TO2 w/
Challengers, Locals, Majors, and Leagues
LF2 and a Org to represent
Looking at all Options
RTs 🔁 and Vouches Appreciated 🫂
TO3 w/
Challengers, Locals, Majors, and Leagues
LF1 and an Org to represent
Looking at all Options
RTs 🔁 and Vouches Appreciated 🫂
are a To4 for the ‘24 Challengers season
Looking for a org to represent aswell as a coach / vod recorder
We are determined to win locals and attend majors with the grind and passion your org needs
Rts and vouches appr 😈
Placed 3rd 🥉at the FoCo lan. Ggs to everyone we played only lost two series the whole event but Atleast I got to see bro again
that boy
is cracked
To3 w/
and noname for
challengers season looking to go to lans and online leagues lf1 sub player who’s is cracked lmk ready to grind and go to a kickoff lan