![Bronisław Andrzej Bartusiak Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1808502594043604992/4EDQQtoZ_x96.jpg)
Bronisław Andrzej Bartusiak
Polak, prawosławny, mól książkowy. 🇵🇱☦️📚 Biblioteczka gratis https://t.co/hmzcHbVp6D Pomoc potrzebującym https://t.co/Jt0TF7biWm
Joined February 2022
Real Ortodoxy both looks out for the truth and is gentle in exhorting. Staretzs are our examples Real Ortodoxy is humble, not harsh, she can listen and is not in a hurry to condemn. Real Ortodoxy prays not like a Pharisee ‘I thank you, God, that I am not like other people—cheaters, sinners, adulterers ", She prays rather "God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner". Real Ortodoxy wants sinners would be saved, not condemned, and will do everything to achieve it. Real Ortodoxy could be severe if necessary, but never fierce and in an anger. Everything Real Ortodoxy does is from Love, in Love, and for Love, as God is Love. Why we are so stubborn to follow?
@Tishbite7085 @BrotherAugusti2 @SauceyChaucey @JoeDoe11096701 Thank you, but I fear this issue is not so simple. There are objections to a purity or some form of articulating the Orthodox faith during this difficult period in Orthodox history. I'd like to write more after an answering my questions.
How could you have formed your belief about a "communist country"? Russia is not a communist state. Still, Russia uses military aggression as a form of its politics, violates even the basic rights of Russians, and uses propaganda about the never-ending attempts (almost) by the whole world against Russia. It also uses Orthodoxy as support for its nationalist and imperial political goals. When Russia alone chose to destroy its own Christian heritage, Polish states had to defend themselves against the military aggression of the Soviet Union, establishing at the same time their reborn state. Once again, you are ignorant of history or perhaps you are just lying. The limits of Polish cultural autonomy depend almost completely on the strength of the Polish resistance, and Poland, like other countries in the Russian Empire, was enslaved by this state. It was Russia, not Poland, that killed Father Pavel Florensky, who found a synthesis of what was best in the religious and secular culture of this state. At the same time, Russian Orthodox bishops were establishing in Poland the Orthodox Church for many nations according to the rules of the Christian faith, not according to nationalist or imperial ideas. A piece of advice for free: one evil does not justify another; Germany is not an excuse for Russia.
Łacinnicy mówią "Agere contra!";). Mądrość jest jedna. Dobranoc :).
My child, be cautious both when you are joyful and when you are sorrowful. When you are joyful, you should not lose restraint due to liveliness and laughter; nor should you, when sorrowful, become so downcast that it is noticeable. This happens because Satan strikes us with thoughts as with arrows, but he cannot conquer us unless our heart is receptive to them. However, he is very cunning. When he casts an arrow—when he attacks us with an evil thought—he observes our face and every movement of our body. Based on this, he evaluates how well the arrow has struck our heart. Therefore, when you are joyful, you should conceal it within yourself so that he does not uncover your carelessness and rob you through some temptation. Likewise, when you are sorrowful, do not reveal it to him, for if he discerns the cause of your sorrow, he will increase your pain. If you manage to remain balanced both in joy and in sorrow, the devil will not be able to discern what is happening within you, and he will not know how to fight against you. + Elder Ephraim of Arizona
@metathomist Fortunately, the USA will gradually establish an Orthodox state – so don't panic, folks! 😎
@AdamLipinski77 Ald nie jest samcem alfa jest rodzajem posiadającym jednego przedstawiciela ;).
@Adam000s @delestoile Nie przyklaskiwanie, tylko sprawiedliwość - trzeba oddać każdemu to, co się mu należy. Nie więcej i nie mniej ;).
I have some questions as a beginner. 1. What is the difference between Orthodox and Roman Catholic teachings on the Fall, avoiding concepts like "ancestor sin" and "original sin"? 2. You mentioned the consensus of the Fathers. Does this mean that we (or rather, the Church) are free to seek solutions that are in accordance with this consensus, or do you believe that differences can be resolved in order to achieve a state of consensus in a particular case? 3. You wrote, "We shouldn’t treat the Fathers like a proof-text arsenal to validate personal agendas..." How can this attitude be reconciled with the earlier one, i.e., that there are limits established by the Fathers for our theological research? 4. Why do you play a kind of ping-pong instead of answering directly? Is it enough to say, "Your statement is not justified, try harder," to show what is true and how to avoid it? Thank you in advance.
I have some questions as a beginner. 1. What is the difference between Orthodox and Roman Catholic teachings on the Fall, avoiding concepts like "ancestor sin" and "original sin"? 2. You mentioned the consensus of the Fathers. Does this mean that we (or rather, the Church) are free to seek solutions that are in accordance with this consensus, or do you believe that differences can be resolved in order to achieve a state of consensus in a particular case? 3. You wrote, "We shouldn’t treat the Fathers like a proof-text arsenal to validate personal agendas..." How can this attitude be reconciled with the earlier one, i.e., that there are limits established by the Fathers for our theological research? 4. Why do you play a kind of ping-pong instead of answering directly? Is it enough to say, "Your statement is not justified, try harder," to show what is true and how to avoid it? Thank you in advance.
Nie wiemy jakie było realne zagrożenie, nie znamy wielu szczegółów, ale 1. sąd pierwszej instancji, jeśli dobrze rozumiem, wyłączył karną bezprawność czynu (jakiś kontratyp); 2. 24 lata nienagannej służby. .. i od razu wynocha? Za takie nadużycie uprawnień? Nie sądzi Pan, że wyleciał po prostu przez poprawność polityczną?