Elizabeth J. R.
Woman, Agnostic, Egalitarian, ProChoice, paralegal in training (currently a CNA though), love science as well as learning new languages, law, history & art
California, U.S.A.
Joined October 2012
So Mr. Karla Marx @KarlaMarx1917 doesn’t like the backlash he’s getting & has protected his tweets lol He has no problem trying to bully a woman into lying 🤥 & saying he’s a woman (#delusional) but has an issue when it’s served right back to him, typical snowflake ❄️! Too bad He/Him! #womenwillnotbesilencedbymen
#TransWomenAreTransWomen because they are biological males, they will NEVER be a woman. If he can’t accept reality then I don’t have to accept his gender identity. He is not the same as me, a woman who was born female, lived my life as a girl before I became a woman & went through all the experiences that are different for women when growing up as a girl then becoming a woman naturally instead of artificially. I’m so sick of these entitled men thinking they can bully women into calling them something they’re not while insisting they get to add an unnecessary label in front of Woman & we have to accept it. I am a Woman, I do NOT need “cis” in front of that because woman is enough of a description. They need Trans 🏳️⚧️ in front of woman because they are NOT the same as me & other women. I am not saying this as a disrespect because it’s not being disrespectful to acknowledge reality. #transwoman #bringbacklogic This lovely trans woman explains it perfectly.
I’ll be honest, you have potential for possibly being passing 1 day. You’re skinny & average height for a man but would be tall for a woman, so the skinny part could give u an advantage when it comes to passing. Some female femeninization surgeries will soften the man features of your face & makeup 💄 will help. Your fast metabolism however may inhibit you getting body fat on the areas where women tend to have more of it (hips, abdomen & thighs) though which will make you clockable & your hands & feet will always be a dead giveaway that you’re a man because of how big they are. Upping your calorie intake to gain weight could help in getting body fat in the areas where women naturally have it & men don’t. HRT tends to help in weight gain. If u pass 1 day though, cool I wouldn’t care & most women wouldn’t care if u used the women’s bathroom 🚽. Transsexual women have been using the women’s bathroom for decades but it only became a huge problem recently when men who clearly don’t pass started using them. If an old school transsexual never passed no many how many surgeries they did, they never dared used the women’s bathroom out of respect for women. However even if you do pass 1 day women’s locker rooms aren’t for u as we don’t want penises in our locker rooms & we have a right to privacy away from biological men in spaces like those (spas, saunas, etc.). I wouldn’t recommend getting bottom surgery as those who do tend to lose a lot of sensation & sexual function. Unless you’re going to remove your testicles because u won’t have to take as much testosterone blockers if u do but u also won’t be able to get a full erection ever again.
White people weren’t here first Retard, also the Constitution was ratified again in 1868 by adding the 14th Amendment to make all citizens including former slaves EQUAL. Then in 1964 that was expanded by the Civil Rights Act by getting rid of Jim Crow & later anti-miscegenation laws in 1967. Mixed mutts like me are becoming more & more common (I’m part German too with a German last name, I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t have a German last name yet you pretend to be classic Nazi) whether or not you like it or accept it. Erst mal etwas Geschichte lernen, bevor man hier anfaengt Duenschiss zu erzaehlen, Schwachsinnig
@EliteZordon @forevercoco3 @DPRCollective Why don’t you put your picture up in your profile if you want people to know what you look like so badly? Usually 🏳️⚧️ who use anime profile pictures don’t pass so they use an anime pfp to show the fantasy of what they wished they looked like.
Passing trans women aren’t a problem in women’s bathrooms, they are a problem in women’s locker rooms though especially when they have a dick 🍆 still. It’s usually much easier for trans men to pass because testosterone is a VERY powerful hormone that’s much stronger than the other hormones. Hence why women don’t want men in their spaces especially when they don’t pass & majority of trans women can be clocked right away. Only a minority of them are passible like @MsBlaireWhite especially if they were small built to begin with, hence why most ladyboys in Thailand 🇹🇭 tend to pass so well because Thai people are all small built anyways.
@EliteZordon @forevercoco3 @DPRCollective Ok so he never should have been allowed to compete against women. Duh I feel for him being intersex but that still doesn’t give him a right to cheat at sports by competing against women.
@EliteZordon @forevercoco3 @DPRCollective Doesn’t matter if you’re a passing trans woman (if you are) who passes as well as the ladyboys in Thailand 🇹🇭 do, you still have a biological advantage over women.
@EliteZordon @forevercoco3 @DPRCollective Trans man is still a biological woman & women aren’t worried about him because he uses the men’s bathrooms & men aren’t worried about him because most of them are stronger than him anyways. Even if he has a fake dick it’s still not the same as a real one.
@EliteZordon @forevercoco3 @DPRCollective He was approved before the games yet he refused to release medical information that would have shown he was of the male intersex. Records that have been leaked
@EliteZordon @forevercoco3 @DPRCollective You’re a man, men are naturally stronger than WOMEN (c1s is not needed since Woman or Women is label enough to describe us). Get any woman who’s the same size as you & you’re going to be stronger than her because trans women have that biological advantage.
@EliteZordon @forevercoco3 @DPRCollective He’s an intersex man who should have NEVER competed in the Women’s Olympic Games, he should’ve played in the men’s division. He needs to give back those awards he won because he had an unfair advantage having obviously gone through male puberty as was proven by DNA testing.
@EliteZordon @forevercoco3 @DPRCollective Because trans men aren’t invading women’s spaces after passing & men aren’t worried about biological women being in their spaces since they are still most likely going to be stronger than those masculine looking women.
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@EliteZordon @forevercoco3 @DPRCollective Doesn’t matter what gender someone identifies as, biological sex is immutable & can’t be changed. Also you need spelling lessons besides math lessons.
@EliteZordon @forevercoco3 @DPRCollective There’s a thing called comprehension, ever hear of it? Makes sense you want to avoid comprehending anything though since you know men can’t become women.
@EliteZordon @forevercoco3 @DPRCollective That was 1000 years later Retard not 25 million. Damn you’re THAT bad at math?! 🧮
Maybe if the trans community stopped inserting themselves into EVERYTHING from not only Women’s Sports but to the real LGBT 🏳️🌈 history (there were no trans women at Stonewall), entering women’s locker rooms when they clearly don’t pass & still have a penis, using women’s bathrooms when they clearly don’t pass, entering women’s prisons just because they claim to be trans, etc. You must be living under a rock to not know any of this going on!
@shane_gentle Gender dysphoria IS a mental illness which the the treatment for some is to transition. It’s not ableist or transphobic to acknowledge a mental illness.