
1. Ba da, pentru ca (spre exemplu) Booking face si marketing, intermediaza si cazari, inchirieri auto, etc. Deci e aceeasi companie, dar factureaza anumite servicii pe anumite filiale. N-as zice neaparat ca e moral, dar nici pe departe ilegal. 2. Tehnic vorbind, Booking nu scoate bani din tara, pentru ca factureaza un serviciu obtinut prin intermediul platformei proprii, care are sediul in alta tara UE. Da, beneficiarul serviciului si locatia in care se pune in aplicare acesta e Romania, dar nu e ilegal. Nu cunosc detalii, dar ma gandesc ca serviciile de intermediere a cazarii sunt facturate de Olanda, iar pe Romania o fi promovarea din zona asta. Habar nu am. 3. Am raspuns la punctul 1. ---- 1. Nu interzice. 2. Ambiguu termen, am presupus initial ca la taxa aplicata de ei te referi, nu la taxa de promovare turistica. Aici nu stiu. 3. BPM = TVA olandez. Probabil valabilitatea universala tine de politicile interne ale companiei. SUA nu se pune, aici vorbim strict de spatiul UE, pentru ca legislatia e cumva armonizata. Nu am intalnit in turism, dar am intalnit practica asta in furnizarea unui produs. Grup german, filiala romaneasca, produsul facturat pe Germania, desi a fost ridicat din Romania. Ca si contra-exemplu: majoritatea companiilor de transport Romanesti factureaza pe firma romaneasca, indiferent daca au sau nu filiale in tarile in care isi desfasoara activitatea (UE).
Week 1/6: 559/1000 eur Week 2/6: 15/1000 eur so far. Seems this is not very interesting for people. Nevertheless, I'm going to buy the van this week or the next, and we'll see what we can supply with whatever we raise by the end of the sixth week. Thank you!
Ok, I did my research and discussed what is needed with the soldiers: 1. Lenovo Tab M11 (11' display, 8 gb RAM, WIFi+4G) - 211 eur/pc - 12 pcs needed 2. Desktop computer i3/i5 no older than 6th gen, 8 gb ram, 256 gb SSD (I will supply the displays) - no more than 200 eur/unit - 10 units needed 3. One projector - no more than 250 eur 4. One laser printer - no more than 250 eur 5. Ecoflow / Bluetti / Jackery, whatever, power bank - no more than 750 eur 6. One 7 seater van, ideally 4x4 - I WILL SUPPLY THIS MYSELF The total amount to be raised should be 6,000 eur. I will buy the van out of my own funds. There is no deadline, we don't have to provide everything requested, but I would love if we can help as much as it's possible. 6 weeks would be ideal, 1,000 eur per week, starting today. So, for this week, amount needed is 1,000 eur. I already received a 5 eur donation 2 days ago, so left to be raised 995 eur If you wish to help out, please use my links: Or directly donate to my fundraiser here: Thank you! Horia
Mor :))) 1. "cum se numeste societatea comerciala sub care opereaza in Romania" .... ghici? FILIALĂ. 2. "Pe noi ne factureaza Olanda." ... ce anume e ilegal in asta? 3. "pentru ca numai eu ii dau o buna parte din suma aia"... tu ii dai catre Olanda, nu catre Booking Romania. Si ca sa-ti raspund si la intrebarile de mai devreme, pentru ca esti teribil de tendentioasa cand nu e cazul: 1. Legislatia romaneasca nu interzice asta. 2. Aberatie. Taxa de promovare o platesti direct catre ei, din moment ce ai afirmat ca nu cunosti sa existe o societate Booking in Romania. 3. Da, pentru ca nu platesti TVA romanesc, platesti BPM de fapt.