![Fred Lepore Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1217224780329385984/K51IpazG_x96.jpg)
Fred Lepore
I'm a brain doctor, (more specifically, a neuro-ophthalmologist) at Rutgers U. and author of Finding Einstein's Brain and ,yes, we really found it!
6 blocks from Princeton University
Joined January 2020
Two Osler authors/latch-keyers 1. Try neuroscience belle lettrists 2.Medical biography is a tough sell but Cushing won the '26 Pulitzer for his Life of William Osler. And used him for a surgical text! 3.Don't forgo Penfield who mapped the homunculus & wrote med. hx - The Torch
Who was the best writer among medical authors? I feel like Osler gets all the glory, but is he rightfully the winner?
EEG & Encephalitis Through skull/meninges/CSF, ~21 scalp electrodes each measure summed post-synaptic potentials from 1000s of pyramidal cells & are sensitive to seizures (red box->absence sz), but not so much most encephalitis (HSV & NMDAR's ["delta brush"] possibly excepted).
All those 48 hr EEGs were worthless. Unfortunately lumbar puncture only way to definitively dx #AntiMNDAReceptorEncephaltis ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ #RegressiveAutism
Lawton Smith had an astounding ability to make arcane neuro-ophthalmology both compelling & practical - while throwing in a little Baptist lay preaching! JLS is pictured at work w/ his OKN tape/drum. Even in the MRI era, I use OKNs to screen for deep parietal lobe lesions.
@FredLepore I interned at Jackson Memorial Hospital in 1963 and was mesmerized by Lawton Smith in neurology rounds. Thank you Dr Lepore.
Treating Parkinson's Disease (& other longshots): 1 Cotzias hoped to treat PD by "repigmenting" substantia nigra 👎 2 When small L-DOPA doses didn't help,he prevailed w/3-16gms daily 3 Is PD the only common neurodegen dis. effectively tx'd w/a neurotransmitter precursor? Luck.
All the most efficacious types of medications for Parkinsons disease are at least 50 years old. The sixties and seventies were a golden age These treatments are vastly superior to anything molecular biology has come up with for any of the other common neurodegenerations.
Brain & Skin Embryologically (see Haeckel's drawings 1874 & 1910) both brain and skin derive from ectoderm but as a neurologist I will defer to your dermatologist. Were steroid injections continued? If not, were topical/oral steroids an option?
Consult Dermatology: Confirm whether "lymphocytic inflammation" observed on the scalp biopsy requires treatment. He said yes, the first time I received cortisone injections, approximately six were administered around the affected area. The provider mentioned that the cortisone shots should be effective, but if not, further evaluation will be considered. I am scheduled to return in three weeks for a follow-up and to discuss additional treatment options if necessary. He appeared slightly surprised by the negative beta-2 transferrin test result and reviewed it closely. Was that a good idea?