Mudar Adnan Zahran مضر عدنان زهران
امين سر ائتلاف المعارضة الاردنية Secretary General of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition
Joined August 2009
الأردن الجـــــديد لكــــــــل الأردنــــــيين... •حيث المواطنة هي الرتبة الأعلى فوق كل إسم أو منصب.. •والجميع سواسية، الشرق أردني والفلسطيني، المسلم والمسيحي واليهودي والملحد والشركسي والشياشاني.. جميعنا سواسية في الحقوق والتوظيف والتمثيل السياسي... •حيث السؤال عن الاصل أو الديانة في المؤسسات الحكومية أو الخاصة جريـــــــمة يعاقب عليها القانون... •والتحريض ضد الاصل أو الدين أو الجنس (الجندر) أو أصحاب الإحتياجات الخاصة جــــــــناية عقوبتها الســجن... #الأردن #الاردن #الاردن_الجديد #الاردن_لكل_الاردنيين
CAPTIONED: My interview with @i24NEWS_HE ⭕️ The Right of Return TO JORDAN: According to Jordanian Nationality Law, Gazans are legally classified as "born Jordanians," granting them the right to return to Jordan. ⭕️While unspoken publicly, the majority of Jordanians and Palestinians quietly support President Trump’s proposal to resettle Gazans in Jordan. ⭕️If border crossings opens tomorrow, not a single Gazan will remain in the Strip. ⭕️Lasting peace can only be achieved with a moderate Palestinian president governing Jordan, while Israel extends its administration over the West Bank—a prospect many Palestinians welcome. ⭕️The "King’s" response to President Trump’s plans: It’s important to remember that the Jordanian king remains in power only because of U.S. support. He has now become a burden on America, Israel, and Jordan itself. ⭕️There is no hope for stability without majority rule in Jordan. Documented evidence shows that both Jordanians and Palestinians seek dignity and coexistence, not conflict. ⭕️The "king" and his media are fueling protests against both Israel and the resettlement of Gazans in Jordan. However, out of 11 million Jordanians of Palestinian heritage, only about a thousand have turned out in these demonstrations. ⭕️The current situation in Jordan is increasingly precarious. The king has aligned himself with the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran, 5,000 members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Militias have entered Jordan using Iraqi passports. ⭕️ The Status Quo Myth: The October 7 terrorist massacres exposed the dangerous fallacy of maintaining the status quo—an approach championed only by the uninformed.
المقابلة كاملة…. ⭕️علي بابا "ملك" الأردن في الحكم فقط لان أمريكا وضعته على الكرسي…وقد اصبح عبئا على امريكا واسرائيل والأردنيين… ⭕️لا سلام ولا مستقبل في المنطقة دون حكم الأغلبية للأردن…والشعب الأردني والفلسطيني يريد ان يعيش بكرامة ولا يسعى للحرب… ⭕️الملك وإعلامه يحرضان على المظاهرات ضد دخول الغزيين إلى الأردن وضد اسرائيل، فقط الف أردني يشاركون في المظاهرات من ١١ مليونا…. ⭕️استمرار الوضع القائم في الأردن خطير جدا …"الملك" متحالف مع الإخوان المسلمين وايران…وخمسة آلاف عنصر حرس ثوري وحشد شعبي دخلوا البلاد بجوازات عراقية… ⭕️
اغلب الأردنيين والفلسطنيين يدعمون سرا قرار الرئيس ترمب لإسكان شعب غزة في الأردن… ⭕️لو فتحت المعابر فلن يتبقى غزي واحد في الجحيم الذي خلفته الحرب… ⭕️عودة الغزيين إلى الأردن هو حق يكفله قانون الجنسية الأردني الذي يصنّفهم أنهم "ولدوا اردنيين"… ⭕️لن يتحقق السلام إلا برئيس فلسطيني معتدل يحكم الأردن…ويجب بسط الإدارة الإسرائيلية على الضفة الغربية، وهو امر يرحب به الفلسطينيون انفسهم… ⭕️مجازر سبعة اكتوبر الأرهابية اثبتت ان فلسفة "إبقاء الوضع على ما هو عليه" إنما يروج لها الجهلة والمرتشون من "ملك" الأردن… من مقابلتنا مع @i24NEWS_HE
اغلب الأردنيين والفلسطنيين يدعمون سرا قرار الرئيس ترمب لإسكان شعب غزة في الأردن… ⭕️لو فتحت المعابر فلن يتبقى غزي واحد في الجحيم الذي خلفته الحرب… ⭕️عودة الغزيين إلى الأردن هو حق يكفله قانون الجنسية الأردني الذي يصنّفهم أنهم "ولدوا اردنيين"… ⭕️لن يتحقق السلام إلا برئيس فلسطيني معتدل يحكم الأردن…ويجب بسط الإدارة الإسرائيلية على الضفة الغربية، وهو امر يرحب به الفلسطينيون انفسهم… ⭕️مجازر سبعة اكتوبر الأرهابية اثبتت ان فلسفة "إبقاء الوضع على ما هو عليه" إنما يروج لها الجهلة والمرتشون من "ملك" الأردن… من مقابلتنا مع @i24NEWS_HE
RT @Mudar_Zahran: Our wonderful JORDAN IS PALESTINIAN IN SPIRIT AND IDENTITY. Rabbi Pinchas Taylor reviews my presentation of the facts. @P…
RT @Mudar_Zahran: الحاخام الأمريكي بنخاس تيلور يستعرض طرحنا للحقيقة: الأردن العظيم فلسطيني الهوى والهوية #شعب_واحد_مش_شعبين…
Our wonderful JORDAN IS PALESTINIAN IN SPIRIT AND IDENTITY. Rabbi Pinchas Taylor reviews my presentation of the facts. @PinchasTaylor Jordanian Says What NO ONE Dares to say about Palestinians via @YouTube
قانون الجنسية الأردني يُدَعِم مطالبة الرئيس ترمب بفتح ابواب الاردن لكل فلسطيني… كل فلسطيني هو أردني أصيل من حقه العودة إلى وطنه شرق الاردن كما يشاء حسب قانون الجنسية الأردنية رقم (6) لسنة 1954: "يعتبر أردني الجنسية كل من كان يحمل الجنسية الفلسطينية قبل تاريخ 15-5-1948 ويقيم عادة في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية خلال المدة الواقعة ما بين 20-12-1949 لغاية 16-2-1954" ⭕️وعليه فإن إنكار النظام الهاشمي لمطالبة الرئيس ترمب هو مخالف للقانون الدولي الذي يمنع الدول من تحويل أي مواطن إلى "بلا جنسية" أو إنكار حقه في دخول بلده... ⭕️مملكة الهاشميين تحتل 78 بالمائة من مساحة فلسطين الانتدابية البريطانية. وتم تنصيب الهامشيين عليها كحكم ذاتي فلسطيني حتى العام 1946 بقرار متفرد غير شرعي من قبل سلطات الانتداب البريطاني. ⭕️بالبطش وقوة السلاح، النظام الهاشمي صادر الجنسيات الفلسطينية (والتي كان يحملها العرب واليهود على حد سواء) في 1949. واجبر الفلسطينيين العرب على حمل الجواز الهاشمي. ⭕️النظام الهاشمي أعلن نفسه مملكة على كل أراضي فلسطين المخصصة للعرب حسب قرار التقسيم الصادرعن الأمم المتحدة، وشرعن ذلك بمؤتمر أريحا، وعليه فإن كل غزاوي اليوم كان يعتبره النظام الهاشمي "مقيما في أراض المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية" في المدة بين 1949 و1954. ⭕️أغلب سكان غزة هم من النازحين الذين جاءوا إلى غزة في الحربين 1948 و1967 قادمين من الأراضي الذي كان يسيطر عليها النظام الهاشمي "الأردني"، مما يعني أنهم مواطنون أردنيون كابرا عن كابر ولهم حق الرجوع والاستقرار في بلدهم الأردن. ⭕️مملكة الهاشميين وهم، لم يكن لها جواز سفر حتى العام 1949 حيث اعتمد سكانها على جواز السفر الفلسطيني الصادر عن سلطة الانتداب، ما عدا بعض المسؤولين الحكوميين الذي استخدموا جوازا أردنيا شرفيا حيث لم تعترف الأمم المتحدة بالأردن أساسا كدولة إلى في 1955. كما أن مملكة الهاشميين لم يكن لها عملة واعتمدت على الجنيه الفلسطيني حتى العام 1951. ⭕️لا خوف ديموغرافي على الأردن، فالأردنيون والفلسطينيون متجانسون بشكل كامل، فأغلبهم من أصول فلسطينية كما يشير تقريرالسفارة الامريكية في عمان للعام 2008 والذي سربته ويكليليكس بأن 30 بالمائة فقط من الفلسطينيين في الأردن مسجلون في وكالة الغوث، حيث بلغ عدد المسجلين في ذلك الوقت 2 مليون، مما يعني أن ال 100 بالمائة أو العدد الإجمالي هو 6.6 مليون أردني من أصل فلسطيني، يشكلون 97.3 بالمائة من 6,789,000 أردني سكان الأردن مجتمعين في العام 2008. فحتى العشائر الشرق نهرية أغلبها من أصول فلسطينية كالكرك، أغلبهم من الخليل، وبني صخر ذويي الأصول الغزاوية السيناوية. ⭕️المشكلة الوحيدة تتمثل في "القرد في المنتصف" أي الهاشميون الذي يقل عددهم عن 70 فردا، والذي وصفتهم السفارة الامريكية بأنهم "أسرة دخيلة غير أردنية تخشى الانقلاب عليها باستمرار".. وذلك في تقريرها في سنة 2007 مستقبلنا في السلام والازدهار عبر إعلان وحدة الأرض وتطابق المصير الأردني الفلسطيني الحاصلان منذ أكثر من مئة عام…والخطوة الأولى إخراج "غراب البين" الهامشي... #جمهورية_الأردن #الاردن_لكل_الاردنيين #الاردن_فلسطيني
Relevant to your recent tweets, we the people most concerned with the matter do largely support the President’s proposed solution @DavidM_Friedman
PRESIDENT TRUMP CALLING FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF PALESTINIAN REFUGEES IN JORDAN, JORDAN’S PALESTINIAN MAJORITY SEEMS TO LARGELY AGREE… HERE’S A SECRET CABLE BY THE US EMBASSY IN JORDAN: JORDANIANS OF PALESTINIAN ORIGIN ARE LARGELY UNCONCERNED WITH THE RIGHT OF RETURN. INSTEAD, THEY FAVOR A RESOLUTION THAT ENSURES THEIR COMPENSATION AS WELL AS GUARANTEES OF THEIR LEGAL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS IN JORDAN Source: ⭕️"A common theme that emerges from discussions with Palestinian-origin contacts and some government officials (although not necessarily East Bankers as a group) is a "grand bargain" whereby Palestinians give up their aspirations to return in exchange for integration into Jordan's political system." ⭕️"Jordanians of Palestinian origin (and many, but not all, of the East Bankers we speak to) assume that an end to the question of the right of return will lead to equal treatment and full political inclusion within Jordan." ⭕️"For their part, many Palestinian-origin Jordanians are less concerned with "prejudging" the right of return, and more concerned with fulfilling their roles as Jordanian citizens who are eligible for the full range of political and social rights guaranteed by law." ⭕️"For Jordanians of Palestinian origin, the right of return is either an empty (if cherished) slogan or a legitimate aspiration. For East Bankers, the right of return is often held up as the panacea which will recreate Jordan's bedouin or Hashemite identity. The issue is inextricably linked with governmental and societal discrimination toward the Palestinian-origin community", "We consider ourselves realists" says Bisher Khasawneh, (later become Jordan's Prime Minister) "The modalities won't allow for the right of return." Current NCB Director Nawaf Tal acknowledges that while Jordan "cannot be frank about the right of return," it has essentially dropped the concept of a "right" of return from its negotiating position. Officials now emphasize the right of Palestinians to choose whether or not to return, with the apparent assumption that many will not exercise that right. ⭕️" When it comes to thinking about the right of return, Palestinians in Jordan fall into roughly two camps. In the first are those who align themselves with the government approach, keeping up the rhetoric for the sake of appearances, but behind closed doors quickly abandoning return as a political and logistical impossibility. This group is more concerned about personal compensation (and doubts that Jordan would ever have the chutzpah to ask for "structural" compensation)." ⭕️"In the second camp are those who cling to the principle. For the most part, this latter view is probably most prevalent among refugee camp residents who hope to be plucked out of landless poverty by a peace agreement and the compensation that may come with it." ⭕️"In conversations with us, many Palestinian-origin Jordanians readily acknowledge that the right of return is merely a fantasy. "It's not practical," says political activist Jemal Refai. "I'm not going to ask Israel to commit suicide." Refai hypothesizes that government pressure, not genuine feeling, produces doctrinaire statements on the right of return among Jordanian Palestinians. He insists that the General Intelligence Department (GID) and the government foster an atmosphere in which anything other than a solid endorsement of the right of return is met with official scorn, and thinks that the debate would shift if this atmosphere was changed." ⭕️"East Bankers They hope for a solution that will validate their current control of Jordan's government and military, and allow for an expansion into the realm of business, which is currently dominated by Palestinians. In fact, many of our East Banker contacts do seem more excited about the return (read: departure) of Palestinian refugees than the Palestinians themselves." ⭕️"NGO activist Sa'eda Kilani predicts that even (or especially) after a final settlement is reached, Palestinians will choose to abandon a Palestinian state in favor of a more stable Jordan where the issue of political equality has been resolved. In other words, rather than seeing significant numbers return to a Palestinian homeland, Jordan will end up dealing with a net increase in its Palestinian population." ⭕️"The right of return in Jordan is inextricably linked with the problem of semi-official discrimination toward the Palestinian-origin community." ⭕️"Just because there is a logic to trading the right of return for political rights in Jordan does not mean that such a strategy is realistic, and it certainly will not be automatic. There are larger, regime-level questions that would have to be answered before Palestinian-origin Jordanians could be truly accepted and integrated into Jordanian society and government." ⭕️"Palestinian National Council Member Isa Al-Shuaibi reported to the Embassy "The concept of returning as a right which is guaranteed by UN resolutions and Arab solidarity will be difficult to change in the event of a comprehensive settlement. He posits that in the end, Palestinians who hold orthodox positions on the right of return are the same people who are unlikely to accept any peace agreement, no matter how generous. He thus sees little need to prepare the ground for a shift in tactics, as "reasonable" Palestinians have already recognized that that abandoning this particular demand is inevitable."
PRESIDENT TRUMP CALLING FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF PALESTINIAN REFUGEES IN JORDAN, JORDAN’S PALESTINIAN MAJORITY SEEMS TO LARGELY AGREE… HERE’S A SECRET CABLE BY THE US EMBASSY IN JORDAN: JORDANIANS OF PALESTINIAN ORIGIN ARE LARGELY UNCONCERNED WITH THE RIGHT OF RETURN. INSTEAD, THEY FAVOR A RESOLUTION THAT ENSURES THEIR COMPENSATION AS WELL AS GUARANTEES OF THEIR LEGAL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS IN JORDAN Source: ⭕️"A common theme that emerges from discussions with Palestinian-origin contacts and some government officials (although not necessarily East Bankers as a group) is a "grand bargain" whereby Palestinians give up their aspirations to return in exchange for integration into Jordan's political system." ⭕️"Jordanians of Palestinian origin (and many, but not all, of the East Bankers we speak to) assume that an end to the question of the right of return will lead to equal treatment and full political inclusion within Jordan." ⭕️"For their part, many Palestinian-origin Jordanians are less concerned with "prejudging" the right of return, and more concerned with fulfilling their roles as Jordanian citizens who are eligible for the full range of political and social rights guaranteed by law." ⭕️"For Jordanians of Palestinian origin, the right of return is either an empty (if cherished) slogan or a legitimate aspiration. For East Bankers, the right of return is often held up as the panacea which will recreate Jordan's bedouin or Hashemite identity. The issue is inextricably linked with governmental and societal discrimination toward the Palestinian-origin community", "We consider ourselves realists" says Bisher Khasawneh, (later become Jordan's Prime Minister) "The modalities won't allow for the right of return." Current NCB Director Nawaf Tal acknowledges that while Jordan "cannot be frank about the right of return," it has essentially dropped the concept of a "right" of return from its negotiating position. Officials now emphasize the right of Palestinians to choose whether or not to return, with the apparent assumption that many will not exercise that right. ⭕️" When it comes to thinking about the right of return, Palestinians in Jordan fall into roughly two camps. In the first are those who align themselves with the government approach, keeping up the rhetoric for the sake of appearances, but behind closed doors quickly abandoning return as a political and logistical impossibility. This group is more concerned about personal compensation (and doubts that Jordan would ever have the chutzpah to ask for "structural" compensation)." ⭕️"In the second camp are those who cling to the principle. For the most part, this latter view is probably most prevalent among refugee camp residents who hope to be plucked out of landless poverty by a peace agreement and the compensation that may come with it." ⭕️"In conversations with us, many Palestinian-origin Jordanians readily acknowledge that the right of return is merely a fantasy. "It's not practical," says political activist Jemal Refai. "I'm not going to ask Israel to commit suicide." Refai hypothesizes that government pressure, not genuine feeling, produces doctrinaire statements on the right of return among Jordanian Palestinians. He insists that the General Intelligence Department (GID) and the government foster an atmosphere in which anything other than a solid endorsement of the right of return is met with official scorn, and thinks that the debate would shift if this atmosphere was changed." ⭕️"East Bankers They hope for a solution that will validate their current control of Jordan's government and military, and allow for an expansion into the realm of business, which is currently dominated by Palestinians. In fact, many of our East Banker contacts do seem more excited about the return (read: departure) of Palestinian refugees than the Palestinians themselves." ⭕️"NGO activist Sa'eda Kilani predicts that even (or especially) after a final settlement is reached, Palestinians will choose to abandon a Palestinian state in favor of a more stable Jordan where the issue of political equality has been resolved. In other words, rather than seeing significant numbers return to a Palestinian homeland, Jordan will end up dealing with a net increase in its Palestinian population." ⭕️"The right of return in Jordan is inextricably linked with the problem of semi-official discrimination toward the Palestinian-origin community." ⭕️"Just because there is a logic to trading the right of return for political rights in Jordan does not mean that such a strategy is realistic, and it certainly will not be automatic. There are larger, regime-level questions that would have to be answered before Palestinian-origin Jordanians could be truly accepted and integrated into Jordanian society and government." ⭕️"Palestinian National Council Member Isa Al-Shuaibi reported to the Embassy "The concept of returning as a right which is guaranteed by UN resolutions and Arab solidarity will be difficult to change in the event of a comprehensive settlement. He posits that in the end, Palestinians who hold orthodox positions on the right of return are the same people who are unlikely to accept any peace agreement, no matter how generous. He thus sees little need to prepare the ground for a shift in tactics, as "reasonable" Palestinians have already recognized that that abandoning this particular demand is inevitable."
PRESIDENT TRUMP CALLING FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF PALESTINIAN REFUGEES IN JORDAN, JORDAN’S PALESTINIAN MAJORITY SEEMS TO LARGELY AGREE… HERE’S A SECRET CABLE BY THE US EMBASSY IN JORDAN: JORDANIANS OF PALESTINIAN ORIGIN ARE LARGELY UNCONCERNED WITH THE RIGHT OF RETURN. INSTEAD, THEY FAVOR A RESOLUTION THAT ENSURES THEIR COMPENSATION AS WELL AS GUARANTEES OF THEIR LEGAL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS IN JORDAN Source: ⭕️"A common theme that emerges from discussions with Palestinian-origin contacts and some government officials (although not necessarily East Bankers as a group) is a "grand bargain" whereby Palestinians give up their aspirations to return in exchange for integration into Jordan's political system." ⭕️"Jordanians of Palestinian origin (and many, but not all, of the East Bankers we speak to) assume that an end to the question of the right of return will lead to equal treatment and full political inclusion within Jordan." ⭕️"For their part, many Palestinian-origin Jordanians are less concerned with "prejudging" the right of return, and more concerned with fulfilling their roles as Jordanian citizens who are eligible for the full range of political and social rights guaranteed by law." ⭕️"For Jordanians of Palestinian origin, the right of return is either an empty (if cherished) slogan or a legitimate aspiration. For East Bankers, the right of return is often held up as the panacea which will recreate Jordan's bedouin or Hashemite identity. The issue is inextricably linked with governmental and societal discrimination toward the Palestinian-origin community", "We consider ourselves realists" says Bisher Khasawneh, (later become Jordan's Prime Minister) "The modalities won't allow for the right of return." Current NCB Director Nawaf Tal acknowledges that while Jordan "cannot be frank about the right of return," it has essentially dropped the concept of a "right" of return from its negotiating position. Officials now emphasize the right of Palestinians to choose whether or not to return, with the apparent assumption that many will not exercise that right. ⭕️" When it comes to thinking about the right of return, Palestinians in Jordan fall into roughly two camps. In the first are those who align themselves with the government approach, keeping up the rhetoric for the sake of appearances, but behind closed doors quickly abandoning return as a political and logistical impossibility. This group is more concerned about personal compensation (and doubts that Jordan would ever have the chutzpah to ask for "structural" compensation)." ⭕️"In the second camp are those who cling to the principle. For the most part, this latter view is probably most prevalent among refugee camp residents who hope to be plucked out of landless poverty by a peace agreement and the compensation that may come with it." ⭕️"In conversations with us, many Palestinian-origin Jordanians readily acknowledge that the right of return is merely a fantasy. "It's not practical," says political activist Jemal Refai. "I'm not going to ask Israel to commit suicide." Refai hypothesizes that government pressure, not genuine feeling, produces doctrinaire statements on the right of return among Jordanian Palestinians. He insists that the General Intelligence Department (GID) and the government foster an atmosphere in which anything other than a solid endorsement of the right of return is met with official scorn, and thinks that the debate would shift if this atmosphere was changed." ⭕️"East Bankers They hope for a solution that will validate their current control of Jordan's government and military, and allow for an expansion into the realm of business, which is currently dominated by Palestinians. In fact, many of our East Banker contacts do seem more excited about the return (read: departure) of Palestinian refugees than the Palestinians themselves." ⭕️"NGO activist Sa'eda Kilani predicts that even (or especially) after a final settlement is reached, Palestinians will choose to abandon a Palestinian state in favor of a more stable Jordan where the issue of political equality has been resolved. In other words, rather than seeing significant numbers return to a Palestinian homeland, Jordan will end up dealing with a net increase in its Palestinian population." ⭕️"The right of return in Jordan is inextricably linked with the problem of semi-official discrimination toward the Palestinian-origin community." ⭕️"Just because there is a logic to trading the right of return for political rights in Jordan does not mean that such a strategy is realistic, and it certainly will not be automatic. There are larger, regime-level questions that would have to be answered before Palestinian-origin Jordanians could be truly accepted and integrated into Jordanian society and government." ⭕️"Palestinian National Council Member Isa Al-Shuaibi reported to the Embassy "The concept of returning as a right which is guaranteed by UN resolutions and Arab solidarity will be difficult to change in the event of a comprehensive settlement. He posits that in the end, Palestinians who hold orthodox positions on the right of return are the same people who are unlikely to accept any peace agreement, no matter how generous. He thus sees little need to prepare the ground for a shift in tactics, as "reasonable" Palestinians have already recognized that that abandoning this particular demand is inevitable."