I pray that whoever falls in love with me will be the one I marry cuz I wouldn’t want anyone to go through the pain of losing an amazing person like me.
Not to be cocky or anything, but I’m really the full package. My head is on straight, priorities in check, I’m smart independent, handsome af and my heart is genuine. Just a self appreciation tweet cuz I sometimes forget the badass motherfucker I am.
يا رب اللهم إني أسألك باسمك الأعظم ووجهك الأكرم يا من تعيد للمريض صحته ويا من تستجيب دعاء المريض اللهم اشفِ أمي فأنت أعلم بحالها ورد إليها عافيتها وخفف عنها ألمها، اللهم أنت الشافي المعافي شافها وعافها وردّها إلينا سالمةً يا رب العالمين.
A bottle of water can be .50 cents in a supermarket 2$ in the gym 3$ at the movies and 6$ on a plane. The only thing that changed its value was the place.Next time you feel like you’re worth nothing just know that you’re in the wrong place.STAY WOKE.💯.
hardest pill I had to swallow this year was learning that no matter how good you could be to someone, no matter how much you love them, they can & will turn their back on you & there’s absolutely nothing you can do but suck it up & keep moving forward.
Sudani Twitter please stop making fun of people for how they look that’s gods creation stick to tryna get free shit online and talking shit about each other.
عدت سنه علي وفاتك وإنا لفراقك لمحزونون ربنا يرحمك ويغفر لك اخوي احمد هاشم في جنات النعيم إن شاء الله في أعالي الجنان في عليين مع الصديقين والشهداء والصالحين وحسن أولئك رفيقا إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون