![Greg Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1798449512702263296/wy0GyIx__x96.jpg)
Over Zoom, I teach teachers & moms how to teach reading. I post about schools, reading curriculum, UFOs, & the decline of the west. #FreeSpeech
Atlanta, Georgia
Joined May 2024
My heroes: @TuckerCarlson, Jordan Peterson (@jordanbpeterson), Elon Musk, Matt Taibi (@mtaibbi), Ian Carroll (@imPenny2x), Chris Martenson (@chrismartenson), Mike Benz, Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger), & any other real journalist or opinion leader.
The 8 dimensions to which you refer are not "known." Three are known, and the fourth (time) can be seen as another dimension. Everything else from 5-11 is speculation based on mathematical conjecture. A few government paid physicists may be sure of additional dimensions, but they're not publicizing it.
@BristolPistolSr Time is space and is relative to the dimension. There are some 8 known dimensions and we reside in the 3rd dimension but time is of the 4th.
Odin is most likely correct. Luna is smart and pretty, but she is up against forces and phenomena she does not fully understand and does not control at all. If Trump can get the CIA (et al) back under control, things may change, but even that is not a given. The CIA should be locked out of its buildings so that DOGE people can see the evidence before it is destroyed. Telepaths should be on these teams to detect interference that may be coming from Mantids or other ET civilizations.
@RedPandaKoala She is not the savior you guys think she is. And this committee of hers is not going to get us the results we all want. I could be wrong. I hope I’m wrong. But experience tells me otherwise.
Time is a dimension but this is not what most people mean when they say "interdimensional."
@RedPandaKoala Interdimensional means they are "us" from the future, like many have theorized!
I don't think anyone who is not an elite mathematician understands any of this in more than a superficial way.
@RedPandaKoala The key word is "Source". Read this article twice, I think the basics most people can understand. What they will have trouble with, is that there are consequences for poor behavior in this life time .:
I think this task force is mostly sincere (although it has probably been infiltrated by some spooks). The big problem is that they don't have accesss to any significant amount of raw information. It may take violence to gain access, and the holders of the keys may not be human.
@RedPandaKoala "I think" Once again.. she thinks this, she thinks that. IDGAF what she ~thinks~. Release the raw information. This entire task group is a ploy to withhold information.
I don't think that anyone knows the origins of all our visitors. Some may come from planets, others parallel universes, "other dimensions," different times/epochs, and who knows where else.
“Grusch said that those were inter-dimensional beings. He refused to use ‘extraterrestrial’ and ‘alien’. I think that’s important to note.” Rep. Anna Luna on UFOs last year. She just announced a declassification task force that "will be conducting investigations into the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK Jr, UFOs, Epstein Client List, COVID-19 origins, 9/11 files."
Karen: This is an important point. There are a couple of factors in this phenomenon: 1) Administrators who select curricula often ignore studies. 2) Many districts are switching to SOR. While SOR is big improvement, it's still a pretty slow and ineffective way of teaching reading. 3) Administrators who are confident they can understand "scientific" studies are somewhat rare and the studies are usually hidden behind pay walls.
Here’s a lens I’d like to see someone put on the IES contract cancellations: We have been spending hundreds of millions on education research (beyond programs like NAEP), and I can’t see a lot of evidence that it: A) helped improve reading and math outcomes (see grim NAEP results) B) helped us avoid becoming a global outlier on school closures C) helped schools know how to spend their $190B surplus very effectively Can someone please tell where I am mistaken? I’m talking about the research contracts that have been canceled. My understanding is that established programs like the NAEP assessment are not affected by any cuts (or planned cuts). This will be an unpopular opinion, because there is an entire education NGO-sphere set up to do that research and then hold convenings and webinars-with-twenty-to-thirty-attendees about that research. It will also be unpopular because the IES has built some things of real value to teachers, like its widely-shared Practice Guides. I cheer those, too, friends. But it’s a fair question. Which parts of that research are really adding leverage to teachers’ and districts’ and states’ efforts to improve student outcomes? This is also a question to the journalistic community. What’s in the $881M pile of canceled contracts? Are practical things like the Practice Guides affected (I suspect No)? Which parts of the research are relevant to teachers and which parts are relevant to think tanks? Please help us all see into the work, so we can have honest conversations about the value-waste continuum. Bonus points if you interview people whose livelihoods aren’t connected to chattering about the work (hint: Checker Finn and the NGO-sphere ain’t it). I write all this as someone finishing a piece tonight about the states whose reading outcomes are improving. I happen to be writing it pro bono (my usual). And I wonder: if we have such a thriving research community, why am I the first person connecting these dots *and doing the most important part, connecting the essential stories with educators*? Like @arotherham, whose post I shared yesterday, I am certain that important research just got canned. And I’m certain there was a higher-integrity way to have this conversation than to DOGE-dozer IES. I am also certain that much education research is disconnected from practitioners, everyone knows this, and @usedgov hasn’t been hustling to narrow that gap. If we are going to have a moment of “move fast, break things, then rebuild,” this is the lens I ask for the rebuild phase. Unpopular as it may be.
This is a limited hangout of scrubbed documents. The committee's review of the documents will give the CIA more time to scrub the remaining documents (removing all incriminating information).
🚨BREAKING: THOUSANDS of JFK Assassination Documents That Were "Lost", Now FOUND! Rep. Anna Paulina Luna addresses the "rediscovery" of thousands of previously lost JFK files that the FBI has now miraculously "found". This feels like a form of progress... What do you think?
It takes time to scrub a large collection of documents (removing all the incriminating information). They may have retyped some to get that authentic look.
@TheProjectUnity Why not just release all the documents if its about transparency. Why the delay?
It is not progress. It is a limited hangout. Reviewing the documents will simply waste the committee's time. They have already been scrubbed.
🚨BREAKING: THOUSANDS of JFK Assassination Documents That Were "Lost", Now FOUND! Rep. Anna Paulina Luna addresses the "rediscovery" of thousands of previously lost JFK files that the FBI has now miraculously "found". This feels like a form of progress... What do you think?
RT @elonmusk: It’s not like these politicians started companies or were NBA All-Stars, so where did they get all the money? Does anyone kn…
Based on the latest "news" (information coming through X), which is more trustworthy than anything coming from ABC, I think what they ought to do is start locking government employees out of the buildings they work in so that records of improper money movements cannot be destroyed. I would recommend starting with the CIA.
If you think the problem is limited to just half of the politicicians, you are badly mistaken. 2.5 Trillion, a huge sum, is a small part of what's going on. That's just what the DOD had lost track of on the eve of the twin towers attack. A lot of money is being funneled into reverse engineering programs for UFOs. It's raised by every financial crime you can think of. I would not be surprised to discover some of that money is moving off world in the form of items manufactured here, but used on Mars, the back side of the moon, and only God knows where else. Maybe the Martians rely on the U.S. dollar too. Stranger things have happened. In the course of my liftime I have seen the economic output of a superpower shrink massively. The low labor costs in Asia (india, china, vietnam, south korea, etc.) are only part of the story.
THIS is the Constitutional Crisis. 2.7 trillion found by DOGE in improper payments in Medicare & Medicaid, to people overseas! Not even here in the States. This is an accurate depiction of what Democrats have been doing to us. 👇
Blocked for cause: I don't like blocking people, and I generally don't do it just because someone says something I disagree with. I know disinfo-agents are active on this platform. (They're everywhere.) I just blocked someone who was either stupid or on the secrecy team. If you want to mislead me, you're going to have to get up pretty early in the morning. I'm not worried about it, but you might mislead my followers as well.
You know, you keep saying wacky things. I think you are the paid disinformation agent. You will will be blocked.
@BristolPistolSr Budd Hopkins was a paid disinformation agent.
I couldn't follow your line of reasoning initially. I imagine Trump hopes to find who holds the keys to the information they're using to blackmail him so he can mitigate that threat. By "Trump was all over Epstein and his crew," I think you mean they may be using his activities with Epstein to control him. Maybe you're right. I haven't paid much attention to the Epstein story. Trump may be involved in more serious crimes than playing doctor with 14-year old girls. If he can get the intelligence establishment back under control, I can forgive him for nearly any crime.