Gais minta tolong info kucing hilang dong… Namanya Dallas, mix Himalayan-Ragdoll. Hilang sore ini (Kamis, 27 April 2023) di daerah Ngaglik, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur sekitar jam 4-6 sore. Kemungkinan anaknya keluar rumah dan diambil orang. Biasanya jarang keluar rumah.
Nevertheless sih nder… ini intimacy nya gak agresif dan kelewat seksual, malah lebih gentle dan sensual krn dilihat dari female gaze, bukan male gaze kayak pada umumnya. Ceritanya realistis, every shot is a masterpiece, OSTnya bagus2, chemistry SoHee-SongKang dapet bangett
Gais minta tolong info kucing hilang dong… Namanya Dallas, mix Himalayan-Ragdoll. Hilang sore ini (Kamis, 27 April 2023) di daerah Ngaglik, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur sekitar jam 4-6 sore. Kemungkinan anaknya keluar rumah dan diambil orang. Biasanya jarang keluar rumah.
Everyone is talking abour Detective Junho but all I think about is sick Junho 😭
I hope he will recover soon and well rested and eat lots of food 💛
#이준호팬아트 #펭펭이 #준호버블
nation is winning tonight on
- Best Popularity Actor (Junho)
- Best Popularity Actress (YoonA)
- Best Couple (Junho-YoonA)
- Best Character (Gu Won)
There’s definitely something about this video that makes my heart flutters every time I see it. They both looked like innocent children, being happy and having the good time of a lifetime by being in each other’s presence. So precious 🥹
He stopped by to wish everyone a Happy New Year, telling us that he’ll be busy shooting for the next project, telling us to not be sad if we couldn’t see him a lot officially. He also told us to believe in him & again wish us happiness.
Junho, you’re too precious 🥺💛
The caption from the original post on tiktok says it all:
"that one actor from king the
land-" no. lee junho from 2pm SAY
Making a little fanart for
look this morning.
if you see this and like it, a like or a RT would be highly appreciated 😆😊
#이준호 #준호
Sinematografinya cantik, literally setiap shot bisa dijadiin wallpaper 😭 ceritanya realistis, ostnya on the point, aktornya juga keren2 krn setiap body language nya tuh kek punya makna sendiri2 gitu. Cakep banget sih 👍
sumpa sih sampe kesel sendiri kek “WOY NGAPAIN BOLAK BALIK KE SINI, DUIT W GA CUKUP BUAT NAKFKAHIN KALIAN”, mana datengnya eceran semua 😭
Still can’t get over these cute freebies from
when I was attending
2 weeks ago…. Been a huge fan of her art for a while, I mean just take a look! They’re too cute 🥹🥹🥹
Gais minta tolong info kucing hilang dong… Namanya Dallas, mix Himalayan-Ragdoll. Hilang sore ini (Kamis, 27 April 2023) di daerah Ngaglik, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur sekitar jam 4-6 sore. Kemungkinan anaknya keluar rumah dan diambil orang. Biasanya jarang keluar rumah.
Romance is A Bonus Book. Ini siiih main characters nya berprofesi sebagai editor buku/penulis/copywriter/proofreader, second lead nya illustrator cover buku. Drama ini bener2 bikin aku yang kutu buku jadi tambah respect sama orang2 yang bekerja di bidang ini 😭🫶
Actually…the Japanese used to trick Koreans to work as a coal miners to meet their war purposes. They were not paid, being put in forced labour, heavily tortured & thousands died tragically. This happened in the era of WW 2 & ended as soon as the Japanese losing the war. CMIIW
….baru kepikiran, gara2 Junho-Yoona, kemampuan analisaku ini sangat diasah ya. Kebetulan mau penelitian tentang mengkaji bahasa2 visual. Apa skalian aja mbak mas ini aku jadiin objek penelitian??? 😀🙏
Gais minta tolong info kucing hilang dong… Namanya Dallas, mix Himalayan-Ragdoll. Hilang sore ini (Kamis, 27 April 2023) di daerah Ngaglik, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur sekitar jam 4-6 sore. Kemungkinan anaknya keluar rumah dan diambil orang. Biasanya jarang keluar rumah.
Made a little sketch for celebrating JH’s birthday. It’s rough but I hope he likes it 🥺
lol aku nonton
udah eps 16 knp jadi marah2 sendiri yha 🫠
, I wuf you really, but King Jeongjo really got my nerves🔥
Now I rmb why I didn’t want to rewatch this series. I felt devastated for Ui-bin Seong and I still do 😞
no eps 17 for me bcs JUST NO
la petite mort. a little death.
“I think about how amazing it is that you can have someone that close to you, that for the first time you literally aren’t alone in your body anymore. Yet somehow you can still feel lonely.”
Excerpt From
Breathless -
wkwkwk dah biarin aja kak, yg gini2 mah makin diladeni makin seneng mereka. yang penting kita tetep dukung para om2, ELF sendiri setauku udah cukup berkontribusi kok buat smtown ini, ngatur penempatan seat untuk ELF misalnya biar pada ngumpul. gerak sendiri karena kita mandiri 🙌
Gais minta tolong info kucing hilang dong… Namanya Dallas, mix Himalayan-Ragdoll. Hilang sore ini (Kamis, 27 April 2023) di daerah Ngaglik, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur sekitar jam 4-6 sore. Kemungkinan anaknya keluar rumah dan diambil orang. Biasanya jarang keluar rumah.
Mohon bantuannya ya gais ini disebarin siapa tau ada yang liat, nanti ada imbalan bagi yang nemu anak aku. Bagi yang nemu, tolong hubungi aku di via DM atau bisa WA aku di 085745945672.
Terima kasih… 🙏
Nder trust me, you can count on every Suju’s reality shows. Pilih aja random, sj returns, supertv, knowing bros, running man, after mom’s asleep. Dijamin ngabrut sampe perut six pack 😭🙏
Orang2 kebanyakan pada curiga sama jerry but why doesnt anyone talking about this guy? Like, he was ssuuppeeeerrr nice to changho especially in this episode, he knows about the bet between jihoon and changho, and got many screen time like so sus????
The more easier way to tell the flashbacks is that they used warmer colors and in fullscreen while the presents are in cooler colors and in widescreen
Just finished watching
for celebrating my upcoming trip to see
in less than two months and now this scene is living free in my head bcs it’s too cute 🫠😭
KS: "Junho you rarely go to variety shows ?"
JH: Yes
Loved his introduction
"strong acting skills"
"drama which shake women's heart"
"Korea is suffering from Gu Won syndrome"
"Awesome as both idol & actor" 🔥
Dulu waktu naksir 2PM mataku dibutakan oleh Taec, trus tau2 nih orang bersinar sangat terang setelah balik wamil dan main di The Red Sleeves, aku ter-kamjagiya 😭 😭 😭
And someone better remember that this boy DID once ate Faeries food, being super high, and ran naked around the streets, only wearing antlers on his head 🤣🤣🤣
Gais minta tolong info kucing hilang dong… Namanya Dallas, mix Himalayan-Ragdoll. Hilang sore ini (Kamis, 27 April 2023) di daerah Ngaglik, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur sekitar jam 4-6 sore. Kemungkinan anaknya keluar rumah dan diambil orang. Biasanya jarang keluar rumah.
Anaknya pake kalung ada loncengnya, tapi gaada namanya. Beratnya sekitar 4-5kg an, umurnya 2 tahun. Warna bulunya coklat-krem sama putih di ujung kaki sama ekornya.
Kasian kalo diambil orang dia makannya agak rewel… Tolong bantuin aku ya gais makasih banyak 🙏🙏🙏
Aduuuhh banyaaakk…Sorry Sorry Answer, Evanesce, Dorothy, One More Chance, Don’t Leave Me, Haru, Andante, Storm, Raining Spell for Love (Remake), Your Eyes,…ah semua 😭
새일 축하해요,
!! May you always be wealthy in happiness, healthiness, and always in full of love life! Happy birthday, love 🎉🎉🎉💛💛💛
Dia anaknya baik banget, nurut sama orang, mau sama orang, ga jahat sama sekali, makanya takut banget aku kalo sampe ketemu orang yang berpikiran jahat….
Please gais yaaa 🙏🙏🙏
SO EXTRA PLS😭 The entrances of Gu Won and Sarang dressing up with school uniforms.
And them doing Junho x YoonA’s handclaps as Gu Won and Sarang in the drama!!!
Maaf teman-teman menyita waktunya sebentar… aku post ulang lagi karena ini anakku masih belum pulang..udah seminggu lebih. Siapa tau ada yang melihat di daerah Kota Batu atau sekitarnya, tolong hubungi aku segera yaa…terima kasih 🙏
Gais minta tolong info kucing hilang dong… Namanya Dallas, mix Himalayan-Ragdoll. Hilang sore ini (Kamis, 27 April 2023) di daerah Ngaglik, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur sekitar jam 4-6 sore. Kemungkinan anaknya keluar rumah dan diambil orang. Biasanya jarang keluar rumah.
biasanya kalo lg santai ya minum2 kopi di cafe sambil nonton ato baca buku ato sekedar dengerin musik aja sih. Kalo gak yaa ke toko buku hehe