Andy Luna
Singer, songwriter from Colombia, in constant learning process. Cat-holic. Currently based in Siem Reap, Cambodia. #TodosConPetro
Joined April 2016
RT @petrogustavo: Puede Antonio García atacarme lo que quiera e intantar matarme si lo desea; muchos revolucionarios han muerto bajo balas…
RT @navigatinglies: The p*rn bots with 0 followers who instantly like your posts are tracking mechanisms (ex. digital footprints) Research…
@word_of_sock @AngryWelshman33 Was I even talking to you? Go back to keep sucking socks in the basement, "word of suck"...
@GhostGone420 Too bad we can't repost and share such important information. I also have a fair share of bots liking some of my posts/replies, it's annoying, but now that I somehow understand why it's happening, it's kinda cool! They know what we're saying is true and it's not good for them 😁
This 'why do you care about a tiny fraction of the population?' line is, and always was, utterly ridiculous. Gender ideology has undermined freedom of speech, scientific truth, gay rights, and women's and girls' safety, privacy and dignity. It's also caused irreparable physical damage to vulnerable kids. Nobody voted for it, the vast majority of people disagree with it, yet it has been imposed, top down, by politicians, healthcare bodies, academia, sections of the media, celebrities and even the police. Its activists have threatened and enacted violence on those who've dared oppose it. People have been defamed and discriminated against for questioning it. Jobs have been lost and lives have been ruined, all for the crime of knowing that sex is real and matters. When the smoke clears, it will be only too evident that this was never about a so-called vulnerable minority, notwithstanding the fact that some very vulnerable people have been harmed. The power dynamics underpinning our society have been reinforced, not dismantled. The loudest voices throughout this entire fiasco have been people insulated from consequences by their wealth and/or status. They aren't likely to find themselves locked in a prison cell with a 6'4" rapist who's decided his name's now Dolores. They don't need state-funded rape crisis centres, nor do they ever frequent high street changing rooms. They simper from talk show sofas about those nasty far-right bigots who don't want penises swinging around the girls' showers, secure in the knowledge that their private pool remains the safe place it always was. Those who've benefited most from gender identity ideology are men, both trans-identified and not. Some have been rewarded for having a cross-dressing kink by access to all spaces previously reserved for women. Others have parlayed their delicious new victim status into an excuse to threaten, assault and harass women. Non-trans-identified leftybros have found a magnificent platform from which to display their own impeccably progressive credentials, by jeering and sneering at the needs of women and girls, all while patting themselves on the back for giving away rights that aren't theirs. The actual victims in this mess have been women and children, especially the most vulnerable, gay people who've resisted the movement and paid a horrible price, and regular people working in environments where one misplaced pronoun could see you vilified or constructively dismissed. Do not tell me this is about a tiny minority. This movement has impacted society in disastrous ways, and if you had any sense, you'd be quietly deleting every trace of activist mantras, ad hominem attacks, false equivalence and circular arguments from your X feeds, because the day is fast approaching when you'll want to pretend you always saw through the craziness and never believed it for a second.
@ImNux @CanaryNCoal @carlos_castillo Willfully ignorant. Got it. A bit retarded as well. You wouldn't find the truth even if it's hitting you in the face, your programming doesn't allow it. Good luck. It's the best I can wish for you.
@ImNux @CanaryNCoal @carlos_castillo For a non-existent Satan, there's an awful lot of celebrities, politicians and wealthy people in general that worship it... The globe model is full of those little coincidences... But OK, I won't waste my time arguing an evolved monkey living in a spinning water ball...
@ImNux @CanaryNCoal @carlos_castillo Concerning the second image, where it states the current position, 23.4° north of the equator... 23.4°...? 90 - 23.4 = ? Care to do the operation? Yeah, I know what y'all gonna say, conspiracies and all that... You all think it's just mere coincidences, no matter how many
@kacper132m @FlatEarthDaveX Says the one who can't even spell a word correctly... Neato 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
You need to be a very special kind of stupid to keep believing this steaming pile of all American BS... Thanks for proving it all along 👍
Long before photoshop... #flatearthfail
@carlos_castillo You need to be a very special kind of stupid to keep believing this steaming pile of all American BS... Thanks for proving it all along 👍