Lazy game master. I sometimes post opinions. I'm here for the pretty animu girls. Profic/ship. If you want me to respect your pronouns give me 60 dollars.
Hopefully someone makes hentai out of her model. It's weird seeing her use a loli model and then talk shit about loli. She doesn't belong here.
Might be between two scenarios:
1. The livers are professionals, they shouldn't comment on stuff like that. It might lead to silly rrats and misunderstandings, probably just to avoid more drama.
2. Probably company policy, they might get in trouble.
Notice how these "anime fans" never give a justification to cancel whoever they want to cancel. Its always "this is not le normal, everyone le jump on him condesendingly"
Let's say we agree that you don't like or support what the author likes. But you also don't get to bitch and moan or virtue signal about how they are "le bad" or "le problematic".
Just like you people say, if you don't "le like it, don't le cosume it".
So how do you know it has no soul, I Don't even know what that is. If an athlete in the Olympics has 20 gold medals from winning 1st pace,but back home she is in OF creating porn as a side hussle, is she no longer considered a champion because she insites lust?
Hispanic here, I liked those characters in my childhood because they were cool. Skin color was irrelevant. You however, are trying to make this about "le blacks" and "le skin color". Get outta here with that woke BS and let people enjoy things without activism.
If being retarded means being on the right side of the argument, then I guess I'm retarded. But I don't harrass people over playing a videogame
If you are a max level sensei, you should have enough students to do missions and events. It IS better to farm for already existing students instead of rolling for new ones.
Translation: "I'm getting roasted alive in the QRTs for my shit tweet, but I'm gonna pretend it doesn't affect me while I cry in real life."
Nah man, it's not gonna fly. They did that shit with guilty gear. It's always "oh it's just headcannon lemme fantasize" but in secret they actually mean it and want it to be that way. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but until I see your sensei level, you are out.