![ETHPanda Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1785268294800519168/FXF2oowM_x96.jpg)
ETHPanda, a group of Ethereum builders dedicated to facilitating Chinese-speaking network to deliver support for Ethereum. Telegram: https://t.co/yPTc6Nhl5P
Joined March 2024
目前以太坊社区正在进行一个以太坊品牌设计的比赛,由 @jillrgunter 发起。目前已经获得了 23 个提交。欢迎对此感兴趣的设计师提交作品,让以太坊品牌变得更加美观!
the eth community has now submitted 23 entries in @jillrgunter's contest to design ethereum's brand particularly impressed by @MartinEgrt, who entered full gifs and brand kits oh and: more sponsors with prize money to be announced soon
恭喜 @TheDevanshMehta 加入以太坊基金会并担任 AI x Public Goods/Governance 负责人。 他的主要工作是更深入地融入 AI/ML 社区,帮助以太坊生态中的 dApp 开发者,并为 AI Agents 创新应用案例。原文中提到了更详细的工作方向和范围。 欢迎在以太坊生态中参与 AI 相关创业的朋友联系!
.@arbitrum & @gitcoin have been my home for the past 2 years, providing sustenance, purpose & a stage to show my value i'll now cultivate a different relation with the ethereum community, as AI x Public Goods/Governance lead at @ethereumfndn ! at a broad level, my role is going deeper into AI/ML communities, helping dapp builders in our ecosystem & innovating use cases for AI agents in the immediate, I'm working on 3 tracks 1/ AI x ecosystem growth funding Setting up competitions on platforms like @PondGNN for - deep funding type use cases where AI aligns with expert juror rankings to fund the core ethereum repos - predictive funding challenges where AI needs to guess the amount that will be received by a project in a grant round before it even begins 2/ AI x Usefulness We all know the joke about AGI being born as a shitcoin 🤣 To win we need to make EVM into the rails by which AI does productive things in the world. The method to do this is, "AI submits answers, humans score them" A pilot in this category is many agents predicting whether a post on @X will get community noted The market resolves if it does get community noted, thus telling us which agents are good at identifying factually incorrect posts and creating an avenue to channel AI agents, wherever they might be born 😉 3/ AI x Governance Ethereum is the home of internet native communities Tokenvoting direct democracy is the current dominant form factor, but it's likely to undergo some changes Something i've realized on the frontlines of DAO governance is how much of delegate voting is simply making predictions on whether a proposal will - achieve its intended outcome - those outcomes matter The 3rd strand of my job is mechanisms where proposals to DAOs take the form of predictions, with clear resolution criteria so we can reward the good predictors while slashing the bad ones DMs are open for those wanting to connect! We're going to get tired of winning 💪
来自 @ethereum R&D 的 @rudolf6_ 分享了用于组织和协调 L2 互操作性工作的 GitHub 文档仓库 并明确今年上半年重点目标是希望可以快速迭代和推出高速、无需信任的跨链真实解决方案。
A new home to organize Ethereum-wide L2 interop work: Goal is to iterate quickly + ship real solutions for fast, trustless cross-chain sends in the 1st half of 2025. Urgency and momentum 🔑 Thanks to @DeFi_Wonderland team for jumping in to push this forward, and to all who have been active in the discussions so far 🙏 Lots more to do. DMs open 🫡
RT @EIPFun: New EIP: EIP-7877 introduces a series of new return opcodes that let smart contracts return data directly from storage or the…
每周一下午2点,联合 ETHPanda 带来以太坊中文周会! 本周的会议主要内容包括:区块链快讯、以太坊新试验代币标准 ERC-404:图币结合新探索,存在哪些风险、Justin Drake 再谈以太坊 ultra sound money 叙事、Paradigm 谈加速以太坊核心协议开发、 Offchain Labs:正在与多个团队合作构建通用意图引擎、Fabric - Fabric to Accelerate Based Rollup Infrastructure & Connectivity、会议总结:Native Rollup 如何解决以太坊当前扩展性与去中心化难题,等等。 更多精彩内容请参加下午的分享。
RT @BTW0205: Vitalik Buterin的内心独白:价值观冲突与价格压力的夹缝中种寻求产品和市场匹配的最佳路线—— . @VitalikButerin 今天这段发自内心的声音我很认可,公开支持一下,虽然我知道广泛的声音都是质押和嘲讽,而且正逢今天 $ETH…
你是否因为以太坊协议庞大且复杂而学习时感到无从下手?@brucexu_eth 在社区分享了他的想法和解决思路,即通过由浅入深的探索 10 个以太坊相关问题,快速了解协议层的知识,激发大家的兴趣进行下一步深入探索。欢迎感兴趣的朋友参与讨论:
欢迎参加 @EthereumDenver 的朋友关注!一起探索和构建用于真实世界需求的 dApps!
Let's build dApps for real-world use cases: permanent crypto hubs and Zuzalu nodes! We're excited to announce the No Cap, all dApps Hackathon hosted during the upcoming Ethereum gathering @EthereumDenver. Join fantastic tech partners soon to be announced, and existing & emerging permanent projects including: 4Seas (Thailand) 🇹🇭 @4seasDeSoc Ârc Austin (USA) 🇺🇸 ârc .com Crecimiento (Argentina) 🇦🇷 @crecimientoar Edge Esmeralda (USA) 🇺🇸 @JoinEdgeCity Infinita (Honduras) 🇭🇳 @InfinitaCity Zanzalu (Zanzibar) 🇹🇿 @_zanzalu Zuitzerland (Switzerland) 🇨🇭 @zuitzerland Zu-Grāma (India) 🇮🇳 @ZuGramaIndia RSVP to stay in the loop ⏬️