![Everglades Proving Grounds Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1857213682008109056/2KFqXOYJ_x96.jpg)
Everglades Proving Grounds
I am always the opposing opinion, was a general manager of a beach resort, X-Navy DevGru (special development group) plus now a retired converse opinion speaker
Naples/Everglades FL/U.P. MI
Joined April 2022
I concur Pete! America was and is government for the people and by the people, not just one manic person chopping away at OUR budget! Our founding Fathers & Mothers put in place a system, a system that was thought out, planned, a system of checks & balances! To disregard this "system" is spitting in the face of our founders and America! Stop Elon Musk & his spastic impulsive chainsawing of OUR budget! Sure, make cuts, save money but plan, research reactions of cuts and mostly, don't just have one person doing it!
I think the best form of government we could hope for would be a Federalist type of government, which the primary traits are checks and balances with the President not having absolute power! This form of government was our government from the late 1700's to the early 1800's with President Hamilton being one of the primary Federalist Party supporters! Just a bit of American history!
To Elon, take the Elon challenge! So you believe in anti-woke, no DEI, right! I dare you Elon, BB balls and all, to say in front of a video camera: I Elon Musk do not believe in Diversity of people or Equality of Americans and lastly, nor do I believe that all people should have the chance of Inclusion! Let's SEE if your pants contain something other than BB's Elon! Happy Super Bowl Sunday America! Pass this challenge on to the extremist right!
WOKE, America, look up woke in the Websters Dictionary! Woke is what built this crazy country we call America! Woke is what OUR founding Fathers & Mothers were and had enough vision and guidance from the "powers that be" to create the USA, WITH what is called checks & balances! WAKE America, at least enough to see that Elon is the reason for the checks & balances! DC was not built in a day, nor should it be destroyed in one! Slow down the Adderall fueled beaver to save OUR country! Wake up, we CAN and should make cuts, just not by Elon! UNITE, for peace, for not killing over lines on a map! Trust in God's, don't kill over them, they all are right and wrong! We are animals, let's act like them and not something who thinks they are superior to the others!
I do concur, unfortunately. OUR country has taken a turn for the worst! I do believe and hope this radical right turn In politics is just a quick detour on OUR path to the destruction of the human subspecies! WE, were supposed to learn from OUR mistakes, but no, I guess history will repeat! Hang on tight ya'll, ya know, ya NEVER know! Happy Superbowl! Eagles by 3!
Angle, they make all the difference in such a multitude of things! From OUR president's decisions, to that of the angle of OUR sun! Did you know why that in the winter, here in South Florida that I only have to mow my grass one time every two months, yet in the summer, every week! It's OUR suns Angle! Angles, yes, all the difference!
Ya so, we as humans place way too much thought into who is who, and what they do! So, are you saying the police are Angels? Or...maybe the members of the military? Or, maybe, back in the day, the leader of the cave who fought off the saber tooth tiger to keep our species from being eaten! Safe? What is safe, what is a leader?
Why is it that we humans just can't be like the other animals? We have to make everything more complicated and confused than it is! I'm so tired of it! Let's get animal, if a group or country gets in a disagreement, let's have the two top animals fight with just what they are born with to settle the issue! Imagine, Putin/Zelenskyy fighting it out for who will keep Ukraine! Plus, if we settled our differences this way, it might thin down the average age of our political leaders! Lol
Oh, lol, and during Trump's first term what did he do about all of these programs who help kids and families? NOTHING! What's different now? Trump realized that he can hotbutton certain groups of extremists to support him if he uses PROPAGANDA! In the confusion, the magas won't notice all is doing is setting up the Billionaires Club for life, while we the average Americans suffer the spoils of the Trump administration!
It's NOT ok to call yourself a Patriot when you're a Maga! I am a Navy Vet who knows that a true patriot loves their country no matter who is in power! A true Patriot UNITES ALL people of all colors and nationalities! So, that in my opinion negates most magas on here from claiming patriot status! I think several people have racist and patriot confused! ðŸ¤
Yes Jethro, we sure did paid em back! Dats gonna teach em who is da boss! And if they don't like it tell them we gonna go in the street and tear up da town in DC, yup dats right huh! Watch out we gonna get ya! Sad as hell, plus disappointed in what is left of what was at one point, OUR GOVERNMENT!
@jasonduprey88 @Lynyrds_Mom @elonmusk This racist crap is just out of control! You would think we went back to the days of hanging folks from trees! What crazy animals humans are! We deserve to be extinguished from our blue ball, we don't learn from our mistakes, we kill for lines on a map, or over a God's name! Bye!
I wonder if this person's account will be looked at because of his implied "death threat"! Likely not, those account shuts usually only happen to the Dems or those who voice converse opinions to Massa Elon's one way opinion! Sad how that works here, especially since he is Mr Free speech! Ya right, and yes I am referencing RIGHT WING BS Propaganda that is brainwashing the magas and Trumpublican Party! The "wool" is being not pulled over their eyes, it's being put in their mouths! Sad days are here!
Hey Lens Mom, America is NOT about 1 person prevailing, as you say "Elon, you must prevail" There has NEVER in our countries history been one person to chop down the budget tree of our country, let alone someone who is not elected by OUR people to make these chainsaw cuts while on some manic buzz trip! It's just plain out of control crazy! I I was a Republican not long ago! What the hell is going on, my friends in other countries are asking me, why has America gone crazy!
That's the sad part, there is never anyone to "EXPOSE" Concerned Cit! It's always "wow" fraud, wow kickbacks, wow, waste... But NEVER EVER facts, to me, that IS the fraud! Sure there is lots of soft money going to kids groups around the world for "Sesame Street"! Don't you think that kids, the next generation, might say, hey, America is cool, or learn about America? There is two schools Elon, the hard F-the World Trump view, the other school, the be nice to our adversaries, teach them with care school! Both schools have the potential to teach, but neither should be totally discarded either!
Sorry Elon, neither party wants waste or spending that is not necessary! Democrats or Trumpublicans, both want to save money! Have you ever considered it's not what your doing, but HOW your doing it!? I feel like your going at it like a "Beaver on Adderall" without thinking of or knowing the reactions of your cuts! Like my beaver analogy, the other beavers have finished the dam, but you're cutting down more trees, removing others put in place by the group, WITHOUT Communications! It's not what your doing it's how! We are not governed by one, or a king! We have checks and balances set up by our ancestral founding beaver colonies many years ago, which is being totally ignored!
Did you ever think Elon, that it might be HOW it's being done, not the fact that it is being done? Democrats & Trumpublicans alike want to shut down waste! That is a given! How it's being done IS YOUR PROBLEM! We "Americans" shouldn't have one person chainsawing down OUR budget! It's not Elon's Budget, it's the American budget! At the least, perhaps Elon can, in conjunction with other ELECTED people, make a recommendation, then it should be reviewed for possible reactions that a certain cut may have upon OUR country! Then if people or the majority of said group concurs, then make the cuts! The Musk "chainsaw" cuts on OUR budget are like a "Beaver on Adderall" cutting down trees after the dam has been built, with the other beavers scratching their heads!
Good for him! This crap by Musk needs to be shut down so someone can figure out what data he has access to and by what employees coupled with if they have any clearances to be viewing this information! What is the potential for someone selling OUR data to someone? The reasons to put the brakes on Muck are many, as there is something our founders installed called CHECKS & BALANCES which are being discarded like anyone's ideas but Trumps!