![Mohcin Bounouara Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1579605137718497351/nylpWG4e_x96.jpg)
Mohcin Bounouara
Software engineer, currently solidify my backend skills. Focusing on Software Engineering Fundamentals, #Laravel and #Javascript
Joined August 2011
@marcelpociot @kapehe_ok Can you share the part of her talk from the live stream, thanks in advance!
This is really great, especially for the open source community and open source project, these achievements make us keep pushing forward! Learn, help, build and share. Congrats Jonathan!
Some big personal news: The Laravel team is officially taking over my Inertia.js project. Almost exactly six years ago, I started a project inspired by Turbolinks that let developers using classic server-side frameworks like Laravel and Rails build rich client-side SPAs with libraries like React and Vue. That project became Inertia.js. The goal was simple—I wanted to build apps using the classic monolith architecture while leveraging modern JavaScript frameworks as the templating layer. At the time, there was no standard way to do this. Everyone told me the “right” approach was to turn my server-side app into a REST or GraphQL API and build a separate client-side app to consume it. While that approach makes sense for some projects, it was total overkill for what I was building. I just wanted Laravel, but with React or Vue as my templating layer—yet, that meant adopting an entirely different architecture. Back then, I used Turbolinks a lot to give my apps an SPA feel, but it didn't work well with React or Vue. That's when it hit me: what if I could create something like Turbolinks, but optimized for modern JavaScript frameworks? I started hacking, and pretty quickly, I had a working prototype! The two key ideas that made Inertia work so well: 1. Dynamic components – Modern JavaScript frameworks can dynamically swap one page component for another as you navigate. 2. Reactivity – These frameworks automatically re-render when props change. So, simply visiting the same page with different data (props) updates it automatically—no manual handling required. With the proof of concept in place, I kept building. We ended up with: - A core client-side routing library - Client-side adapters for React, Vue, and Svelte - Server-side adapters for Laravel, Rails, and many other frameworks (thanks to community contributions) Exciting times! Well, mostly... Along this journey I got deeply involved in another project—Tailwind CSS. And while it's incredible when your open-source projects succeed, it's also stressful when you don't have the capacity to give them the attention they need. And, for a while, Inertia suffered because of this. Thankfully, my friend Taylor Otwell stepped in. He dedicated Laravel staff to help with GitHub issues and bug fixes, including having Joe Tannenbaum effectively rewrite the entire library for v2.0. This was a huge help for me. Recently, Taylor and I talked and decided that it was in the best interest of the project for Laravel to take it over officially. I'm incredibly grateful for this—Inertia.js will now get the dedicated long-term care it requires. As for me, while the Laravel team will handle the day-to-day upkeep of the project, I plan to stay involved in an advisory role. Huge thanks to Taylor Otwell and everyone else who has supported me and the project over the last six years—it's been an incredible journey ❤️
@PerttiSoomann I don't know where you put your mail settings, but if you can create separate env.mail and add them to git ignore so every projects will have its own default settings, no?
I've benefited a lot from thi method I first build or complete the task myself using my base knowledge. Then, I ask AI to provide alternative perspectives, suggest better solutions, or confirm and refine my original approach. This way, I both complete tasks and learn!
Best way to learn something is to build something. Not to ask ChatGPT to build it for you. You may ask AI to *improve* your work or provide alternatives. But the first version should come from YOU.
@amit_merchant Yes, i found this works for me also. I'm reading your articles by the way. Thanks for sharing.
470 يوم��ا من الإبادة. تعبنا، لكننا لم ننكسر. فقدتُ والدي، أقاربي، أصدقائي، وزملائي، لكننا لم ننكسر. فقدنا كل ما نملك، ولم ننكسر. تعرّضتُ للتهديد عشرات المرات، ولم ننكسر. نزحنا خمسين مرة، ولم ننكسر. تألمنا بلا انقطاع، ولم ننكسر. قُصفنا أكثر من مرة، ولم ننكسر. عشنا في الخيام، ولم ننكسر. حُوصِرنا من القريب والبعيد، ولم ننكسر. أكلنا الشعير والذرة، ولم ننكسر. متنا من الجوع والعطش، ولم ننكسر. وأنا أكتب الآن، لا أعلم أين ستسكن عائلتي المكونة من أكثر من خمسين فردًا بعد الهدنة، لكنني أعلم أننا لن ننكسر. لأن الله معنا. هو نعم المولى ونعم النصير.
@PovilasKorop Tolerance with ourselves is a big key to keep going/Learning in software development field..