![DexV 🇹🇩 Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1744035947262423041/Ri_OSLdY_x96.jpg)
DexV 🇹🇩
@elonmusk Elon,help: 👇
On behalf of the Romanian people, I ask for your help in exposing which Romanian media outlets and influencers have been funded by USAID. Through deliberate manipulation, they have not only distorted reality but have also sown and fueled hatred within the population, dividing society for their own benefit. This corruption is now more evident than ever, as Romania faces an unprecedented political crisis: the recent elections were annulled based on false claims, propagated through the same media networks that have long been controlled by external interests. Lies and misinformation have shaped public perception, undermining democracy itself. Your commitment to truth and transparency makes you one of the few capable of uncovering these hidden influences. The Romanian people deserve to know who is truly behind the narratives that dictate their future. Thank you for your time and for standing for freedom of speech and integrity.
@dima_nicol91238 @elonmusk That used to be funny for me too. Not anymore. Nowadays, it just drives me crazy.
Șansele ca Musk să citeasca sau să răspundă la acest mesaj sunt extrem de mici. Hai cu un like,poate reușim vreo minune:🙂
On behalf of the Romanian people, I ask for your help in exposing which Romanian media outlets and influencers have been funded by USAID. Through deliberate manipulation, they have not only distorted reality but have also sown and fueled hatred within the population, dividing society for their own benefit. This corruption is now more evident than ever, as Romania faces an unprecedented political crisis: the recent elections were annulled based on false claims, propagated through the same media networks that have long been controlled by external interests. Lies and misinformation have shaped public perception, undermining democracy itself. Your commitment to truth and transparency makes you one of the few capable of uncovering these hidden influences. The Romanian people deserve to know who is truly behind the narratives that dictate their future. Thank you for your time and for standing for freedom of speech and integrity.
RT @Forestmang: Din nou, pt cine nu stie, inscrierea Romaniei sub tribunalul de arbitraj a fost facuta de Ciolos prin cedarea dreptului de…
În ultima sa zi, neamțul Iohannis a mai decorat un lot de nemți: Ordinul Național Pentru Merit în grad de Cavaler dlui colonel (r) prof. dr. Patrick Ernst Hermann Sensburg, conducător al Asociației Rezerviștilor din Forțele Armate; Ordinul Meritul Cultural în grad de Mare Ofițer - „Cercetarea științifică”, dlui Martin Rill, profesor, istoric, arheolog; Ordinul Meritul pentru Promovarea Drepturilor Omului și Angajament Social dlui Werner Henn, consilier local al Consiliului Orășenesc Baden-Baden; dnei Dorothea Maria Wanda Dumitrescu-Krampol, profesor, traducător și președinte al Asociației CROM — Comunitatea Românilor din Rin-Main; Ordinul Meritul pentru Promovarea Drepturilor Omului și Angajament Social: Uniunii Româno-Germane din Baden-Württemberg; Forumului German-Român Stuttgart.. Bogdan Tiberiu-Iacob
@dasitudeobere Dacă vrei să îți faci cruce cu două mâini, intră la comentarii și vezi ce atitudine au unii despre asta. Vizitele acasă sunt bune,atâta timp cat li se întâmplă altora..Minduck,no?