![Prof. C. K. Raju Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1480054389586882560/IkQOePmN_x96.jpg)
Prof. C. K. Raju
Honorary Professor, Indian Institute of Education, Short bio at https://t.co/79696w0H6K.
Joined January 2022
U mean destruction of Brit/French/Dutch power in WW2 irrelevant to independence of India and other colonies?🤔😄 BTW, Hitler like many Germans and Nazis believed in Aryan race conjecture; thought Indians and Germans from same genetic stock. Basic GK, but see refs in my book.
How a Hitler was going to liberate brown Indians from the white british is beyond reason Bose himself was being watched by his german wife - not the ominous sign of a liberator British empire was gying its death after US Federal reserve was setup to indebt the british in ww1
3. I called Elst a church mole (not a fake). He cons Hindus by ranting against Muslims (OK by church), but that does NOT make him pro-Indian. See how he supports genocide of millions of Indians by Brits because his church commanded genocide of non-Christians.
1. Churchill continued the Brit tradition of genocide, by famines in India, killing 3-5 million Indians. Denying it is a CRIME of holocaust denial NOT mere disagreement. 2. Bose was right that Hitler's war against evil Brit empire would help liberate Indians and others. ../2
1. Churchill continued the Brit tradition of genocide, by famines in India, killing 3-5 million Indians. Denying it is a CRIME of holocaust denial NOT mere disagreement. 2. Bose was right that Hitler's war against evil Brit empire would help liberate Indians and others. ../2
@NiranjanShuk @MumukshuSavitri @CKRaju14 I mean you can disagree with him, but how is he a fake? His academic record is there for everyone to see.
From Hastings to Churchill, genocidal Brits systematically created famines.(pic1) Killed 50 million Indians. Earlier too Brits practiced BOTH racism + genocide as demanded in pope's bull (fatwa) Romanus Pontifex as acts of high Xtian virtue! (pic2) Church mole Elst defends also THAT church-sanctioned genocide (of over 100 million native Americans, Blacks, and Australians) by pretending genocide only by Hitler!
@MumukshuSavitri When @CKRaju14 identified him as a fake, many were critical, since he is friends with a lot of 'Hindu right wingers'. So, he was right after all.
Popular, yes. Jaggi's source? Probably. But authentic? I checked 42 volumes at No mention. Also A section on "Adventures in India" MOCKS vegetarianism.(pic) No mention of geometry. Read urself! Happy to be corrected.
@CKRaju14 I think this quote is popular But wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a 20th c one.
U ducked my arguments (relating the calendar to secularism and the Indian economy) so, as a lawyer, u admit them. Shame! Since u don't respect the constitution, and don't care for the economy, u are the one who should get out of (the country and) the conversation. U r blocked!
@CKRaju14 If you have time, u keep calculating it. I don't have any problem. I don't have time n want easy way. My time, my wish. Keep ur certificates with you n get out.
This lawyer's "argument": if the world under colonial influence uses the inferior Christian calendar we must be inferior too.🤔😄 And to hell with secularism, the constitution and Indian economy! Foolish to say Indian calendar "announced" like synodic month; easily CALCULATED as explained in my book.
@Bhoopalan108 @VUjjivana @CKRaju14 That nursery calender is what the world uses. Ppl can't calculate thitis and can't wait for someone else's announcement that it has fallen on this day n commemorate it. Precisely this is why no one remembers our important days.
After being fooled for centuries by false history concocted by the West, some racist journos still want to promote this man whose main qualification is he is White tho he knows no math or its history (pic1). Aim: to make us believe Whites/Westerners will guide us to truth! 🤣
How India, Not Arabs, Gifted Algebra To The World | I Witness via @YouTube
This article (not accessible) seems to be talking about the elementary Weierstrass function which is everywhere continuous, but nowhere differentiable. I regularly taught it in my real analysis course 40 years ago. Brownian motion too has similar sample paths. What I talked of in my Hawai'i talk of 2000 was much worse: failure of formal math for stochastic differential equations driven by Levy motion where one can calculate but not prove.(pic1) Since this case arises in finance, a concrete demo, of how to calculate in this situation, using my old software Stochode, is at the end of my JNU talk on normal vs formal math for statistics.(pic2)
Prof @CKRaju14 , sir, you have wriitten something similar regarding stock market ( continuity and differentiability)
They BENEFIT hence AVOID challenges. Take my Rs 2 lakh challenge about Pythagoras and Euclid (pic). No one accepted it till now. Did u as a student or parent even ask a Q about it to the teacher or govt? No? Why didn't u? The church will keep stuffing dirt in ur + ur kid's mind, thru "education" till U fight back.
@CKRaju14 Then why are most mathematician don't challenge it .
The church made jokers also of Hindu univ. mathematicians. We add to it with our current efforts. Manjul Bhargav teaching the "gospel truth" of "invisible points" of the church quadrivium in the new text for class 6 math under the NEP. So kids forced to learn Western shabda praman (axioms) about them. (pic1) And netas and UGC promoting "Vedic math" oblivious to the fact that such lies about the Veda damage Hinduism for which the Veda-s are shabda pramana (pic2,3)
I always wondered how the church had made such jokers of Muslim univ. mathematicians, even in Iran etc., and why they never understood that the dogma of axiomatic proof was a Crusading Xtian theological trick AGAINST Muslim aql-i-kalam. It is clear now. I said the empirical is PROHIBITED in axiomatic math (pic). But u challenge me to give an example of use of empirical in (axiomatic) math, the only kind u and the West understand as math.🤣 U can't read even a tweet before shooting off. That makes conversation impossible. Go spend at least a year reading all I have written before trying to restart this conversation.
I always wondered how the church had made such jokers of Muslim univ. mathematicians, even in Iran etc., and why they never understood that the dogma of axiomatic proof was a Crusading Xtian theological trick AGAINST Muslim aql-i-kalam. It is clear now. I said the empirical is PROHIBITED in axiomatic math (pic). But u challenge me to give an example of use of empirical in (axiomatic) math, the only kind u and the West understand as math.🤣 U can't read even a tweet before shooting off. That makes conversation impossible. Go spend at least a year reading all I have written before trying to restart this conversation.
@CKRaju14 What do you mean by math is empirical? Can you cite an instance?
No, no, no! Ganita accepts BOTH pratyaksh (empirical) + anumana (inference) like science. Axiomatic proof PROHIBITS the empirical. Hope u understand what PROHIBIT means. Just doesn't get into our heads. In the language of class IX text (p. 301) BEWARE of what you SEE. But blindly trust what you are TOLD (axioms, Western shabda pramana) about INVISIBLE points and lines (class VI). That makes u perfect slaves. Amazing that in 1.4 billion Indians none reads the compulsory class IX text, not in class IX, not ever. Education about jobs NOT knowledge. Hence, also, u don't go thru the references I cited. Why waste time on knowledge? Just keep guessing what u imagine it means. Too much trouble to learn, to read and think and understand. At worst ask a Q on X which shows u didn't bother to read the refs and don't think it worthwhile to do so. Hence, West could fool us for centuries. And may fool us for many more.
@CKRaju14 Sir, pardon me for going on a slight tangent ... this axiomatic vs empirical, is it like comparing between Anumāna Pramāna and Pratyaksha Pramāna?
Axiomatic proof found in Crusading theology (pic1) but NOT in "Euclid" book as our school text lies! (pic2,3) And is axiomatic proof (which prohibits empirical) "superior" or inferior? Will u ask a padre or a univ. mathematician who planted that lie in school texts?!🤔🤣
That's what I call an arational "Proof by territory limitation" (pic, "Patterns of irrationality" in Eleven Pictures of Time). Such proofs have survival value but nil epistemic value. Time central to BOTH science and religion. Whom will u ask about time?! 🤔🤣 ../2
That's what I call an arational "Proof by territory limitation" (pic, "Patterns of irrationality" in Eleven Pictures of Time). Such proofs have survival value but nil epistemic value. Time central to BOTH science and religion. Whom will u ask about time?! 🤔🤣 ../2
Don't take scientific advice from a spiritual master or spiritual advice from a top scientist. Domain expertise matters immensely in the realms of mentorship. Respect all, but adopt thoughts subjectively.