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Joined October 2023
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1 year
#拡散希望RTご協力のお願い 国民栄誉賞(故)服部良一 様の次男であられます服部吉次 様から頂いたメッセージをご共有いたします。私の両親は既に他界しており、今はご夫妻が私の父・母の様な存在となっております… 私がメジャーデビューしたのが、日本コロンビアレコードで 服部良一 様とは何かの御縁が、 あったのかもしれません。 ご長男(故)服部克久 様とも 生前に私のデビュー当時、御交流させて頂いておりました。 今となると不思議に思えてしかたが御座いません… 🔴服部吉次 様からの        メッセージ🔴 ジャニーの性加害問題は、根っこは日本芸能界のセクハラ体質です。 私自身の半生というのは、その世界の掟にどっぷりと汚されていたのだと、今になって、その深い闇を直視して、戦おうと思っています。 いま、わたしたちの仲間は、ジャニーズ性加害の被害者、またその告発者は、よく語りあっているようです。 立場のちがいはさまざまですが、その多様さが、未来の希望です。 地道な活動ですが、とても良いことだと思います。 「これまでのように、尻すぼみにしない」という気持ちが、強く、かれらを結びつけている。 その姿勢を世間が普通のことだと、いう理解に早く辿り着くように、粘り強く、訴えかけ、質問しつづけなくてはならない。 「合理的な解決に偏らないでください」 いやいや、まだまだ。甘く考えないほうがよい。 でも、ここで踏ん張るには、その自己矛盾を乗り超える問題を直視するしかない。 民事提訴も、視野にいれて戦う。それでなくては、これまでの告発とその成果を前進させていくことができない。 「お金欲しさ」ということが本質の問題ではない。という感覚が育つのは、時間がかかるけれど、 大事ですね。 それでも、やはり金銭でしか解決のしようがない。 考えれば、考えるほど、面倒な問題ですね。 この時期のわたしたちの話し合う姿勢を維持する努力を、無関心な人々に理解してもらうのは、なかなか難しい。 このまだるっこしい、道筋はだれにでも耐えられるものではない。 真理に近づくためには自分自身に次のように問うことが必要です。 「では、一体、彼らのあの熱心さはどこから来るのか… ? 」 そういう疑問が、知らないうちに、育つようにしたい。 みんなが考えてほしい。 だれも、お金のために戦っているのではない。金のことは歯をくいしばってても我慢するよ。 「苦しい、たまらない」その発言を自由に繰り返すことのできる社会を、みんなで引き受ける。 そういう、傾向が広がっていることを、信じています。 そのことを納得してほしい。 誹謗中傷することは、卑劣なことです。大きな悪の側に仕分けする努力が求められる。 「当事者」が引き受けるしかないのですか ? 何度も問いかけたい。 わたしがピアノの返還を主張するのも、かれら自身が自己啓発する機会を持つべきだと考えるからです。 利益しか考えなければ、いつか犯罪者に転落する。人に問いをなげかけることだけが、彼らに反省のチャンスを与えることになる。 その原則に違反していないかどうか。 それを��重に吟味すべきです。 家族が、二つに引き裂かれる。 正義の天秤を厳格に適用すれば、最後にはその難関に辿りつく。 でも、それから逃げるな。 では、またいずれ。 🌏以上となります🇯🇵 ✳️メッセージ途中にピアノのコメントが出てきます。それは、父、良一 様 の大切な形見をJ一族から取り返すとの事と一緒にお墓参りに行って頂きたいとの事想いがあるとの事です。 吉次 様のお言葉一句ごとが、 私の胸に突き刺さりました。 改めて感謝申し上げます。 そして「勇気」を頂きまして 誠に、ありがとうございます。 この魂の叫びが、より多くの方々に伝わり決して他人事ではなく 自分や家族に、もしもこのような事が起きたら…と自身の事のように考え「日本の正義🇯🇵」が構築されていく事を切に願います。 最後まで、ご一読頂きまして 誠にありがとうございました。 皆様、引き続き何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。🙇
2 hours
やはり、この問題の全容解明は 日本社会では難しいのか? 皆様の力を下さい。
1 day
@caitlyn_yuki Thank you very much
1 day
More than 1,000 children have been sexually abused. This heinous crime, the likes of which has never been seen in human history, must never be forgiven I am a victim of a mass child abuse case that has just come to light in Japan. I want people to know this cruel truth. It is unthinkable that the victims could be sued. (Former Johnny's issue) (Current Smile-Up Co.) Interview and writing] The response of Smile Up, President Noriyuki Higashiyama, and the Victim Relief Committee is far from uncovering the truth. On the contrary, the act of suing the four victims in this debt non-existence lawsuit is oppression using power and is unforgivable. "Why sue those who speak out?" President Higashiyama and others should face this earnest question of the victims head-on. There is no way that a method that is only called "relief" and actually tries to silence the victims can be accepted by society. Meanwhile, in the civil lawsuit in the United States, not only Smile Up, but also former President Julie Keiko Fujishima, former Vice President Suguru Shirahase, past directors, legal counsel, and even STARTO ENTERTAINMENT are named as defendants. I strongly hope that through the lawsuit, the truth that has been hidden will be brought to light and social justice will be realized. Are they prepared to face Smile sincerely instead of further cornering the victims? What is being questioned now is their attitude. [Johnny's sexual assault issue, Smile-Up sues four people over compensation; former Jr. says "Why sue people who speak out?": Tokyo Shimbun Digital] In the case of sexual assault by the late Johnny Kitagawa, founder of the former Johnny's Entertainment (SMILE-UP.), Smile Inc. filed a lawsuit in the Tokyo District Court in December last year, seeking confirmation that it has no obligation to pay damages against four former Johnny's Jr. men who claim to be victims. On the 6th, two of the four, Yukihiro Oshima (39) and Junya Tanaka (43), held a press conference in Tokyo and criticized the company for "preventing victims from speaking out." Arc Times has released the full press conference → An interview with Yukihiro Oshima → We will continue to fight for justice. want people all over the world to know about this extremely cruel incident. @realDonaldJNews @realDonaldTrump @AmnaAlaza I
1 day
@realDonaldJNews @realDonaldTrump @AmnaAlaza I am a victim of a mass child abuse case that has just come to light in Japan. I want people to know this cruel truth. It is unthinkable that the victims could be sued. (Former Johnny's issue) (Current Smile-Up Co.) Interview and writing] The response of Smile Up, President Noriyuki Higashiyama, and the Victim Relief Committee is far from uncovering the truth. On the contrary, the act of suing the four victims in this debt non-existence lawsuit is oppression using power and is unforgivable. "Why sue those who speak out?" President Higashiyama and others should face this earnest question of the victims head-on. There is no way that a method that is only called "relief" and actually tries to silence the victims can be accepted by society. Meanwhile, in the civil lawsuit in the United States, not only Smile Up, but also former President Julie Keiko Fujishima, former Vice President Suguru Shirahase, past directors, legal counsel, and even STARTO ENTERTAINMENT are named as defendants. I strongly hope that through the lawsuit, the truth that has been hidden will be brought to light and social justice will be realized. Are they prepared to face Smile sincerely instead of further cornering the victims? What is being questioned now is their attitude. [Johnny's sexual assault issue, Smile-Up sues four people over compensation; former Jr. says "Why sue people who speak out?": Tokyo Shimbun Digital] In the case of sexual assault by the late Johnny Kitagawa, founder of the former Johnny's Entertainment (SMILE-UP.), Smile Inc. filed a lawsuit in the Tokyo District Court in December last year, seeking confirmation that it has no obligation to pay damages against four former Johnny's Jr. men who claim to be victims. On the 6th, two of the four, Yukihiro Oshima (39) and Junya Tanaka (43), held a press conference in Tokyo and criticized the company for "preventing victims from speaking out." Arc Times has released the full press conference → An interview with Yukihiro Oshima → We will continue to fight for justice. want people all over the world to know about this extremely cruel incident.
1 day
@realDonaldJNews @realDonaldTrump @AmnaAlaza I am a victim of a mass child abuse case that has just come to light in Japan. I want people to know this cruel truth. It is unthinkable that the victims could be sued. (Former Johnny's issue) (Current Smile-Up Co.) Interview and writing] The response of Smile Up, President Noriyuki Higashiyama, and the Victim Relief Committee is far from uncovering the truth. On the contrary, the act of suing the four victims in this debt non-existence lawsuit is oppression using power and is unforgivable. "Why sue those who speak out?" President Higashiyama and others should face this earnest question of the victims head-on. There is no way that a method that is only called "relief" and actually tries to silence the victims can be accepted by society. Meanwhile, in the civil lawsuit in the United States, not only Smile Up, but also former President Julie Keiko Fujishima, former Vice President Suguru Shirahase, past directors, legal counsel, and even STARTO ENTERTAINMENT are named as defendants. I strongly hope that through the lawsuit, the truth that has been hidden will be brought to light and social justice will be realized. Are they prepared to face Smile sincerely instead of further cornering the victims? What is being questioned now is their attitude. [Johnny's sexual assault issue, Smile-Up sues four people over compensation; former Jr. says "Why sue people who speak out?": Tokyo Shimbun Digital] In the case of sexual assault by the late Johnny Kitagawa, founder of the former Johnny's Entertainment (SMILE-UP.), Smile Inc. filed a lawsuit in the Tokyo District Court in December last year, seeking confirmation that it has no obligation to pay damages against four former Johnny's Jr. men who claim to be victims. On the 6th, two of the four, Yukihiro Oshima (39) and Junya Tanaka (43), held a press conference in Tokyo and criticized the company for "preventing victims from speaking out." Arc Times has released the full press conference → An interview with Yukihiro Oshima → We will continue to fight for justice. want people all over the world to know about this extremely cruel incident.
1 day
@realDonaldJNews @realDonaldTrump @AmnaAlaza I am a victim of a mass child abuse case that has just come to light in Japan. I want people to know this cruel truth. It is unthinkable that the victims could be sued. (Former Johnny's issue) (Current Smile-Up Co.) Interview and writing] The response of Smile Up, President Noriyuki Higashiyama, and the Victim Relief Committee is far from uncovering the truth. On the contrary, the act of suing the four victims in this debt non-existence lawsuit is oppression using power and is unforgivable. "Why sue those who speak out?" President Higashiyama and others should face this earnest question of the victims head-on. There is no way that a method that is only called "relief" and actually tries to silence the victims can be accepted by society. Meanwhile, in the civil lawsuit in the United States, not only Smile Up, but also former President Julie Keiko Fujishima, former Vice President Suguru Shirahase, past directors, legal counsel, and even STARTO ENTERTAINMENT are named as defendants. I strongly hope that through the lawsuit, the truth that has been hidden will be brought to light and social justice will be realized. Are they prepared to face Smile sincerely instead of further cornering the victims? What is being questioned now is their attitude. [Johnny's sexual assault issue, Smile-Up sues four people over compensation; former Jr. says "Why sue people who speak out?": Tokyo Shimbun Digital] In the case of sexual assault by the late Johnny Kitagawa, founder of the former Johnny's Entertainment (SMILE-UP.), Smile Inc. filed a lawsuit in the Tokyo District Court in December last year, seeking confirmation that it has no obligation to pay damages against four former Johnny's Jr. men who claim to be victims. On the 6th, two of the four, Yukihiro Oshima (39) and Junya Tanaka (43), held a press conference in Tokyo and criticized the company for "preventing victims from speaking out." Arc Times has released the full press conference → An interview with Yukihiro Oshima → We will continue to fight for justice. want people all over the world to know about this extremely cruel incident.
1 day
まさに…取り上げて頂き感謝。 27分06頃〜ジミーサビル 27分46頃〜ジャニー喜多川 に触れております。是非。
2 days
RT @222Minette: イギリスで子どもの性被害の民事時効撤廃だって。 やればできるんだよ。日本も見習ってよ。
2 days
2 days
中々通じるかはかりませんが。 I am a victim of a mass child abuse case that has just come to light in Japan. I want people to know this cruel truth. It is unthinkable that the victims could be sued. (Former Johnny's issue) (Current Smile-Up Co.) Interview and writing] The response of Smile Up, President Noriyuki Higashiyama, and the Victim Relief Committee is far from uncovering the truth. On the contrary, the act of suing the four victims in this debt non-existence lawsuit is oppression using power and is unforgivable. "Why sue those who speak out?" President Higashiyama and others should face this earnest question of the victims head-on. There is no way that a method that is only called "relief" and actually tries to silence the victims can be accepted by society. Meanwhile, in the civil lawsuit in the United States, not only Smile Up, but also former President Julie Keiko Fujishima, former Vice President Suguru Shirahase, past directors, legal counsel, and even STARTO ENTERTAINMENT are named as defendants. I strongly hope that through the lawsuit, the truth that has been hidden will be brought to light and social justice will be realized. Are they prepared to face Smile sincerely instead of further cornering the victims? What is being questioned now is their attitude. [Johnny's sexual assault issue, Smile-Up sues four people over compensation; former Jr. says "Why sue people who speak out?": Tokyo Shimbun Digital] In the case of sexual assault by the late Johnny Kitagawa, founder of the former Johnny's Entertainment (SMILE-UP.), Smile Inc. filed a lawsuit in the Tokyo District Court in December last year, seeking confirmation that it has no obligation to pay damages against four former Johnny's Jr. men who claim to be victims. On the 6th, two of the four, Yukihiro Oshima (39) and Junya Tanaka (43), held a press conference in Tokyo and criticized the company for "preventing victims from speaking out." Arc Times has released the full press conference → An interview with Yukihiro Oshima → We will continue to fight for justice. want people all over the world to know about this extremely cruel incident.
2 days
#拡散希望 一連のSU社の対応を取り上げて頂きまして感謝申し上げます。 皆様引き続き何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。
2 days
RT @sora_yagi: ≪加害者側で被害者救済が使命であるスマイルアップが自社の救済に納得しなかったからと被害者を提訴≫ 🔷あきれた加害者企業。 海外でこの実態をぜひひろめていただきたい。 これの問題に介入しない政府と警察のことも。 @Mobeen_Azhar @megu
3 days
米国での訴訟につきまして 大きな誤解があるように思います。 補償額は米国の基準であり、 被害者達が補償額を提示したわけではない。 誹謗中傷は止めて頂きたい。 何度も注意喚起しております。 誹謗中傷は犯罪です。
3 days
RT @sakura32101: この弁護士さんの言葉が心強い。こうじゃなきゃいけないしこう言える人が日本にいない気がする。社会が変わってほしい。子供達が被害にあっているんだから。
3 days
多くの応援メッセージを頂きまして誠にありがとうございます。 皆様の一つ一つの声が力となっております。感謝。 非常に苦しく、辛い状況が続いておりますが決して諦める事なく前向いて皆様と共に乗り切りって参ります。 引き続き何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。