![Fr. Okerulu John Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1532715358431346688/pC-anBP2_x96.jpg)
Fr. Okerulu John
Roman Catholic Priest |Member, Sacerdotal Salesian Society| Sede Vacante i.e The See of Rome is Vacant |Non-Una Cum|Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies
Joined June 2022
The Truth Unveiled Show! Nigeria is often called a religious nation, yet ignorance, immorality, and vice are everywhere. Some even go so far as to deny unquestionable truths—truths that reason itself confirms. Why is this happening? Is religion to blame, as many claim? Or has something far more dangerous been at work—distorting true faith and leading souls astray? To find the right solution, we must first diagnose the real problem. Errors in religious matters have long since crept in, and only the light of authentic, unchanging Catholic truth can dispel the darkness. Join us as we uncover the truth behind these crises and expose the root causes of moral decay. Subscribe to our YouTube channel:- to know the truth unfiltered —truths you won’t hear anywhere else!
Only if we were irrational animals. even irrational animals follow instinct placed in them by God to achieve their end viz survival. How much more man who is rational? Who unlike irrational animals, can desire more than is necessary for him, thereby depriving others of what they ought to have. Have you ever wondered why this is so? Tune in and get enlightened.
Mass of the Purification of the B.V.M(last day of Christmastide) @ Sedes Sapientiae Seminary, Nigeria. Quia melior est dies una in atriis tuis super millia; elegi abjectus esse in domo Dei mei magis quam habitare in tabernaculis peccatorum. For better is one day in thy courts above thousands. I have chosen to be an abject in the house of my God, rather than to dwell in the tabernacles of sinners. -Psalm 83:11(DouayRheims Catholic translation)
Blessed Feast of St Agatha. Aphrodisia told Quintianus that she was but losing her time with Agatha. Whereupon, he ordered the virgin to be brought before him, and he said to her: “Art not thou, that art so noble by birth, ashamed to lead the life of a base and slavish Christian?” She replied: “Better by far is the baseness and slavery of a Christian, than the wealth and pride of kings.” St Agatha, Virgin and Martyr. Pray for us 🙏
Feminism degrades rather than uplifts the dignity of a woman. According to the feminist, a woman is a slave when she assumes the God given responsibility of taking care of the home, but not a slave when she pursues her career often under an employer who happens to be a man. Make that make sense! This is the sin of the first woman, Eve, to be like/equal to God. But now it's to be equal to the man in everything and in every respect. And then they tell you that you are not to be a woman. Feminism logically leads to trangenderism.