![@AhHonings Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1155165105681813512/bYrFQjwO_x96.jpg)
MENS, vrouw & moeder. Beeldatheist. Neurologisme, ICD Ion Channel Defect. 1974: US3951134A RAdome Humans are hackable Animals. Ik obseveer & LEER.
Midden-Drenthe, Nederland
Joined April 2019
Geweldig Ze gaan de chemisch veroorzaakte Parkinson bijwerking, veroorzaakt door psychiatrische drugs ea psychose middelen aanpakken met rTMS op afstand via het Wireless Body Area Wifi Netwerk ! Ze koken gewoon een deel van uw hersencellen met een Joystick ! Os-senstaart Soep
Remote Electromagnetic Control of Neural Activity for Treatment of Parkinson's Disease Project Lead— Jeffery M. Friedman Organization— Rockefeller University Grant— Bioengineering Research Partnerships (BRP) R01 (Research & Development) Project Start Date— 01-July-2016 Project End Date— 31-March-2021 Funding Information 2017 Total Funding— $683, 626 Direct Costs— $613, 375 Indirect Costs— $70, 251 Funding IC— National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke A novel non-invasive method for cell regulation (NICR) could provide a less invasive alternative to deep brain stimulation (DBS) or optogenetics. Cell activity is controlled by two components; the iron binding ferritin protein that spontaneously forms 5 nm iron nanoparticles and TRPV1, a temperature and mechano-sensitive channel. By tethering ferritin to TRPV1, one can gate the channel with radiofrequency (RF) (which heat or induce mechanical motion of ferritin) or a magnet (which induces motion). The method has been shown to be capable of controlling neural activity in vitro and in vivo, the latter by increasing neural firing. In addition, we have introduced a mutation into TRPV1 that converts it into a chloride channel, and the use of the mutant channel makes it possible to inhibit neural activity using electromagnetic waves (e.g., RF). Because the system is genetically encoded, one can regulate the activity of cells into which the two protein components of the system have been delivered by recombinant Adeno- Associated Virus (AAV) strains. Thus NICR could provide a less invasive alternative to implanted electrodes (DBS) or implanted light devices (optogenetics) for the modulation of neural activity (deep brain stimulation) and also be used to simultaneously control several different nodes in a neural circuit. We also propose to increase the sensitivity of the system by using channels that can be gated with lower field strength and by identifying variants of ferritin with enhanced sensitivity to an electromagnetic field. Finally, the further development of NICR could impact basic research by allowing the non-invasive activation or inhibition of cells by simply mating genetically modified mice and exposing them to RF or magnetic fields. Jeffery M. Friedman Patents The Friedman lab of Molecular Genetics— Rockefeller University A conversation with Jeffrey M. Friedman (2012)
Dit soort schertsfiguren leven nog in 1918 🥱
The waves they use to attack us can go through five stories in a building. I know personally it follows me around everywhere. They say they are longitudinal waves called scaler waves. It’s too late now no one can hide! You funded an evil criminal. CIA
@GeorgiadisAfro Leuk geprobeerd Toch met uw creatie bent u bij mij aan het verkeerde adres als het om kwaad e/o kwaadaardig gedrag gaat Dan kunt u dat liefelijke echt aan uw kapstok hangen Het gaat om RECHT versus ONRECHT & niet om wat wazig geleuter zoals u nu in dID ZeN spagaat verkoopt 🤓
@waedrinner @NerumWim @xxxocute @superjan @PGrasspriet @pufpufpafpaf @Diggerich_ @BerkelDion @PRikmans @klaskeferwerda Eens toch we gaan nu massaal de mist in Gezien de commerciële industrie AI mocht loslaten en deze technologie nu gevoed wordt met leugens, misleiding & bedrog die een levensgevaarlijke situatie creëeren ! Dit is geen Tech strijd meer, toch kwaadaardig doden van mensenlevens
@waedrinner @NerumWim @xxxocute @superjan @PGrasspriet @pufpufpafpaf @Diggerich_ @BerkelDion @PRikmans @klaskeferwerda Technological weapons that pose a threat to the human Body should be banned from commercial use and/or application This means there should be a universal law for the application of orbital Frequency technologies that are Harmful to Humans Not livestock, yet people write laws !
@merlyntje Het verkennen van het magnetische spectrum in de lagere atmosfeer voor Optische Wireless Sensor toepassingen Talloze Nanosatellieten in het draadloos sensornetwerk WSN voor DATA handel IOP-SAGE Uw achterste wordt verkocht als H-sapje BIOengineering
Astron De Antenne-architect van de nano-satellieten OLFAR 0,3 MHz tot 30 MHz-band, zal zich gedragen als een zwerm van 50 of meer nanosatellieten in het draadloos sensornetwerk (WSN) voor de DATA handel in het Optical Sensor netwerk ol van IOP-SAGE
RT @AhHonings: X is een looping van giftige dwaalsporen & onwaarheden om in herhaling de AI cyste te voeden met leugens Dit maakt AI een l…
@jghvanwees Ik draag een vergelijkbare motivatie, naast het observeren & leren van het systeem dat wordt toegepast. Maar of het nog toelaatbaar is, nu AI is losgelaten, t.a.v. onwaarheden & misleidende looping informatie, daar worstel ik met... 'de gevaren die dat met zich meebrengt'
You're all going down for not telling the Truth ! 28
🗣️We need to have a chat, ya’ll… You are missing the point of a staged mind control social experiment happening right now - on all of YOU… 🎭 Ok. So, on one hand, we have Elon presenting as a saintly patriot giving Nazi salutes on stage - and ya’ll stayed silent and defended him. On the other hand, we have Kanye West presenting as an asshole and proclaiming his love of Nazis - and everyone loses their mind. On one hand, we have Elon posting his outrage over domestic grooming gangs while allowing Pornhub and all other nudity and sexual exploitation videos like what Kanye West is currently promoting and plastering on his X page per X’s LITERAL Terms and Conditions (if you didn’t know that X completely allows nudity, porn, etc and that child sexual abuse material is RAMPANT on X as a result - well, now you know). And yet, you all ONLY point the finger one way - again. So, which is it? Are you for or against Nazi salutes and Nazi sympathizers? Are you for or against sexual abuse, human trafficking, and exploitation material? Or are you only selectively against or for these heinous things when they fit your propagandized idolatry or villanization of certain people based on how they present?💡 We are martyring some criminals and villainizing others - when, in reality, they are all doing, saying, supporting, enacting, and allowing the SAME BEHAVIORS - just packaged differently. There’s a sliding scale of mind control, and many of YOU have been MK ULTRA’d into not seeing through this social experiment that’s been presented to - and ONN- you. Elon and Kanye. Two ‘villains’: One presented as a humanitarian, and another presented as an asshole abuser. If you are against any of these things mentioned above (Pornhub, trafficking, exploitation and rape scenes being posted on X, and Nazi simps) - then get right and be against ALL of it. Not JUST when it presents like a villain. Have the courage to call shit out you don’t agree with and move away from it when it smiles too. Wrong is wrong - whether it’s smiling or being an asshole. K? Focus ya’ll! Keep your eyes and ears open and see through the facade of ‘presentations’, ‘humanitarianism’, and ‘smiles’. My podcast is PROOF that villains and abusers not only smile - but that they can be very respected people in their communities who wear a cover of ‘doing good’ to mask the bad they do when their own public mask is off. *To be clear - I’m using the word ‘villain’ and ‘criminal’ to describe the identical presented behaviors of 2 prominent mind control assets (Elon & Ye) that we are being brainwashed to believe are different - when they are not. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
@waedrinner 13 = the Neslim code 28 = the Asperger Pi D S M - G factory code: 299.8 Te Moon landing: Your Brain They are now coming for your Body: Remotely controled Wake the Fuck-up ! IT ICT