IFCN and its Clinical Neurophysiology journals
Save the Date: September 8-12, 2026—the 34th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology (ICCN2026), Cartagena Colombia.
Detroit, MI, USA
Joined March 2020
[2025 Education and Research Fellowships] IFCN is pleased to announce the call for 2025 Education and Research Fellowships. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: 30 APRIL 2025 2025 IFCN Education Fellowships The International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) is pleased to announce the availability of education fellowships that will be awarded to support training in clinical neurophysiology for applicants without access to similar training in their home country. IFCN also offers the opportunity aimed for those who live in the African continent and are looking for educational training support within Africa. (specific application) 2025 IFCN Research Fellowship The International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) is pleased to announce the availability of a research fellowship that will be awarded to support research in clinical neurophysiology for applicants without access to high quality research experience or specialised research methodology or technique in their home country. It is expected that the experience gained will be of significant impact in their home country. The maximum award for the fellowship will be $25,000 for a one-year fellowship, with proportionately less for a shorter fellowship.
[#ECCN2025 - Submit an Abstract and Registration] The European Congress for Clinical Neurophysiology 2025 hopes to provide a rich forum for scientific exchange, educational opportunities, social and professional networking. Registration for the event is now officially open, we are excited to welcome you. We look forward to bringing together a vibrant community and sharing valuable insights, discussions, and networking opportunities! Register NOW by clicking the button below, to benefit from our early bird rate ending March 28th, 2025. Don’t forget the opportunity for abstract submissions is now open. Submit your abstract via the online submission portal, by clicking the button below. Abstract Submission Deadline: February 28th, 2025. If you are a Trainee / Fellow / Researcher / Student under the age of 40 and you want to apply for the EMEAC-IFCN bursary, please tick the relevant checkbox in your submission to help us consider your application (the bursary will include free Early-Bird registration and 1 ticket to the Gala Dinner). Please view the preliminary programme by clicking the button below: Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Many Thanks and Kind Regards, ECCN Events Team eccn@worldspan.co.uk
RT @ACNS_org: Join ICU EEG SIG directors Shavonne Massey, MD, MSCE, FACNS & Brandon Foreman, MD, MS, FACNS on 2/13 at 6:30pmET. ACNS SIGs a…
RT @ACNS_org: #PresidentsPerspective @bensalem_owen: #ACNS2025 will be an exciting blend of learning, networking & friendly competition! Do…
RT @ACNS_org: ACNS Members Peter Kaplan, MB, FRCP, FACNS, from Johns Hopkins, and Jennifer Hopp, MD, from the University of Maryland Baltim…
[2025 Education and Research Fellowships] IFCN is pleased to announce the call for 2025 Education and Research Fellowships. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: 30 APRIL 2025 2025 IFCN Education Fellowships The International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) is pleased to announce the availability of education fellowships that will be awarded to support training in clinical neurophysiology for applicants without access to similar training in their home country. IFCN also offers the opportunity aimed for those who live in the African continent and are looking for educational training support within Africa. (specific application) 2025 IFCN Research Fellowship The International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) is pleased to announce the availability of a research fellowship that will be awarded to support research in clinical neurophysiology for applicants without access to high quality research experience or specialised research methodology or technique in their home country. It is expected that the experience gained will be of significant impact in their home country. The maximum award for the fellowship will be $25,000 for a one-year fellowship, with proportionately less for a shorter fellowship.
[Editor's Choice: February 2025] Milica Manojlović, Jovana Bjekić, Danka Purić, Saša R. Filipović. High-density theta oscillatory-modulated tDCS over the parietal cortex for targeted memory enhancement. Clin Neurophysiol 2025;170:80-90. Editor's commentary: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a relatively low-cost, non-invasive stimulation approach that can potentially be applied by subjects at home. High density tDCS uses small electrodes in a ring formation to provide more focal stimulation than traditional tDCS with large anode and cathode. Theta oscillations in the hippocampus and parieto-temporal cortices are associated with memory encoding and retrieval. In this volume of Clinical Neurophysiology, Manojlovic et al. applied a novel protocol with high density anodal tDCS modulated at 5 Hz (theta frequency), known as theta oscillatory-modulated tDCS, to the left posterior parietal cortex in 22 healthy subjects. Application of the stimuli during both the encoding and the retrieval phases improved associative memory performance compared to sham stimulation. The study introduces a promising neuromodulation approach that can be further studied in memory disorders. Robert Chen Editor-in-Chief, Clinical Neurophysiology
[#ICCN2024] Missed ICCN2024? Don’t worry! Explore these opportunities to connect with experts and advance your knowledge in clinical neurophysiology. Upcoming Meetings:
RT @ACNS_org: Checking in on the Crab Race to Baltimore...Dr Aatif Husain maintains his commanding lead, followed by Dr Suzette LaRoche, Dr…