1.The business of the program is booking the hotel
2. In the process of the booking the program ask to provide the phone number.
3. Add the number and Intercept the request.
How I found it 👇 👇
1.The special role don't have permissions to view or access the transactions.
2. While I test different endpoint I found request allow me to download the transactions.
3. I try this request with unauthorized user and it worked.
Tip:Try understand the target and his main goal🤑
The target focus on manage cards and spend money via workflow. When the attacker can edit workflow he can change the behavior of the company and he can control with all transactions or transmit of money.
6. We not finished >> change the body of the request and send it.
7. All information added successfully and we can add alot of the important info to any user account.
The special role don't have permissions to view or access the transactions. But While I test different endpoint I found request allow me to download the transactions. So, I try this request with unauthorized user and it worked.
What happened with me was not direct access control, if you found the endpoint with any way you say not benefit as it was not direct access control and this is the importance of understand the app and try to tie all features with other. If I have time ,I will write writeup.
The main body of the request contain only the number phone parameter , but I added more parameters as email , passport info and more important parameters.