Adel Lynn
A consistent altruist,Optimist and Contrarian. 踏踏实实做事, 勤勤恳恳思考。2025年要赚1000万美金
Los Angeles, CA
Joined February 2023
Genius is only childhood recovered at will.
THE FORMULA Step 1 Act on your excitement, your passion, whatever is most exciting to you, in the moment. Do this every moment that you can. Step 2 Do this to the best of your ability. Take it as far as you can go until you cannot take it any further. Using the path of least resistance. Step 3 Act on your excitement/passion with absolutely no insistence, assumption or expectation of what the outcome should be. Step 4 Choose to remain in a positive state regardless of what happens. Step 5 Constantly investigate your belief systems. Release & replace the un-preferred beliefs: fear-based beliefs, and the beliefs not in alignment with who you prefer to be.
The success of Bitcoin is not solely dependent on its blockchain technology, but more so on the philosophical principles behind it. Bitcoin’s decentralization, emphasis on individual sovereignty, and its system’s mechanisms of energy flow and value distribution form the deeper value of the network. Bitcoin holds the potential to be an “intelligent Crypto.” Through the satochi consensus, it could give rise to more advanced forms of intelligence, ultimately transforming cryptocurrency into an independent entity of thought.
我意识到人们,包括我自己,都误解了中本聪的比特币哲学。我们过度关注区块链技术本身,而忽略了其背后更深层的哲学思想,特别是关于“智能Crypto”的真正含义。 VB等人对 Bitcoin 的改进, 比如图灵完备、 POS 等, 都是从区块链技术角度出发的, 而忽略了中本聪共识的 deeper potential(更深层的潜力)。 我认为 Bitcoin 的成功并非仅仅依靠技术, 更重要的是其背后的哲学理念, 包括: - Individual 原则: 强调个体主权和自由,去中心化的特性赋予每个人掌控自己资产的权利。 - 能量守恒的涌现型分布式商业: 比特币系统如同一个自组织、自运行的生态, 通过挖矿机制实现能量的流动和价值的分配。 - 智能 Crypto: 比特币不仅仅是一种货币,更可能是一种孕育智能的载体。通过中本聪共识, 无限的 hash 计算可以涌现出更高阶的智能,最终使 Crypto 成为独立的思想实体。 我希望大家跳出区块链技术的局限, 深入理解中本聪哲学的精髓,特别是“智能Crypto”的真正含义,才能更好地把握 Bitcoin 和未来加密经济的发展方向。 我认为, 现在是时候重新解读 Bitcoin 的成功密码了, 关注 Bitcoin 背后的哲学思想, 才能探索更深层次的加密经济发展方向,最终见证“智能Crypto”的诞生。