I turn visionaries' inner blocks into market leadership without sacrificing what matters most | Mind-to-Market Strategist | Husband, Father, Rosary Wielder
Like it or not, you're always broadcasting your brand
It's like an invisible aura around you
But self-doubt creates a Shadowbrand that locks you out of opportunities to grow your business... and your self
Unworthiness seeps through—And 'fake it til you make it' only makes it
I lost my pal last night.
All dogs are special.
But my Tilly… everyone who met her said she was one of a kind.
She was a light in our family’s world, and the world is a bit darker today.
“The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven not man's” ~ Mark Twain
Rest in
I just realized I don't like audiobooks.
I often have to rewind to hear what I missed because my mind wandered.
But reading, on the other hand, keeps my mind engaged and firing.
What about you?
The Hero's Journey causes a trance that suspends disbelief.
Mary Sues cause "uncanny valley", trigger conscious firewalls, and cancel your trance.
It's the worst thing you could do for your story.
But that's what happens when writers are *too smart* for the Hero's Journey.
🚫 "You should share your goals publicly"
When you talk about your goal, your brain thinks you took a step toward completing it.
You get a shot of dopamine—for doing *nothing*.
And studies show this makes follow-through less likely.
That’s not all
Mental masturbation:
The process of raising dopamine in the brain by telling people your goals, plans, and how you want to change but never actually doing anything about it.
This is my son.
Like many young men his age, he struggled after high school with questions of, "what do I want to do with my life?"
Last summer, he started studying high-ticket sales, from zero.
Today, he takes a victory lap.
Proud dad is proud.
C’mon Tucker— this approach here just causes Zeigarnk effect manipulation on the masses: An open loop is created in the mind that keeps it hanging on to be closed.
If you cared about sparing the psyche, you’d say nothing at all… you wouldn’t dangle the carrot.
Me at 42:
• On meds for migraines and anxiety
• Angry introvert w/ imposter syndrome
• Skinny-fat dad
Me at 48:
• What's a med?
• Peaceful hypnotist and author of 2 books
• Strong & jacked soon-to-be-grandpa
6 years can change everything.
Don't give up... keep going!
This thread is going to change the way you think about your memories forever.
As a hypnotist, I'm often asked "Can I just erase a painful memory from my brain?"
Here's my answer... 🧵
My dad died 13 years ago on this day
He was a hard man, a old school Irish giant
And our relationship was complex
He was a high school dropout, a marine, and cop
But he had a genius level intellect that would be all too easy to underestimate based on his history
He was also
Milestone! 🎉
100+ followers.
Humble beginnings, for sure.
But isn't that how every origin story begins?
Gratitude to each and every one of you for following!
Let's gooo!
6 years ago, I was rushed to the emergency room.
My mind cracked open, and I thought for sure I was going to die.
But it was the best thing that ever happened to me.
Here are 3 lessons I learned from the darkest day of my life... 🧵 👇
I used to think everybody changes.
Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change.
And when you're younger, it adapts automatically.
But by around age 25, the only adaptive neuroplasticity that happens is self-directed.
So in order to change, you must be open to changing.
It’s kind of spooky. . .
Experiments in quantum physics show that reality responds to and changes with your observation of it.
If true, then it makes sense to place your attention on what you want.
Not on what you don’t want.
My least favorite content is the kind that mocks newbies.
We get it, you're savvy and they're not
Why not spark curiosity by applauding their courage to enter the arena?
Real success occurs when mentors pass the torch to apprentices.
Not when they let it burn to the ground.
Most people exercise so they can:
• Get fit
• Look jacked
• Lose weight
But the main benefit is to flush out the stress chemicals that build-up in your body.
It's crucial because chronic stress causes EVERYTHING.
6 steps to stop procrastination and focus on today's work:
1. Put your phone in another room.
2. Write one task on a sticky note.
3. Set a timer for 25 minutes.
4. Work until the beep.
5. Take a break.
6. Do it again.
This thread is for anyone struggling to be more authentic.
I'm an IT manager turned consulting hypnotist.
Weird mix... two different worlds.
So how did I stop feeling like I was torn in two?
By confronting and integrating my Shadow... 🧵
Learning new skills is hard.
Use the Feynman Technique:
• Choose a skill.
• While learning, pretend (out loud) to teach it to a young child.
• As you simplify the language, your mind connects to other areas of knowledge.
• Reflect on any gaps.
• Rinse & repeat
90% of productivity is really just:
• Set your intended outcome
• Break it down into small tasks
• Focus on doing one task at a time
The simple stuff makes all the difference.
The craziest thing happened when I started writing on Twitter...
People who don't engage with my content
• Send me a DM
• Book a matchmaking call
• Enroll in mentorship with me
Engagement is cool.
But helping people evolve is life-changing.
Keep writing.
Oh my.
“The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.”
How to succeed as an introverted solopreneur:
Those who fail:
• Go it alone
• Focus on outcomes
• Get frustrated and give up
Those who win:
• Find a mentor
• Learn the process
• Follow the process
You can't control outcomes.
You can only control the process.
Do you want to destroy a nation without firing a shot?
That's easy. Just remove fathers.
Here are some sobering statistics:
In the US, over 7 million fathers are absent from their children's lives.
Children raised in fatherless homes:
• 63% of youth suicides are from
The ancient masters knew the secret to high performance.
• Your performance is controlled by your state.
• Your state is controlled by your physiology.
• Your physiology is controlled by your breathing.
Breathing controls everything.
Most people are bad at selling.
It's because they try to impose their will on another human being.
That's not persuasion... it's dumb force.
Sales becomes easy when you respect human autonomy.
Your offer aligns with their values, needs, and wants.
It's automatic.
Today’s my 50th birthday
It’s one of those milestones where you contemplate everything you’ve done in life up to this point
And I can say the thing I’m most proud of is this:
Having raised my kids to become successful, wise, and just plain good human beings
I plan to be
My friend has anxiety.
I suggested hypnosis.
He said, "hypnosis isn't real– it's all your head."
Reality is a construct of your mind.
It's shaped by your thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions.
So, yeah... it's all in your head.
You just don't know how big your head is.
Don't fool yourself.
AI is going to do to writing what the calculator did to math.
The more you use it, the more it stunts the growth of your unique voice.
If you haven't found your voice yet, you need to do it the hard way.
Write without AI.
How to say horrible things without upsetting people:
A surgeon makes an INCISION with a SCALPEL.
He doesn't CUT you with a KNIFE.
Same outcome, but you can feel the psychological difference, can you not?
Clinical language vs. hot words.
(See also: politicians & media)
4 lies most people believe about motivation…
And what you can do to make your 2023 goals sabotage-proof.
(Read this before you decide to build in public) 🧵
deathbed regret is not:
• I wish I worked longer hours
• I wish I held more grudges
• I wish I owned more stuff
It's this...
• I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
Good thing--it's not too late for you.
It's time to set the record straight on affirmations.
I'm a hypnotist who persuades the unconscious mind to create deep change in clients.
So much of what I see about affirmations is 💩
Throw your copy of The Secret away.
Here's what works... 👇🏼
Unpopular opinion:
Anger is useful and powerful.
• Be decisive
• Speak your mind
• Defend your boundaries
• Make your mark in the world
• Use it as a catalyst for change
But if suppressed, it twists itself into a monster.
Accept anger so you can uncover how to harness it.
The wisest mentor I ever had told me...
Mentorship is not top-down.
In fact, there are 3 levels to it:
1/ Those below you
2/ Those at your level
3/ Those above you
You help and inspire the 1st.
You grow alongside the 2nd
You are helped and inspired by the 3rd.
Do all 3.
The human generalist is about to make a comeback.
The one who…
• Practices several disciplines
• Understands man and machine
• Goes deep in a handful of skills
AI is a better specialist than you ever will be, dear human.
Create a tapestry of value.
Don’t compete.
Milestone: 2000+ followers 🍻
Since starting last October, I …
🌀 Made friends
🌀 Gained clients
🌀 Built and sold a course
🌀 Gave a hypnotic lecture to a group in the high-ticket sales space
Where your attention goes, energy flows… and that thing grows.
Thank you friends🙏
Most introverts would rather die than give a speech.
This fear is a locked gate between you and your goals.
I’m a hypnotist, an introvert, and I just ministered at my daughter's wedding last week.
Let's dive in... 🧵
Sitting at a coffee shop.
A woman scolds a young man for standing on his skateboard “you can’t do that…”
It made me think about how people’s minds are bound by invisible, unwritten rules.
The unwritten rules are more powerful than the written ones.
Knowing this frees you.
Any disappointment you have about who you ARE
Is because you remember who you WERE.
Who could you be if you woke up tomorrow and didn't remember who you were today?
Every single day you participate in your own re-creation.
The connection between humans and dogs goes back more than 15,000 years.
The average lifespan of...
•Humans = 73 years
•Dogs = 11.5 years
Last week, I said goodbye to my 6 year old Rottweiler,Tilly.
Here are 8 unforgettable lessons she taught me: 👇
New coaches are often uncoachable.
It's a strange irony.
Because they want to be viewed as the expert.
Their shiny cup is full of tools, techniques, and ideas.
But you can only go as deep with your clients as you are willing to go with yourself.
Empty the cup.
Most people give up on their business too soon.
It's because cause and effect are separated by time.
They don't become an overnight success, so they believe they failed.
And the dreamcrushers they surround themselves with nod in agreement.
Impatience looks a lot like failure.
One of my favorite pattern-interrupts:
If a friend accuses themself w/negative self talk…
I raise my voice, give an intense gaze, and say 🤨:
“Don’t you dare talk about MY FRIEND that way!”
Then I flip my expression to a cheeky smile. 😀
It’s powerful because it
• Halts
I'm not a salesperson.
But I sell 4 and 5 figure mentoring packages.
It's because I give a shit about my clients' results– and they feel this.
People remember 10% of what you said.
But they remember 100% of how you made them feel.
Being human is a sales hack.
Who knew?
The US is the only nation where the founding philosophy is that your rights are not given to you by the state.
They’re inalienable.
It might surprise some folks to hear that the constitution was written to bind the government.
Not the people.
54 days ago I had 12 followers.
Today I'm at 700+! 🙏
I'm like you. . . I live a busy life.
And since I don't have time to be on Twitter all day, I've had to figure out how it all fits.
I'm still learning, but here's what I've learned so far... 🧵
You don’t need a coach.
“But you’re a coach!”
And I’m telling you, no coach worth their salt will work with you unless you’ve…
• Read
• Experienced
• Experimented
• Learned from failure
Invest in yourself first.
Be coachable.
Only then should you hire a coach.
Most introverts suck at managing distractions.
I wrote a book about productivity & mindset for remote workers in 2020.
Here are my 8 favorite techniques to 8x your attention so you can:
• Focus on what matters
• Detoxify your mind
• Chill
Let's go... 🧵
My wife woke up mad.
"Good morning, sunshine!" I said.
"Bad dream. Give me a sec," she replied.
In dreams, your unconscious mind simulates reality,
And it doesn't differentiate between real or imagined.
It just feels real.
Makes you wonder...
Is God dreaming you and me?
The magic of JUST:
"My course is $750"
"My course is JUST $750"
Why this works: because JUST is a hypnotic language softener.
It shrinks the ask. Implying "There's nothing to resist. No difficulty at all."
It's JUST that easy.
Someone asked in DMs, "do you believe in Law of Attraction?"
Yes, but not a magic wand for manifesting lambos.
It's about
• Self-discovery
• Aligning your emotions, thoughts, and actions
• Becoming the kind of person who attracts more of what you want
Like attracts like.
You are what you read.
Because you are total of your thoughts and experiences.
(Many of which come to you through reading.)
No matter what you read, it changes you.
What book pops into mind after reading this?
No one is 100% confident all the time.
Confidence isn't a flat line.
It's a wave.
Like any skill, the more you practice it, the better you get at riding the wave.
Surf’s up!
Most people don't use Twitter.
They get used by Twitter.
The key is to set your intention.
Without it, you:
• Doomscroll
• Tweet randomly
• React emotionally
With it, you:
• Use lists
• Schedule Tweets
• Engage meaningfully
Intention focuses your attention.
Set stupid-short deadlines.
Parkinson's Law:
"Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion."
Why does this work?
It directs the unconscious mind to come in clutch and find creative ways to get it done.
People love to think about problems.
But when you keep staring at a problem, all you see is the problem.
Want to solve it?
Start thinking about the OUTCOME you want.
We had our kids young.
Didn't have a lot of help—it was all on the job training.
One day, our daughter smeared spaghetti handprints on the kitchen wall—again!
Frustrated and angry, I scrubbed the stain off the wall.
My kids are grown now.
I miss those little handprints.
You life is the Hero's Journey—
Expect to
•Be tested often
•Meet allies who can help you
•Be harassed by your enemies
But then, it wouldn’t be an epic story if it wasn’t so, would it?
"You can't have a job, a thriving business, and a healthy personal life."
Every day, you spend:
• 2 hrs 27 mins consuming social media
• 4.5 hrs consuming streamed content
• Zero time creating
Your life is consumed by what you've been consuming.
Create more.
90% of the people on Twitter don't:
• Comment
• Engage
• Retweet
You can use this to your advantage.
Because when *you* engage on someone's stuff,
You draw their attention.
Attention ➡️ Energy
Want to grow your account? 🌱
Be a ten-percenter.
Look up from your phone.
Just long enough to notice everyone else looking down at theirs.
Now take a long breath in through your nose.
Follow that breath down into your lungs.
Now exhale, feeling refreshed.
The phone hypnotizes. . . the breath de-hypnotizes.
Something strange I read about quantum physics.
Energetic particles that have been in contact with each other remember and affect one another– even at a distances.
This is called quantum entanglement.
My takeaway:
Choose your energy entanglements wisely.
Stop following the business advice of singles if you're married w/ children.
You're setting yourself up for frustration and burnout.
Family life demands a way different business psychology & mindset.
Building your legacy is not a one-size-fits-all game.
Everybody talks about authenticity.
But until you...
• Stop shrinking
• Embrace your flaws
• Weaponize your weird
...you'll always feel like a fraud.
Want to stand out in a sea of copycats?
We're naturally drawn to the flawed hero.
Be that.
Most people choose unhappiness over uncertainty.
They prefer to stick with the familiar rather than venture into the great unknown,
Even if it means risking a more fulfilling life
Your brain is wired for, “KNOWN = GOOD. UNKNOWN = BAD”.
Where does this show up in your life?
Confidence ≠ Cockiness
Deep confidence is:
• Down to earth
• Laid back
• Powerful
Confidence is a lion sleeping on a tree limb.
Not a twitchy, puffed-up peacock competing with 100 other twitchy, puffed-up peacocks.
Be a lion.
Aim for an unreasonable degree of confidence.
If you want a smart kid:
• Instill a love for reading
• Teach them how to play chess
• Cultivate curiosity by being outside in nature
• Build awe-inspiring Minecraft projects together
What else?
I used to struggle with what I want to do when I grow up.
I'm 49 years old, and guess what?
I still don't know.
But I no longer struggle— I'm doing what I want to do:
• Invest in skills
• Put them to work
• Watch the rewards roll in
Stop putting fake pressure on yourself.
Today is my son
's 22nd birthday.
In his honor, here's an epic list of wisdom I wish someone would've shared with me as a young man:
• Study the archetypes of King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover. Strive to be a better man.
• Drink water. Lots of it. You run on
Books are magical devices:
1. Have ideas
2. Package them into metaphors
3. Write symbols to represent those metaphors
Then you..
1. Read the symbols
2. Unpack their metaphors
3. Integrate them with your own ideas
If you don't see magic here, I got nothing for ya.
Don't confuse complexity with intelligence.
Anyone can make things more complex.
But a sign of intelligence is elegance.
Elegance is when you use the least amount of effort to get a good result.