![Chaldean Nation Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1887135849038401537/Rs942hEY_x96.jpg)
Chaldean Nation
We are free Chaldeans and proud. 100% Christians, the native people of Mesopotamia Iraq and Syria. Long Live the Chaldean Nation! تعيش الامة الكلدانية
Babylon, Mesopotamia
Joined January 2013
“There are #Chaldeans here. #Iraqi #Christians. They suffered so much over the years” Thank you #President #Donald #Trump #Chaldean #Nation
Jonah the Prophet, the #Biblical story was written AFTER the #BABYLONIAN #EXILE. Source: Encyclopedia Brittanica. It is also showing that the #ancient #assyrians were #hated and the cruelest. No one liked them. Every one around them collaborated to destroy the cruel and hated ancient assyrians until the #Chaldeans and #Medes of #Persia succeeded to destroy the ancient assyrians and destroy #assyria burying it underground to extinction in 612 BC. Ending the tyranny and cruelty of ancient assyryians forever. Modern assyrians from 20th century (originally Chaldean Nestorians) are not related to the cruel and hated ancient Assyrians.
RT @Tisqopa: Another Chaldean grammar book. This one is written by Fr. Michael Bazzi. This one is more advanced Grammer. Link 👇 https://t…
RT @zayyatheblessed: Blessing children with the Mysteries in the Chaldean Catholic tradition. A beautiful communion ceremony from a Chalde…
RT @Sachinettiyil: The Statue of Our Lady of Lebanon is a French-made, 13-ton statue, made of bronze and painted white, of the Virgin Mary.…
Chaldean people are in solidarity with the Maronites of #Lebanon in their daily struggles and commitment to protect their churches, people, history and land.
In 1975, the Nestorian assyrian Church deleted a prayer from a 4th century Prayer Book that connects #evil and #genocide to #assyrians. Here is the translation: "Save us from this generation forever, O God, who saved the house of Hezekiah and delivered Jerusalem from the #assyrians. Open your right hand and deliver those who worship you. O Lord, do not let us be trampled underfoot by a conqueror" Source: Hudhra Prayer Book - 4th Century (Page is included) Nestorian Church (aka neo-assyrian 20th century) الترجمة 1 - أنقذنا ونجينا من هذا الجيل الى الابد: الـله الذي خلَّصَ بيت حزقيا وأنقذ أورشليم من #الآشوريين. أحلَّ يمينك ونجِّ الساجدين لكَ. كي يا رب لا تطأنا رِجلٌ قاهرة. (ترجمة الاب سعيد بلو)
#فضح_الاشورية_المزيفة. جده كان يطلب من الرب ان ينقذه كما انقذ اورشليم من شرور الاشوريين وهو اليوم يدعي نسبه اليهم !!#عجيب_امور_غريب_قضية📷📷!! الى الاخوة المؤمنين في الكنيسة الكلدانية النسطورية(الآثورية بعد 1975) اذا كان آباؤكم آشوريون (كما اوهمكم الانكليز) هل تصلون اليوم هذه الـ "عونيثا "؟ ( ك��اب صلوات الكنيسة النسطورية ) * النص أدناه هو من كتاب صلوات نساطرة بلاد ما بين النهرين حيث كانوا يطلبون من الله ان يخلصهم كما خلص اورشليم من #الاشوريين . اي كانوا يشبهون #الشر #بالاشوريين و قد قيل لنا مؤخراً أن هذه الصلاة التي عمرها مئات الاعوام تم حذفها مؤخراً لانها تتعارض مع التسمية البلاستيكية للاشوريين الجدد . الترجمة 1 - أنقذنا ونجينا من هذا الجيل الى الابد: الـله الذي خلَّصَ بيت حزقيا وأنقذ أورشليم من #الآشوريين. أحلَّ يمينك ونجِّ الساجدين لكَ. كي يا رب لا تطأنا رِجلٌ قاهرة. (ترجمة الاب سعيد بلو) لماذا كنتم ياترى تصلون هذه الصلاة الى عهد قريب في كنائسكم؟ صفحة فرات
NEW historical proof to debunk the Assyrianism racism by the smallest Christian minority in Iraq and Iran. The athoree follow a failed nationalist agenda that never produced results. Good job Chaldeans and Syriacs for defending our people that are more than 95%of Iraqi Christians
This guy claims to be studying to become a historian, yet he takes his sources from the pan-Assyrianist website Let's go through his claims: Mor Michael Rabo does not state that we are Assyrians—quite the opposite. He literally says, “Our race, the Arameans, children of Aram.” Mor Philoxenus Yuhanon Dolabani repeatedly argued for Arameanism. The references he made were mostly to Assyria, not to Assyrians. See Mor Julius Yeshu Cicek, who lived with him for three years and also advocated for Arameanism. Here’s a quote from Mor Philoxenus Yuhanon Dolabani: Mor Aphrem Barsaum made an official statement from the Syriac Orthodox Church rejecting the Assyrian name, as it was “against the truth in history.” He did this when he was at the height of his knowledge. His earlier advocacy for Assyrianism was politically motivated in hopes of securing a country. See the official statement here: Lastly, our current patriarch also made an official statement from the Church in 2015, declaring that we are Arameans. He has made numerous speeches affirming this, the most recent one being in December, if I remember correctly. Here’s the statement:
@_ant________ Today athoree is originally Chaldean from Iran
1895 AD - The Nestorian Church (20th Century #assyrian & originally #Chaldean) identified herself as the CHALDEAN CHURCH of the EAST👈 June 15, 1895 Letter from Priest Eshoo, the Secretary of the athoree Patriarch signed with his identity as Ancient CHALDEAN CHURCH of the EAST✌
@_ant________ Today athoree Nestorians of Iran are originally CHALDEANS.
1895 AD - The Nestorian Church (20th Century #assyrian & originally #Chaldean) identified herself as the CHALDEAN CHURCH of the EAST👈 June 15, 1895 Letter from Priest Eshoo, the Secretary of the athoree Patriarch signed with his identity as Ancient CHALDEAN CHURCH of the EAST✌
A True #Chaldean #Hero 💖Chaldean Bishop Mar Sarhad Jammo 💖 "I will Tell You Who I am!. I AM CHALDEAN!." #Chaldeans will always honor you for your love and commitment to serve the Chaldean people everywhere. You will remain in our heart and soul forever 💖 You are in Heaven✝
@WallzofBabylon Wallz. We appreciate sharing your cousin story. We feel your pain. It takes a real man to tell it. Do not worry about the assyrian lowlife that was doxxing you with no morals. He was attacking you without conscious and pure hate. Stay strong as Chaldeans try to defeat all racists