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tw // racism
a german radio host was talking immensely badly about BTS, comparing them to COVID and mentioning blasphemy and north korea, this can’t be tolerated!
pls email bighit about this as well!
(video by
This is OUR time to shine!
We all remember what happened in the beginning of the year…
Let’s give our BEST for this single💪🏻
Can we give both BTS & Coldplay their first number
single in Germany?👀🔥
He shared a post on facebook that claims his words weren’t racist but instead implying that the ones being upset right now might be the actual racists..
He is showing no regret at all which makes his ‘apology’ worth even less
It seems like as if Matthias Matuschik won't host the Radio Show on Bayern3 next week as well.
It's been more than a month now since he was on air the last time.
‚FACE‘ is now the highest charting album in the German album charts by an Asian soloist!
Jimin is the 5th Korean soloist to enter this chart and FACE is the 3rd Korean album after JITB & Indigo!
Rassismus, Beleidigungen und einen Bezug zu COVID, Gotteslästerung und Nordkorea herzustellen, wie rechtfertigt ihr solche Aussagen gegenüber BTS & ihrem Auftritt bei MTV Unplugged?
Wir sehen hier ganz klare Fremdenfeindlichkeit & fordern eine Stellungnahme!
ich weiß welchen radiosender ich von nun an nicht mehr hören werde! tschüss
, checkt mal lieber wen ihr so bei euch moderieren lasst! rassismus auf die art und weise im jahr 2021 brauche ich mir wirklich nicht mehr geben.
We can confirm that Matthias Matuschik is still not hosting any segment on Bayern 3 since the incident happened!
It’s been almost 2 1/2 months, we don’t know officially what happened to him and his position on the radio station but we hope it will stay this way.
*note: the tone of the host in the second part wasn't ill intended but we still appreciate CP for standing up for our boys! Thank you so much
! 💜
It is confirmed that Matthias Mattuschik won't be on air until april 1st.
It's been almost a month since the
case and he hasn't been on air since then.
Still, it's unclear whether it will stay that way or whether he will just be off air for a while.
j-hope's 'Jack In The Box' debuts at
on the Official German Charts.
He's the first korean soloist to enter the album charts since Yiruma in 2011. 🔥🔥
And we’ll say it again:
The host did NOT discredit our boys in any way! He didn’t get to finish his statement, we don’t know what his intention was but he praised the collab before & was being really nice, this is finally some GOOD media coverage in Germany, pls be respectful!💜
Thanks to everyone who’s helping us & for all your ideas! We appreciate it a lot!
We can assure you that we are currently working on the next steps!
In the meantime, pls keep spreading awareness, you can also contact influencers to speak up!
🇩🇪 media trivializes racism too much. We ask for respect as humans.
"Sorry that your feelings got hurt" is neither an apology, nor taking responsibility.For some it's just words, for POC a warning to be cautious when going outside.
We want a sincere approach & self reflection.
We ask you again: Please DONT send any threats to the host or the radio station. This is NOT appropriate and we don’t support this behaviour.
Don’t lose focus on our actual goal!
‚D‘DAY‘ is now the highest charting album in the German album charts by an Asian soloist!
Yoongi is the 6th Korean soloist to enter this chart and D-Day is the 4th Korean album after JITB, Indigo & FACE!
Just bc hashtags aren’t trending anymore, doesn’t mean the fight is over.
We will not stop.
Hashtags are good for spreading awareness, but they’re not enough. We from our side are working closely together with POC organisations on the next steps!
Ergänzende Stellungnahme von BAYERN 3 und Matthias Matuschik
Additional Statement by BAYERN 3 and Matthias Matuschik [ENG TRANS]
(Bitte verzichtet auf Beleidigungen gegenüber dem Sender und dem Host, wir müssen als Fans respektvoll und sachlich bleiben)
just to clarify:
we would NEVER try to speak over POC. we want THEM to have a platform. we are distancing us completely from people who think any other way. in our eyes, this was never a good idea, which we also communicated.
It is confirmed that Matthias Mattuschik won't be on air until april 15.
Still it's unclear whether it will stay that way or whether he will just be off air for a while.
K-armys already prepared and sent a mail to bh. Bh can't do much about it, but we still sent a mail to let them know what happened. It is better to concentrate on the radio station and local agencies
Wir haben einen Text verfasst, den ihr an verschieden Anlaufstellen schicken könnt!
It's late in germany again. The past days were hard and tiring, but we want to shout out a BIG thank you to everyone
YOU are doing so great and without all the support, also international, we wouldn't have come this far
Be strong!
The keywords for today
Please remember, do not include or just censor the words rac*sm and rac*st as we are trying something out.
Again, another day has passed by and we did as much as we could to spread awareness and work with POC on this topic. Thanks to everyone who has been supportive, we appreciate it a lot!
Our new hashtags ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
it’s getting late in germany, we’ll get some rest & come back tomorrow with more energy 💜
pls keep speaking up, don’t let yourself be silenced!
take a break whenever you need it, this is a long fight but we are not giving up!
The old hashtags from last night aren’t trending worldwide anymore, we are using
from now on!
Please help us spread this and don’t give up 💪🏻💜
tw // racism
a german radio host was talking immensely badly about BTS, comparing them to COVID and mentioning blasphemy and north korea, this can’t be tolerated!
pls email bighit about this as well!
(video by
❗️If you want to help, you can sign this petition❗️
This is demanding for the radio station bayern3 to host a program about anti-asian racism!
This is worldwide, you don’t have to live in germany!
[Artikel 🇩🇪] - VOGUE
„Und auch die BTS-"Army" wird von […] Musikjournalisten (man beachte: meist Männer über 40) gern belächelt – Gott bewahre, dass junge Frauen Freude an etwas haben und diese ungehemmt zeigen“
(So einen guten 🇩🇪 Artikel haben wir lange nicht gelesen, wow 🥺)
Please stop trending the HT
#/APOLOGIZE_TO_BTS since this problem is focused on the whole asian community in the world and not only on them.
Let's focus on these instead ⬇️
We won’t give up until serious consequences have been taken!
He showed us that he doesn’t regret the things he said, we need him to not have a platform anymore!
‚Seven‘ Promo-Poster wurden in Berlin gesichtet 🇩🇪💜
Wenn ihr die Poster irgendwo sehen solltet, sagt uns gerne Bescheid!
Und bitte reißt sie nicht ab, die sind als Werbung für das neue Lied gedacht und sollen Interesse wecken 🥰
posted a pic on his instagram during 2020 that implies that the corona virus was ‘made in china’ and the caption says ‘need more proof?!?!!?’
THIS proves that he doesn’t care about racism against the asian community!!
Ein Songcover nicht mögen und eine Gruppe von Asiaten mit einem tödlichen Virus zu vergleichen ist nicht dasselbe!
Hört auf euch mit dem Argument 'Meinung' alles schön zu reden!!
Thank you for everyone who is helping to raise awareness.
It's getting late in germany. Please don't stop and keep raising your voice!
Thank you ❤
Wir wollen keine halbherzige Entschuldigung, wir fordern Einsicht und Verständnis. Rassismus hat nichts mit Meinungsfreiheit zu tun. Mit solchen Aussagen wurden weitaus mehr Personen verletzt, als ‚nur‘ die erwähnte Boygroup.
K-Reporter erklärt das Ereignis des Geschehens mit Matthias Matuschik und gibt ein Statement ab zu der Aussage "dass es hoffentlich eine Impfung gegen die Gruppe gibt": ⬇️⬇️
We and
want to inform you a little bit about our plans.
After lots of research and also from personal experience, we know that a lot of 🇩🇪 ARMYS have distanced themselves from the german side of ARMY twitter and are
COMEBACK GOALS für „Butter“ (
) in Deutschland!
Nutzt das Video um die Comeback Goals bei anderen deutschen Armys zu promoten.
Spread this Video like BUTTER!
🔹 Top50
Butter (NEU) 🔥
▶️ 340,762 Streams 🔥🔥🔥😭
- 234,926)
This fight is far from over. We won’t stop anytime soon. We want change!
If you want to help, pls sign this petition! It’s worldwide, not only for Germany!
The petition demands a radio segment about anti-asian racism.
Bitte folgt niemals den Membern während ihrer privaten Zeit und teilt auch keine Fotos/Videos, die in ihrer privaten Zeit entstanden sind! BTS sind auch nur Menschen, respektiert sie und ihre Privatsphäre! Wenn ihr nicht sicher seid, woher ein Bild/Video kommt, teilt es nicht!
Jetzt, da wir endlich die Tracklist haben, wollten wir uns kurz zu etwas äußern. Einen Tag nach Album-Ankündigung wurde das Album bei 🇩🇪 Händlern gelistet, allerdings waren in der Beschreibung Spoiler zu den Collabs. Deshalb haben wir zunächst auch keine Links geteilt und eure +